CNN Demands WH Declare 'Media Not The Enemy' Despite Proven Lies / Biased Attacks

No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
Please link where CNN has ever said that.
No need for a link - their has been 2 years of non-stop venom, hatred, and false accusations...or perhaps you don't have a tv and radio and you can't read...
So you can't give a specific example? Only you nut jobs hear venom and hatred and false accusation. If it exists, link it!

I think the easiest way to get an example is to simply turn on the TV and put on CNN.
Seems like nobody can actually produce a specific example. Surprising.
People need to know when they are seeing reporting vs opinion. CNN has lots of good reporting. FOX has some good reporting. But nobody should mistake hannity as reporting. Breitbart however has no reporting, all propaganda.
Horseshit. Breitbart publishes more real news than any of the cable news stations of the network fake news outlets.
Please link us to an example. I'll gladly destroy it for you.
No you won't.
Yet you don't share a link. Go figure. You crybabies just keep ranting when you have no support for your crazy beliefs.

Their top reporter called for journalists to join him in making ANTI-TRUMP BUMPER STICKERS AND LAPEL BUTTONS....called on fellow journalists to JOIN HIM AND OTHER ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTORS out in front of the WH....

There's no taking that back or making it go away...

Their top reporter called for journalists to join him in making ANTI-TRUMP BUMPER STICKERS AND LAPEL BUTTONS....called on fellow journalists to JOIN HIM AND OTHER ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTORS out in front of the WH....

There's no taking that back or making it go away...
Sounds like you have quite the imagination. Link to where this happened on cnn.
But you aren't.
You should really stick to saying what you TRY to think instead of trying to speak for me because you suck at it.

You have your head stuck so far up Obama's and Hillary's arses that when they defecate it comes out of YOUR butt.

Lol, you are still parroting what your conservative Lord's are telling you. Get back to me when you can think for yourself.

I won't hold my breath.
You need to stop listening to the fake news and look at some real media like cnn for a change.
CNN - You mean the leaders in retraction, apologies for lies, and firing employees for reporting untruths...the media who acknowledges slandering people, who throw tantrums and walk out when they don't get their way...the 'UNBIASED'
HIGH SCHOOLERS who call for other 'journalists' to join them in creating and using Anti-Trump Bumper Stickers and lapel Buttons and to join them and other Anti Trump Protestors out in front of the WH...

Yeah, NO. I prefer to THINK FOR MYSELF.

If that's true, then they are the most trustworthy outlet out there. It would mean that they clearly don't tolerate untruths and take the hardest line against them.
Dude, their top reporter called for journalists to join him in making ANTI-TRUMP BUMPER STICKERS AND LAPEL BUTTONS....called on fellow journalists to JOIN HIM AND OTHER ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTORS out in front of the WH....

Are you really this stupid or just that much of a lying, reality-denying partisan?
People are allowed to have opinions.
Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?

Hard questions are not the problem.....

Not reporting the facts is the problem....

Trump has exposed the left wing media for the FAKE NEWS IT IS......
Sorry kid, you are falling for the fake news right now.

The FAKE NEWS is all on the left.

Like all fools you lefties are delusional…

If obongo had done 1/5 of what Trump

has done your lying left wing media would be singing his praises

from daylight to dark and everywhere in between….

You and your lying media have thrown everything you

can think of at Trump and he just keeps getting more popular.

You and your lying media can’t figure out whether to shit

or bake a cake when it comes to Trump so you just keep lying.
No son, the fake news comes from places like Daily Caller, Daily Wire, inforwars, and the commentators on Faux News. tRump isn't getting more popular, Rasmussen is just getting more desperate to make it look that way.
All of the polls say he is getting more popular, idiot.
No, only a couple of outliers.
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
Please link where CNN has ever said that.
No need for a link - their has been 2 years of non-stop venom, hatred, and false accusations...or perhaps you don't have a tv and radio and you can't read...
So you can't give a specific example? Only you nut jobs hear venom and hatred and false accusation. If it exists, link it!

