CNN Demands WH Declare 'Media Not The Enemy' Despite Proven Lies / Biased Attacks

While you may not like the President's 'style' I think he is the perfect President at the perfect time, and his 'destruction' of the media - exposing them for who they truly are - is much needed and a service to the American people. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable to keep them 'honest'. There has been no one to do so for a very long time, and in the absence of accountability they have not been held 'honest', which has been exposed.

It is bad / sad that the President has had to be the one to step up and be the 'attack dog'. That isn't his job - he shouldn't have to be the one to reign-in the out-of-control media but no one else is doing it, so he has taken on that challenge, too.

I do have more respect (what little there is) for the President, though. He is not a polished politician or a 'professional journalist' whose tools-of-the-trade is smooth, polished verbal manure-spreading. He is a businessman who is doing what he can.
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
um...obama is the one quoted as saying we need to change how the media reports on gov issues.

didn't see you go FOUL and get all cutesy then, but hey - i wasn't here yet. so i'm sure someone as fair minded as yourself fully understand the media bullshit started with obama and his desire to have only good stories about him come out.
And I should care why?

We need a free press.
agreed. but obama was out to make the press say what he wanted. you can look back and find all kinds of stories of journalists (sharyl attkisson for one) he harassed, spied on, stole her computer and so forth because she broke fast and furious.

so if you wanna call trump out to control the press and something only dictators do - widen that stance up and realize obama set that tone and set it hard. the left allowed it and ate that shit up like fat kids killin halloween candy. now that it's coming back at them, the left proves once again they are very much "can dish it out, can't take it".

just like children.
Sure. I don’t really care who is attacking the press, it’s wrong. We need a free press.
CNN is no more "the press" than the national enquirer.

You morons claim you don't like tradition and hierarchy, and yet you consider CNN as a staple of "the press" simple because it has been around so long.

What makes CNN any more "the press" than Breitbart or the Daily Caller?

Lol. Glad you asked. The Daily Caller is nothing but a propaganda site.Breitbart is Steve Bannon and his neonazi views.
CNN is the most reliable TV news station in this country.
You just attacked "the press" and are too stupid to understand why. Breitbart and the Daily Caller and even the National Enquirer are all part of an existing modern medium and therefore "the press".

CNN is for idiots who believe they are "in the middle" automatically because they are the 3rd cable news channel that nobody cares about. CNN played millions of retards for fools by allowing Fox and MSNBC to attack each other while CNN's content was actually more left wing than MSNBC for a long time.
show me your outrage at obama trashing fox and that part of the media. last i checked 99% of the liberals felt that was ok and justified cause they hated the way FOX news presented the story.

ergo - same for CNN and those who hate it.

if taking it to the media is wrong, thank obama. he started this shit. trump just took it to a new level.

rest assured NO PRESIDENT should be telling our media what is right or wrong but all this BAD TRUMP w/o holding obama accountable as well is pure bullshit.
Faux Noize has a well earned reputation for pushing conspiracy theories, twisting the truth, and telling outright lies. They've been doing it since the beginning of the Obama administration.
so because you call them FAUX NOIZE i'm supposed to believe they only lie?

WE NEED OUR WEAVES!!! I DON'T WEAR THEM BUT WE NEED THEM. youtube that about CNN reporting and get back to me.

you show me fox news altering reality like that and we'll talk. til then you're just like obama - bitching at fox news and trying your damn-dest to discredit them and giggle so in effect people won't want to bring them up. very clever tactic but only a idiot relies ONLY on something like that.

fake news? let me load up some washington post for you -

Analysis | Sarah Huckabee Sanders indicts the media — on bogus, Trumped-up charges

The media “said I should be harassed as a life sentence”
wapo rebuttle
Nobody said Sanders should be harassed as a life sentence.

they end their paragraph with:
Rubin said nothing directly about people “harassing” Sanders, although she did say being “uncomfortable” should be a “life sentence” for Sanders, for “lying” and “inciting” people against the press.

The media said “that I should be choked”
Nobody advocated for Sanders being choked.

