CNN Demands WH Declare 'Media Not The Enemy' Despite Proven Lies / Biased Attacks

CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acosta’s self-described “rant” went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should “make some bumper sticks” and “buttons” to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. That’s amusing since that’s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ‘Bumper Sticks,’ ‘Buttons’ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?

Hard questions are not the problem.....

Not reporting the facts is the problem....

Trump has exposed the left wing media for the FAKE NEWS IT IS......
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?

Hard questions are not the problem.....

Not reporting the facts is the problem....

Trump has exposed the left wing media for the FAKE NEWS IT IS......
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
That's a nice straw man kid, you build that yourself?
Hard questions are not the problem.....

Not reporting the facts is the problem....

Trump has exposed the left wing media for the FAKE NEWS IT IS......
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
That's a nice straw man kid, you build that yourself?
Nope...just acknowledging what was said...
People need to know when they are seeing reporting vs opinion. CNN has lots of good reporting. FOX has some good reporting. But nobody should mistake hannity as reporting. Breitbart however has no reporting, all propaganda.
Horseshit. Breitbart publishes more real news than any of the cable news stations of the network fake news outlets.
Please link us to an example. I'll gladly destroy it for you.
Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?

Hard questions are not the problem.....

Not reporting the facts is the problem....

Trump has exposed the left wing media for the FAKE NEWS IT IS......
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
Please link where CNN has ever said that.
Hard questions are not the problem.....

Not reporting the facts is the problem....

Trump has exposed the left wing media for the FAKE NEWS IT IS......
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
Please link where CNN has ever said that.
No need for a link - their has been 2 years of non-stop venom, hatred, and false accusations...or perhaps you don't have a tv and radio and you can't read...
Democrat Fake News has a much lower approval rating than Trump. I bet they aren't gonna tell their sycophants that. ;)
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
Please link where CNN has ever said that.
No need for a link - their has been 2 years of non-stop venom, hatred, and false accusations...or perhaps you don't have a tv and radio and you can't read...
So you can't give a specific example? Only you nut jobs hear venom and hatred and false accusation. If it exists, link it!
The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
Please link where CNN has ever said that.
No need for a link - their has been 2 years of non-stop venom, hatred, and false accusations...or perhaps you don't have a tv and radio and you can't read...
So you can't give a specific example? Only you nut jobs hear venom and hatred and false accusation. If it exists, link it!

I think the easiest way to get an example is to simply turn on the TV and put on CNN.
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
That's a nice straw man kid, you build that yourself?
Nope...just acknowledging what was said...
But you didn't. See, that's what makes it a straw man.

Understand now?
Hard questions are not the problem.....

Not reporting the facts is the problem....

Trump has exposed the left wing media for the FAKE NEWS IT IS......
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
Please link where CNN has ever said that.
They never have. It's fake news.
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
Please link where CNN has ever said that.
No need for a link - their has been 2 years of non-stop venom, hatred, and false accusations...or perhaps you don't have a tv and radio and you can't read...
You need to stop listening to the fake news and look at some real media like cnn for a change. Hannity has damaged your brain.
You need to stop listening to the fake news and look at some real media like cnn for a change.
CNN - You mean the leaders in retraction, apologies for lies, and firing employees for reporting untruths...the media who acknowledges slandering people, who throw tantrums and walk out when they don't get their way...the 'UNBIASED'
HIGH SCHOOLERS who call for other 'journalists' to join them in creating and using Anti-Trump Bumper Stickers and lapel Buttons and to join them and other Anti Trump Protestors out in front of the WH...

Yeah, NO. I prefer to THINK FOR MYSELF.
You need to stop listening to the fake news and look at some real media like cnn for a change.
CNN - You mean the leaders in retraction, apologies for lies, and firing employees for reporting untruths...the media who acknowledges slandering people, who throw tantrums and walk out when they don't get their way...the 'UNBIASED'
HIGH SCHOOLERS who call for other 'journalists' to join them in creating and using Anti-Trump Bumper Stickers and lapel Buttons and to join them and other Anti Trump Protestors out in front of the WH...

Yeah, NO. I prefer to THINK FOR MYSELF.
But you aren't. Everything you just posted is crap you were told to parrot. Lies feed to you by your twisted sources. Fake news.
But you aren't.
You should really stick to saying what you TRY to think instead of trying to speak for me because you suck at it.

You have your head stuck so far up Obama's and Hillary's arses that when they defecate it comes out of YOUR butt.

You need to stop listening to the fake news and look at some real media like cnn for a change.
CNN - You mean the leaders in retraction, apologies for lies, and firing employees for reporting untruths...the media who acknowledges slandering people, who throw tantrums and walk out when they don't get their way...the 'UNBIASED'
HIGH SCHOOLERS who call for other 'journalists' to join them in creating and using Anti-Trump Bumper Stickers and lapel Buttons and to join them and other Anti Trump Protestors out in front of the WH...

Yeah, NO. I prefer to THINK FOR MYSELF.

If that's true, then they are the most trustworthy outlet out there. It would mean that they clearly don't tolerate untruths and take the hardest line against them.
You need to stop listening to the fake news and look at some real media like cnn for a change.
CNN - You mean the leaders in retraction, apologies for lies, and firing employees for reporting untruths...the media who acknowledges slandering people, who throw tantrums and walk out when they don't get their way...the 'UNBIASED'
HIGH SCHOOLERS who call for other 'journalists' to join them in creating and using Anti-Trump Bumper Stickers and lapel Buttons and to join them and other Anti Trump Protestors out in front of the WH...

Yeah, NO. I prefer to THINK FOR MYSELF.

If that's true, then they are the most trustworthy outlet out there. It would mean that they clearly don't tolerate untruths and take the hardest line against them.
Dude, their top reporter called for journalists to join him in making ANTI-TRUMP BUMPER STICKERS AND LAPEL BUTTONS....called on fellow journalists to JOIN HIM AND OTHER ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTORS out in front of the WH....

Are you really this stupid or just that much of a lying, reality-denying partisan?
People need to know when they are seeing reporting vs opinion. CNN has lots of good reporting. FOX has some good reporting. But nobody should mistake hannity as reporting. Breitbart however has no reporting, all propaganda.
Horseshit. Breitbart publishes more real news than any of the cable news stations of the network fake news outlets.
Please link us to an example. I'll gladly destroy it for you.
No you won't.
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acosta’s self-described “rant” went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should “make some bumper sticks” and “buttons” to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. That’s amusing since that’s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ‘Bumper Sticks,’ ‘Buttons’ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?

Hard questions are not the problem.....

Not reporting the facts is the problem....

Trump has exposed the left wing media for the FAKE NEWS IT IS......
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
All of the polls say he is getting more popular, idiot.

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