I think the easiest way to get an example is to simply turn on the TV and put on CNN.
Seems like nobody can actually produce a specific example. Surprising.
CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.

Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.

Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.

Bias isn't fake news. Sorry. There's a big difference between lying, and approaching something from a different point of view.
You need to stop listening to the fake news and look at some real media like cnn for a change.
CNN - You mean the leaders in retraction, apologies for lies, and firing employees for reporting untruths...the media who acknowledges slandering people, who throw tantrums and walk out when they don't get their way...the 'UNBIASED'
HIGH SCHOOLERS who call for other 'journalists' to join them in creating and using Anti-Trump Bumper Stickers and lapel Buttons and to join them and other Anti Trump Protestors out in front of the WH...

Yeah, NO. I prefer to THINK FOR MYSELF.

If that's true, then they are the most trustworthy outlet out there. It would mean that they clearly don't tolerate untruths and take the hardest line against them.
Dude, their top reporter called for journalists to join him in making ANTI-TRUMP BUMPER STICKERS AND LAPEL BUTTONS....called on fellow journalists to JOIN HIM AND OTHER ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTORS out in front of the WH....

Are you really this stupid or just that much of a lying, reality-denying partisan?
People are allowed to have opinions.
They should quit pretending to be "objective" and "fair."
CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.

Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.

Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.

Bias isn't fake news. Sorry. There's a big difference between lying, and approaching something from a different point of view.
Yes, bias is fake news, but the media's behavior is far far worse than mere bias.
You need to stop listening to the fake news and look at some real media like cnn for a change.
CNN - You mean the leaders in retraction, apologies for lies, and firing employees for reporting untruths...the media who acknowledges slandering people, who throw tantrums and walk out when they don't get their way...the 'UNBIASED'
HIGH SCHOOLERS who call for other 'journalists' to join them in creating and using Anti-Trump Bumper Stickers and lapel Buttons and to join them and other Anti Trump Protestors out in front of the WH...

Yeah, NO. I prefer to THINK FOR MYSELF.

If that's true, then they are the most trustworthy outlet out there. It would mean that they clearly don't tolerate untruths and take the hardest line against them.
Dude, their top reporter called for journalists to join him in making ANTI-TRUMP BUMPER STICKERS AND LAPEL BUTTONS....called on fellow journalists to JOIN HIM AND OTHER ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTORS out in front of the WH....

Are you really this stupid or just that much of a lying, reality-denying partisan?
People are allowed to have opinions.
They should quit pretending to be "objective" and "fair."
Who's pretending? Besides Faux I mean.
CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.

Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.

Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.

Bias isn't fake news. Sorry. There's a big difference between lying, and approaching something from a different point of view.
Yes, I say that all the time. There is a clear difference between bias and lies.

The major media is blatantly biased and Trump blatantly lies. I don't care for either of them.
Last edited:
Please link where CNN has ever said that.
No need for a link - their has been 2 years of non-stop venom, hatred, and false accusations...or perhaps you don't have a tv and radio and you can't read...
So you can't give a specific example? Only you nut jobs hear venom and hatred and false accusation. If it exists, link it!

I think the easiest way to get an example is to simply turn on the TV and put on CNN.
Seems like nobody can actually produce a specific example. Surprising.

Ok so that is a long fairly boring clip of this Bernstein guy giving his opinion of what is going on with the Russia investigation. Is there something you specifically have a problem with in there?
CNN - You mean the leaders in retraction, apologies for lies, and firing employees for reporting untruths...the media who acknowledges slandering people, who throw tantrums and walk out when they don't get their way...the 'UNBIASED'
HIGH SCHOOLERS who call for other 'journalists' to join them in creating and using Anti-Trump Bumper Stickers and lapel Buttons and to join them and other Anti Trump Protestors out in front of the WH...

Yeah, NO. I prefer to THINK FOR MYSELF.