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace (whose show I have appeared on, full disclosure) didn't call for choking Sanders, but instead asked a reporter if she ever wanted to “wring” Sanders's neck out of frustration.

wring your neck - chocked? come on people, same damn thing.

how if the media is going to fucking lie hand over fist, "we the people" have every right to call them out on it. NO VIOLENCE but when do you call a lie a lie? when it suits your purposes?

so - you can continue on with FAUX HAHA I TOLD you crap or you can sit and look around and realize the media is full of fucking shit.
Both Fox News and CNN have a poor record of factual reporting.
As damaging as that can be, our first amendment allows it.
The only solution to bad speech is more good speech.
But Trump's statements are just totalitarian.
Justice Hugo Black wrote, "Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government."
Yet, I would add that a free press can also bolster deception from the state, if that press becomes too friendly with the state.
Fox News just makes shit up whereas CNN attempts to get the story accurate each and every time and they have a high % of accuracy.
Can’t live with that fact GFY.
I'll pass that on to gurgle boy shep. CNN lies.
CNN has gone downhill, but they're still not as bad as Fox News as long as Hannity is there.
Fox is pushing right-wing conspiracy theories, and CNN has failed fact checks at times.

But CNN still reports the news. Such as Carl Bernstein, worse than watergate.
However, Fox news might be beginning to see the light.
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While you may not like the President's 'style' I think he is the perfect President at the perfect time, and his 'destruction' of the media - exposing them for who they truly are - is much needed and a service to the American people. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable to keep them 'honest'. There has been no one to do so for a very long time, and in the absence of accountability they have not been held 'honest', which has been exposed.

It is bad / sad that the President has had to be the one to step up and be the 'attack dog'. That isn't his job - he shouldn't have to be the one to reign-in the out-of-control media but no one else is doing it, so he has taken on that challenge, too.

I do have more respect (what little there is) for the President, though. He is not a polished politician or a 'professional journalist' whose tools-of-the-trade is smooth, polished verbal manure-spreading. He is a businessman who is doing what he can.
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
It is like you don't even understand that Fox's coverage of Trump is barely more positive than their coverage of Obama. The only reason they are being positive at all is because of consumer confidence and the huge initial jump in the stock market. Before Trump won Fox was still lying about Trump making fun of a reporter's "disability". Obsequiousness is when the media thinks you are a divine being who will make the waters rise and they get a "thrill" up their leg when they hear you speak.

CNN does not have a "right" to make the news, moron. They can just as easily be replaced by another insidious 3 letter "news" channel.
While you may not like the President's 'style' I think he is the perfect President at the perfect time, and his 'destruction' of the media - exposing them for who they truly are - is much needed and a service to the American people. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable to keep them 'honest'. There has been no one to do so for a very long time, and in the absence of accountability they have not been held 'honest', which has been exposed.

It is bad / sad that the President has had to be the one to step up and be the 'attack dog'. That isn't his job - he shouldn't have to be the one to reign-in the out-of-control media but no one else is doing it, so he has taken on that challenge, too.

I do have more respect (what little there is) for the President, though. He is not a polished politician or a 'professional journalist' whose tools-of-the-trade is smooth, polished verbal manure-spreading. He is a businessman who is doing what he can.
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
It is like you don't even understand that Fox's coverage of Trump is barely more positive than their coverage of Obama. The only reason they are being positive at all is because of consumer confidence and the huge initial jump in the stock market. Before Trump won Fox was still lying about Trump making fun of a reporter's "disability". Obsequiousness is when the media thinks you are a divine being who will make the waters rise and they get a "thrill" up their leg when they hear you speak.

CNN does not have a "right" to make the news, moron. They can just as easily be replaced by another insidious 3 letter "news" channel.
And I should care why?

We need a free press.
agreed. but obama was out to make the press say what he wanted. you can look back and find all kinds of stories of journalists (sharyl attkisson for one) he harassed, spied on, stole her computer and so forth because she broke fast and furious.

so if you wanna call trump out to control the press and something only dictators do - widen that stance up and realize obama set that tone and set it hard. the left allowed it and ate that shit up like fat kids killin halloween candy. now that it's coming back at them, the left proves once again they are very much "can dish it out, can't take it".

just like children.
Sure. I don’t really care who is attacking the press, it’s wrong. We need a free press.
CNN is no more "the press" than the national enquirer.

You morons claim you don't like tradition and hierarchy, and yet you consider CNN as a staple of "the press" simple because it has been around so long.

What makes CNN any more "the press" than Breitbart or the Daily Caller?

Lol. Glad you asked. The Daily Caller is nothing but a propaganda site.Breitbart is Steve Bannon and his neonazi views.
CNN is the most reliable TV news station in this country.
You just attacked "the press" and are too stupid to understand why. Breitbart and the Daily Caller and even the National Enquirer are all part of an existing modern medium and therefore "the press".

