CNN Demands WH Declare 'Media Not The Enemy' Despite Proven Lies / Biased Attacks

CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acostaā€™s self-described ā€œrantā€ went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should ā€œmake some bumper sticksā€ and ā€œbuttonsā€ to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. Thatā€™s amusing since thatā€™s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ā€˜Bumper Sticks,ā€™ ā€˜Buttonsā€™ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?
what negative things?? negative in YOUR/libs/the people who didn't vote for him minds
it's only ''negative'' because you don't like him
...border security = POSITIVE!! how anyone can ague against that is crazy/hateful/hate filled
...freeze federal hiring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = positive--should've been done YEARS ago--we are in monstrous debt, in case you haven't heard ...this alone, is worth it
..telling the jackass NFLers the truth = positive
America first= denying that
withdrawal from the Paris Agreement = positive
...getting rid of Obamacrapcare where people were TAXED if they didn't get healthcare = positive....those bastards/Obama--we have too much taxation as it is, then they fine/tax/penalize people for not having healthcare
etc etc
What negative things?

Where have you been for the last 18 months?

The question isn't where we have been for the last 18 months, lol. The question rather is where your side is going to end up BEFORE the midterms, hehehehehehehehehe!
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acostaā€™s self-described ā€œrantā€ went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should ā€œmake some bumper sticksā€ and ā€œbuttonsā€ to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. Thatā€™s amusing since thatā€™s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ā€˜Bumper Sticks,ā€™ ā€˜Buttonsā€™ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?
what negative things?? negative in YOUR/libs/the people who didn't vote for him minds
it's only ''negative'' because you don't like him
...border security = POSITIVE!! how anyone can ague against that is crazy/hateful/hate filled
...freeze federal hiring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = positive--should've been done YEARS ago--we are in monstrous debt, in case you haven't heard ...this alone, is worth it
..telling the jackass NFLers the truth = positive
America first= denying that
withdrawal from the Paris Agreement = positive
...getting rid of Obamacrapcare where people were TAXED if they didn't get healthcare = positive....those bastards/Obama--we have too much taxation as it is, then they fine/tax/penalize people for not having healthcare
etc etc
What negative things?

Where have you been for the last 18 months?

The question isn't where we have been for the last 18 months, lol. The question rather is where your side is going to end up BEFORE the midterms, hehehehehehehehehe!
No, that's not the question. You are confused.
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acostaā€™s self-described ā€œrantā€ went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should ā€œmake some bumper sticksā€ and ā€œbuttonsā€ to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. Thatā€™s amusing since thatā€™s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ā€˜Bumper Sticks,ā€™ ā€˜Buttonsā€™ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?

Hard questions are not the problem.....

Not reporting the facts is the problem....

Trump has exposed the left wing media for the FAKE NEWS IT IS......
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acostaā€™s self-described ā€œrantā€ went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should ā€œmake some bumper sticksā€ and ā€œbuttonsā€ to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. Thatā€™s amusing since thatā€™s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ā€˜Bumper Sticks,ā€™ ā€˜Buttonsā€™ to Protest Outside WH

CNN and MSNBC are enemies of the people. Just like all liberals.

Keep telling yourself that, words of Trump. Actually its Fox news and alt right wing radio crazies like Rush, Beck, Hannit, and Ingraham.

Sanders has lost my respect long ago, she sprouts the same lies as Trump.

You are clearly a non thinking Zealot...ā€¦

You respect and push FAKE NEWS....

No one in their right mind would agree with you....
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acostaā€™s self-described ā€œrantā€ went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should ā€œmake some bumper sticksā€ and ā€œbuttonsā€ to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. Thatā€™s amusing since thatā€™s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ā€˜Bumper Sticks,ā€™ ā€˜Buttonsā€™ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?
what negative things?? negative in YOUR/libs/the people who didn't vote for him minds
it's only ''negative'' because you don't like him
...border security = POSITIVE!! how anyone can ague against that is crazy/hateful/hate filled
...freeze federal hiring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = positive--should've been done YEARS ago--we are in monstrous debt, in case you haven't heard ...this alone, is worth it
..telling the jackass NFLers the truth = positive
America first= denying that
withdrawal from the Paris Agreement = positive
...getting rid of Obamacrapcare where people were TAXED if they didn't get healthcare = positive....those bastards/Obama--we have too much taxation as it is, then they fine/tax/penalize people for not having healthcare
etc etc
What negative things?