If that's true, then they are the most trustworthy outlet out there. It would mean that they clearly don't tolerate untruths and take the hardest line against them.
Dude, their top reporter called for journalists to join him in making ANTI-TRUMP BUMPER STICKERS AND LAPEL BUTTONS....called on fellow journalists to JOIN HIM AND OTHER ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTORS out in front of the WH....

Are you really this stupid or just that much of a lying, reality-denying partisan?
People are allowed to have opinions.
They should quit pretending to be "objective" and "fair."
Who's pretending? Besides Faux I mean.

Everyone who works for CNN, for one thing. They claim to be reporting the news, not propaganda.
No need for a link - their has been 2 years of non-stop venom, hatred, and false accusations...or perhaps you don't have a tv and radio and you can't read...
So you can't give a specific example? Only you nut jobs hear venom and hatred and false accusation. If it exists, link it!

I think the easiest way to get an example is to simply turn on the TV and put on CNN.
Seems like nobody can actually produce a specific example. Surprising.

Ok so that is a long fairly boring clip of this Bernstein guy giving his opinion of what is going on with the Russia investigation. Is there something you specifically have a problem with in there?

He's bashing Trump, idiot. You asked for an example of "venom, hatred, and false accusations." That's what you got. I could spend all day posting more of those, if you want.

You need to stop listening to the fake news and look at some real media like cnn for a change.
CNN - You mean the leaders in retraction, apologies for lies, and firing employees for reporting untruths...the media who acknowledges slandering people, who throw tantrums and walk out when they don't get their way...the 'UNBIASED'
HIGH SCHOOLERS who call for other 'journalists' to join them in creating and using Anti-Trump Bumper Stickers and lapel Buttons and to join them and other Anti Trump Protestors out in front of the WH...

Yeah, NO. I prefer to THINK FOR MYSELF.

If that's true, then they are the most trustworthy outlet out there. It would mean that they clearly don't tolerate untruths and take the hardest line against them.
Dude, their top reporter called for journalists to join him in making ANTI-TRUMP BUMPER STICKERS AND LAPEL BUTTONS....called on fellow journalists to JOIN HIM AND OTHER ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTORS out in front of the WH....

Are you really this stupid or just that much of a lying, reality-denying partisan?
People are allowed to have opinions.
Sorry, not when you are Woking as journalist, like for CNN, and are supposed to be an unbiased reporter working for an unbiased media, which has been exposed as b*******
CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.

Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.

Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.

Bias isn't fake news. Sorry. There's a big difference between lying, and approaching something from a different point of view.
Yes, I say that all the time. There is a clear difference between bias and lies.

The major media is blatantly biased and Trump blatantly lies. I don't care for either of them.

But politics is politics.

All you can do is push for something that is better. Or less bad.
So you can't give a specific example? Only you nut jobs hear venom and hatred and false accusation. If it exists, link it!

I think the easiest way to get an example is to simply turn on the TV and put on CNN.
Seems like nobody can actually produce a specific example. Surprising.

Ok so that is a long fairly boring clip of this Bernstein guy giving his opinion of what is going on with the Russia investigation. Is there something you specifically have a problem with in there?

He's bashing Trump, idiot. You asked for an example of "venom, hatred, and false accusations." That's what you got. I could spend all day posting more of those, if you want.

Clapper is a proven multi offender of perjury, Andy hates Trump which is the only reason why CNN hired this clown, so he could continue to push the false narrative conspiracy of illegal collusion of which he was part of
So, everyone who does not embrace your hatred of Trump is 'fake news' and the enemy ... Because CNN and the LOSERS of the 2016 election told you so...?
Please link where CNN has ever said that.
No need for a link - their has been 2 years of non-stop venom, hatred, and false accusations...or perhaps you don't have a tv and radio and you can't read...
So you can't give a specific example? Only you nut jobs hear venom and hatred and false accusation. If it exists, link it!

I think the easiest way to get an example is to simply turn on the TV and put on CNN.
Seems like nobody can actually produce a specific example. Surprising.

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