CNN is for idiots who believe they are "in the middle" automatically because they are the 3rd cable news channel that nobody cares about. CNN played millions of retards for fools by allowing Fox and MSNBC to attack each other while CNN's content was actually more left wing than MSNBC for a long time.

CNN is for idiots”
That’s the attitude of many of your cult when we come here with basic information and you idiots always ask for a link.

You love it that Fox lies to you which is nothing more than Trump state TV.
View attachment 208335
While you may not like the President's 'style' I think he is the perfect President at the perfect time, and his 'destruction' of the media - exposing them for who they truly are - is much needed and a service to the American people. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable to keep them 'honest'. There has been no one to do so for a very long time, and in the absence of accountability they have not been held 'honest', which has been exposed.

It is bad / sad that the President has had to be the one to step up and be the 'attack dog'. That isn't his job - he shouldn't have to be the one to reign-in the out-of-control media but no one else is doing it, so he has taken on that challenge, too.

I do have more respect (what little there is) for the President, though. He is not a polished politician or a 'professional journalist' whose tools-of-the-trade is smooth, polished verbal manure-spreading. He is a businessman who is doing what he can.
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
It is like you don't even understand that Fox's coverage of Trump is barely more positive than their coverage of Obama. The only reason they are being positive at all is because of consumer confidence and the huge initial jump in the stock market. Before Trump won Fox was still lying about Trump making fun of a reporter's "disability". Obsequiousness is when the media thinks you are a divine being who will make the waters rise and they get a "thrill" up their leg when they hear you speak.

CNN does not have a "right" to make the news, moron. They can just as easily be replaced by another insidious 3 letter "news" channel.
The amount of thought I have put into my political positions would give you 3 brain aneurysms if you actually had a brain.
While you may not like the President's 'style' I think he is the perfect President at the perfect time, and his 'destruction' of the media - exposing them for who they truly are - is much needed and a service to the American people. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable to keep them 'honest'. There has been no one to do so for a very long time, and in the absence of accountability they have not been held 'honest', which has been exposed.

It is bad / sad that the President has had to be the one to step up and be the 'attack dog'. That isn't his job - he shouldn't have to be the one to reign-in the out-of-control media but no one else is doing it, so he has taken on that challenge, too.

I do have more respect (what little there is) for the President, though. He is not a polished politician or a 'professional journalist' whose tools-of-the-trade is smooth, polished verbal manure-spreading. He is a businessman who is doing what he can.
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
It is like you don't even understand that Fox's coverage of Trump is barely more positive than their coverage of Obama. The only reason they are being positive at all is because of consumer confidence and the huge initial jump in the stock market. Before Trump won Fox was still lying about Trump making fun of a reporter's "disability". Obsequiousness is when the media thinks you are a divine being who will make the waters rise and they get a "thrill" up their leg when they hear you speak.

CNN does not have a "right" to make the news, moron. They can just as easily be replaced by another insidious 3 letter "news" channel.
I've listened to Fox commentators call Mueller' investigation a witch hunt. I've listened to them heap praise on Trump for getting nothing from the North Koreans, siding with Russia while standing on foreign soil next to Pitin against our own intelligence community. I've heard them describe child detention centers as summer camps. That's obsequiousness in spades.
agreed. but obama was out to make the press say what he wanted. you can look back and find all kinds of stories of journalists (sharyl attkisson for one) he harassed, spied on, stole her computer and so forth because she broke fast and furious.

so if you wanna call trump out to control the press and something only dictators do - widen that stance up and realize obama set that tone and set it hard. the left allowed it and ate that shit up like fat kids killin halloween candy. now that it's coming back at them, the left proves once again they are very much "can dish it out, can't take it".

just like children.
Sure. I don’t really care who is attacking the press, it’s wrong. We need a free press.
CNN is no more "the press" than the national enquirer.

You morons claim you don't like tradition and hierarchy, and yet you consider CNN as a staple of "the press" simple because it has been around so long.

What makes CNN any more "the press" than Breitbart or the Daily Caller?

Lol. Glad you asked. The Daily Caller is nothing but a propaganda site.Breitbart is Steve Bannon and his neonazi views.
CNN is the most reliable TV news station in this country.
You just attacked "the press" and are too stupid to understand why. Breitbart and the Daily Caller and even the National Enquirer are all part of an existing modern medium and therefore "the press".

CNN is for idiots who believe they are "in the middle" automatically because they are the 3rd cable news channel that nobody cares about. CNN played millions of retards for fools by allowing Fox and MSNBC to attack each other while CNN's content was actually more left wing than MSNBC for a long time.