Where have you been for the last 18 months?
as usual---I ask for proof/state your facts/etc and you provide NOTHING
if there are so many negative things, I expect you could come up with even just ONE--but you didn't !!!!!!
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acostaā€™s self-described ā€œrantā€ went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should ā€œmake some bumper sticksā€ and ā€œbuttonsā€ to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. Thatā€™s amusing since thatā€™s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ā€˜Bumper Sticks,ā€™ ā€˜Buttonsā€™ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?
what negative things?? negative in YOUR/libs/the people who didn't vote for him minds
it's only ''negative'' because you don't like him
...border security = POSITIVE!! how anyone can ague against that is crazy/hateful/hate filled
...freeze federal hiring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = positive--should've been done YEARS ago--we are in monstrous debt, in case you haven't heard ...this alone, is worth it
..telling the jackass NFLers the truth = positive
America first= denying that
withdrawal from the Paris Agreement = positive
...getting rid of Obamacrapcare where people were TAXED if they didn't get healthcare = positive....those bastards/Obama--we have too much taxation as it is, then they fine/tax/penalize people for not having healthcare
etc etc
What negative things?

Where have you been for the last 18 months?

The question isn't where we have been for the last 18 months, lol. The question rather is where your side is going to end up BEFORE the midterms, hehehehehehehehehe!
No, that's not the question. You are confused.

Possibly, but the answer to that question is really all that matters, and I don't think it is going to end well for your side-)
The Media in America is very Thin Skinned. They can dish it out fine, but they can't take it.

President Trump has been attacked by the Media in every way possible, called a nazi, racist, you name it. The media made up all kinds of lies, refused to do any fact checking, instead just publishing anything vile that they can find about our President.

Yet, they can't take the least criticism when the President returns fire.

Acosta et al aren't in any danger of violence. President Trump is a peaceful man- in fact he's been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

All that is happening is that Acosta and CNN are being mocked and laughed at for their ridiculous Trump Derangement.

They hate being ridiculed.
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acostaā€™s self-described ā€œrantā€ went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should ā€œmake some bumper sticksā€ and ā€œbuttonsā€ to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. Thatā€™s amusing since thatā€™s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ā€˜Bumper Sticks,ā€™ ā€˜Buttonsā€™ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?
what negative things?? negative in YOUR/libs/the people who didn't vote for him minds
it's only ''negative'' because you don't like him
...border security = POSITIVE!! how anyone can ague against that is crazy/hateful/hate filled
...freeze federal hiring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = positive--should've been done YEARS ago--we are in monstrous debt, in case you haven't heard ...this alone, is worth it
..telling the jackass NFLers the truth = positive
America first= denying that
withdrawal from the Paris Agreement = positive
...getting rid of Obamacrapcare where people were TAXED if they didn't get healthcare = positive....those bastards/Obama--we have too much taxation as it is, then they fine/tax/penalize people for not having healthcare
etc etc
What negative things?

Where have you been for the last 18 months?

The question isn't where we have been for the last 18 months, lol. The question rather is where your side is going to end up BEFORE the midterms, hehehehehehehehehe!
No, that's not the question. You are confused.
again, protecting America's border is negative???!!!!!!?????
Lol, my opinion counts for 10X as much as any damn tRumpkin's ever could. Better get that through your head now kid.

Suggesting your opinion matters, because it's your opinion, based on your opinion, is something closer to what a child would attempt to argue ... :thup:

Donald is so delicate. Media acts like meanies and he had to declare them public enemy number one because his widdle feewings are hurt.

Trumps widdle feewings aren't hurt....

Trump is just pounding you libtards just like

he did the slut in your avatar...ā€¦
Donald is so delicate. Media acts like meanies and he had to declare them public enemy number one because his widdle feewings are hurt.

Trumps widdle feewings aren't hurt....