CNN is for idiots”
That’s the attitude of many of your cult when we come here with basic information and you idiots always ask for a link.

You love it that Fox lies to you which is nothing more than Trump state TV.
I hardly ever watch Fox unless I want to see a rally or something.

I know you need the media to literally beam a certain frequency to your brain to tell you how to tie your shoes in the morning, but I am more than capable of going long periods of time without the media while knowing more the average dipshit Derpocrat who thinks Comedy Central produces news.
Sure. I don’t really care who is attacking the press, it’s wrong. We need a free press.
CNN is no more "the press" than the national enquirer.

You morons claim you don't like tradition and hierarchy, and yet you consider CNN as a staple of "the press" simple because it has been around so long.

What makes CNN any more "the press" than Breitbart or the Daily Caller?

Lol. Glad you asked. The Daily Caller is nothing but a propaganda site.Breitbart is Steve Bannon and his neonazi views.
CNN is the most reliable TV news station in this country.
You just attacked "the press" and are too stupid to understand why. Breitbart and the Daily Caller and even the National Enquirer are all part of an existing modern medium and therefore "the press".

CNN is for idiots who believe they are "in the middle" automatically because they are the 3rd cable news channel that nobody cares about. CNN played millions of retards for fools by allowing Fox and MSNBC to attack each other while CNN's content was actually more left wing than MSNBC for a long time.

CNN is for idiots”
That’s the attitude of many of your cult when we come here with basic information and you idiots always ask for a link.

You love it that Fox lies to you which is nothing more than Trump state TV.
I hardly ever watch Fox unless I want to see a rally or something.

I know you need the media to literally beam a certain frequency to your brain to tell you how to tie your shoes in the morning, but I am more than capable of going long periods of time without the media while knowing more the average dipshit Derpocrat who thinks Comedy Central produces news.
Translation: I don’t have the slightest idea of what the hell is going on other than what Fox tells me.
View attachment 208335
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
It is like you don't even understand that Fox's coverage of Trump is barely more positive than their coverage of Obama. The only reason they are being positive at all is because of consumer confidence and the huge initial jump in the stock market. Before Trump won Fox was still lying about Trump making fun of a reporter's "disability". Obsequiousness is when the media thinks you are a divine being who will make the waters rise and they get a "thrill" up their leg when they hear you speak.

CNN does not have a "right" to make the news, moron. They can just as easily be replaced by another insidious 3 letter "news" channel.
The amount of thought I have put into my political positions would give you 3 brain aneurysms if you actually had a brain.
A deplorable actually admitting he doesn’t have a political position except the ones that Trump has. Good for you.
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acosta’s self-described “rant” went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should “make some bumper sticks” and “buttons” to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. That’s amusing since that’s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ‘Bumper Sticks,’ ‘Buttons’ to Protest Outside WH


The news media is not a enemy of the people. Let's talk about the Trump lies and his supporters who repeat it. Sanders is a liar just like her father because she spins the nonsense that Trump talks about. You people are the menace to this country. Neo-nazis and white supremacists feel perfectly comfortable running in the Trump Republican Party. We see the results of this rhetoric in the Baltimore shootings.
CNN is no longer considered news.
To those who hate the 1st amendment.
Nice try. 1st amendment doesn't apply here. Fiction vs fact does apply. CNN is fiction.

If CNN is fiction, then Don the Con's tweets are pure fantasy.

Don the Con recognizes that the natural enemy of his lies is the free press.

Which is why Don the Con attacks the free press so much.
CNN is not "the press", it is a hostile foreign agent.

As I always say- i will be glad to compare the 'truthiness' of CNN to the 'truthiness' of Don the Con anytime.

Don the Con is hostile to the truth- and to any American who disagrees with him.
While you may not like the President's 'style' I think he is the perfect President at the perfect time, and his 'destruction' of the media - exposing them for who they truly are - is much needed and a service to the American people. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable to keep them 'honest'. There has been no one to do so for a very long time, and in the absence of accountability they have not been held 'honest', which has been exposed.

It is bad / sad that the President has had to be the one to step up and be the 'attack dog'. That isn't his job - he shouldn't have to be the one to reign-in the out-of-control media but no one else is doing it, so he has taken on that challenge, too.

I do have more respect (what little there is) for the President, though. He is not a polished politician or a 'professional journalist' whose tools-of-the-trade is smooth, polished verbal manure-spreading. He is a businessman who is doing what he can.
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?

Remember- Fox is essentially the only news that Don the Con doesnt' attack.

And it is no surprise why.
Sure. I don’t really care who is attacking the press, it’s wrong. We need a free press.
CNN is no more "the press" than the national enquirer.

You morons claim you don't like tradition and hierarchy, and yet you consider CNN as a staple of "the press" simple because it has been around so long.

What makes CNN any more "the press" than Breitbart or the Daily Caller?

Lol. Glad you asked. The Daily Caller is nothing but a propaganda site.Breitbart is Steve Bannon and his neonazi views.
CNN is the most reliable TV news station in this country.
You just attacked "the press" and are too stupid to understand why. Breitbart and the Daily Caller and even the National Enquirer are all part of an existing modern medium and therefore "the press".

CNN is for idiots who believe they are "in the middle" automatically because they are the 3rd cable news channel that nobody cares about. CNN played millions of retards for fools by allowing Fox and MSNBC to attack each other while CNN's content was actually more left wing than MSNBC for a long time.

CNN is for idiots”
That’s the attitude of many of your cult when we come here with basic information and you idiots always ask for a link.

You love it that Fox lies to you which is nothing more than Trump state TV.
I hardly ever watch Fox unless I want to see a rally or something.

I know you need the media to literally beam a certain frequency to your brain to tell you how to tie your shoes in the morning, but I am more than capable of going long periods of time without the media while knowing more the average dipshit Derpocrat who thinks Comedy Central produces news.

And you are exactly the kind of Trumpkin that Trump loves- the kind that refuses to get information from the media.

You can just rely on what Trump tweets or Rush yells about.
um...obama is the one quoted as saying we need to change how the media reports on gov issues.

didn't see you go FOUL and get all cutesy then, but hey - i wasn't here yet. so i'm sure someone as fair minded as yourself fully understand the media bullshit started with obama and his desire to have only good stories about him come out.
And I should care why?

We need a free press.
agreed. but obama was out to make the press say what he wanted. you can look back and find all kinds of stories of journalists (sharyl attkisson for one) he harassed, spied on, stole her computer and so forth because she broke fast and furious.

so if you wanna call trump out to control the press and something only dictators do - widen that stance up and realize obama set that tone and set it hard. the left allowed it and ate that shit up like fat kids killin halloween candy. now that it's coming back at them, the left proves once again they are very much "can dish it out, can't take it".

just like children.
Sure. I don’t really care who is attacking the press, it’s wrong. We need a free press.
CNN is no more "the press" than the national enquirer.

You morons claim you don't like tradition and hierarchy, and yet you consider CNN as a staple of "the press" simple because it has been around so long.

What makes CNN any more "the press" than Breitbart or the Daily Caller?Al

CNN gives both sides. Breitbart is just right wing propaganda.

Breitbart is racist and sexist. I talked to Andrew Breitbart about what he wanted to do with Breitbart and he wanted news with neither a right wing or left wing perspective. He would be ashamed at what this has morphed into.
CNN is no longer considered news.
To those who hate the 1st amendment.
Nice try. 1st amendment doesn't apply here. Fiction vs fact does apply. CNN is fiction.

If CNN is fiction, then Don the Con's tweets are pure fantasy.

Don the Con recognizes that the natural enemy of his lies is the free press.

Which is why Don the Con attacks the free press so much.
You got it backwards. Nice try, though.
I have it exactly right.

If CNN is fiction, then Don the Con's tweets are pure fantasy.

Don the Con recognizes that the natural enemy of his lies is the free press.

Which is why Don the Con attacks the free press so much.

Does anyone doubt that Don the Con would gladly 'regulate' the press if the First Amendment wasn't preventing him?
CNN is no longer considered news.
To those who hate the 1st amendment.
Nice try. 1st amendment doesn't apply here. Fiction vs fact does apply. CNN is fiction.

If CNN is fiction, then Don the Con's tweets are pure fantasy.

Don the Con recognizes that the natural enemy of his lies is the free press.

Which is why Don the Con attacks the free press so much.
You got it backwards. Nice try, though.
I have it exactly right.

If CNN is fiction, then Don the Con's tweets are pure fantasy.

Don the Con recognizes that the natural enemy of his lies is the free press.

Which is why Don the Con attacks the free press so much.

Does anyone doubt that Don the Con would gladly 'regulate' the press if the First Amendment wasn't preventing him?
What are you mumbling about? You lost. Freedom won. It's over. Get a job.

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