Trump is just pounding you libtards just like

he did the slut in your avatar...ā€¦

So he's having an incompetent spasm that can barely lift his lard ass and erupts on a hair trigger.
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acostaā€™s self-described ā€œrantā€ went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should ā€œmake some bumper sticksā€ and ā€œbuttonsā€ to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. Thatā€™s amusing since thatā€™s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ā€˜Bumper Sticks,ā€™ ā€˜Buttonsā€™ to Protest Outside WH



Saying that "the media is the enemy" is like saying "Trump and his supporters are the enemy." It represents the narrow, hyper-partisan and divisive mindset of a minority today.
CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.

Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.

Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.

CNN and all television broadcasters were blindsided at a Trump rally in June 2015.
Out of nowhere Trump pointed to the back of the room and declared that the press was unfair to him and not to trust them.
I was watching it live and it stunned me because the press had not even had the fucking time to publish anything negative about him before he launched his attack.
So, yeah, you have someone demean your profession to millions of people with no fucking proof and it can cause some friction.

There's not doubt the media hates Trump, but they have never been more vigilante about what they publish since Trump has assigned himself as their public editor.
What they do is publish articles and stories that they can verify, and avoid writing about things that might shed light on Trump.
The thing is, there's VERY LITTLE that Trump does that is positive, he's really that bad of a POTUS.
Saying that "the media is the enemy" is like saying "Trump and his supporters are the enemy." It represents the narrow, hyper-partisan and divisive mindset of a minority today.

Jim Acosta wasting time during a White House Press Briefing ...
Attempting to make Sarah Sanders say something completely unrelated to any legislation or policy issues ...
Is just a demonstration of how hyper-partisan garbage is about all some of the press is good for nowadays ... :thup:

So, yeah, you have someone demean your profession to millions of people with no fucking proof and it can cause some friction.
Most honest, reasonable people will admit that the media leans left, in both its opinions and its reporting. Some lefties in the media will admit it. I was in the business for about 18 years and I admit it.
The thing is, there's VERY LITTLE that Trump does that is positive, he's really that bad of a POTUS.
In your personal partisan opinion.
So everyone is the ENEMY OFTHE PEOPLE!!?

How in the world did you get from....

Aw, never mind.

Ok I'll break it down to you VERY simply:

The question IS NOT true or false reporting or Trump lying or not lying.

THE question is - who here is THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE?

Ok so therefore you agree with CNNā€™s objecting to Trumpā€™s rediculous rhetoric that they are the enemy of the people.
Yes, of course. Calm down a bit, slow down a bit, and read what I actually wrote: "Ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy".

You said that in context of equivalence to CNNā€™s reporting. But there is no equivalence - CNN did not declare Trump the enemy of the people or any such thing.
So, yeah, you have someone demean your profession to millions of people with no fucking proof and it can cause some friction.
Most honest, reasonable people will admit that the media leans left, in both its opinions and its reporting. Some lefties in the media will admit it. I was in the business for about 18 years and I admit it.

You mean like when 24 leading journalists attended a private dinner at John Podesta's house ...
To collude with Hillary Clinton's staff prior to announcing her 2016 run and to discuss media strategy ... :dunno:


How in the world did you get from....

Aw, never mind.

Ok I'll break it down to you VERY simply:

The question IS NOT true or false reporting or Trump lying or not lying.

THE question is - who here is THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE?

Ok so therefore you agree with CNNā€™s objecting to Trumpā€™s rediculous rhetoric that they are the enemy of the people.
Yes, of course. Calm down a bit, slow down a bit, and read what I actually wrote: "Ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy".

You said that in context of equivalence to CNNā€™s reporting. But there is no equivalence - CNN did not declare Trump the enemy of the people or any such thing.
Perceive as you wish.
So, yeah, you have someone demean your profession to millions of people with no fucking proof and it can cause some friction.
Most honest, reasonable people will admit that the media leans left, in both its opinions and its reporting. Some lefties in the media will admit it. I was in the business for about 18 years and I admit it.

You mean like when 24 leading journalists attended a private dinner at John Podesta's house ...
To collude with Hillary Clinton's staff prior to announcing her 2016 run and to discuss media strategy ... :dunno:


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