CNN - Disengenous once again. Trump immigration policy.

That is a lie.
The separation was happening as a side effect of a zero tolerance policy, I don;t think anyone thought the problem was going to be this big.
The family separation policy was set forth by Congress years ago. And due to 16 years of not enforcing laws - these kids were simply let in with whoever brought them.
A fine example of that is some school systems in California have 1 out of 5 students HOMELESS, many cannot speak English.
The failed immigration policies of Bush/Obama was to simply ignore the problem. Just pretend it isn't happening.

And BTW - several lawsuits are being filed to stop the executive order. ACLU has already filed.
We also have a lot of migrants who arrive by sea, Italy did not want to take the migrants home so Macron was piss off but well Italy has become a guard hall for migrants
You have little children who arrive without their parents if I understand what is happening in the US?
That is part of the problem, but by percentage I think rather small. More, it is people who arrive without valid asylum qualifications, or who lack papers, or have already illegally entered the U.S. In those cases, there is an argument that to protect the children from exploitation or incarceration, it is better to isolate them from adults of whom we are not sure. The whole issue gets clouded around establishing parenthood and/or relationship with a child, and then the extent, if any, to which the parents are criminals.
It could be solved with more funding, but many Americans don't want to spend money on it. The U.S. is the richest country in history, has 330 million people at least, and finds it difficult to deal with about 2000 children. This is what many find perplexing. What image does this give the world, and in particular our enemies?
It is not 2000, but 12,000. And costing $775 per night per child. Someone is making a fortune on the misery of these children. This is the nation we have become. Unbelievable.
A problem that requires treatment at the source, not at the symptom. Aiding these poor to have a future in their home country will be cheaper than building something bound to fail like a wall.

You want America to be the Police and law makers for the world?
We cannot control the corruption and lawlessness of Central America and South Mexico.
You know that out of the top 50 cities in the world, with the highest drug related homicides, 43 are in Central America?
It is a wasteland. It would take $Billions and nothing would change without direct military action to basically take over the areas and own it.
And then we would be spending $billion a year to revamp the entire area.
And then guess what would happen???
We would be dealing with illegals coming out of South America
That is a lie.
The separation was happening as a side effect of a zero tolerance policy, I don;t think anyone thought the problem was going to be this big.
The family separation policy was set forth by Congress years ago. And due to 16 years of not enforcing laws - these kids were simply let in with whoever brought them.
A fine example of that is some school systems in California have 1 out of 5 students HOMELESS, many cannot speak English.
The failed immigration policies of Bush/Obama was to simply ignore the problem. Just pretend it isn't happening.

And BTW - several lawsuits are being filed to stop the executive order. ACLU has already filed.
We also have a lot of migrants who arrive by sea, Italy did not want to take the migrants home so Macron was piss off but well Italy has become a guard hall for migrants
You have little children who arrive without their parents if I understand what is happening in the US?
That is part of the problem, but by percentage I think rather small. More, it is people who arrive without valid asylum qualifications, or who lack papers, or have already illegally entered the U.S. In those cases, there is an argument that to protect the children from exploitation or incarceration, it is better to isolate them from adults of whom we are not sure. The whole issue gets clouded around establishing parenthood and/or relationship with a child, and then the extent, if any, to which the parents are criminals.
It could be solved with more funding, but many Americans don't want to spend money on it. The U.S. is the richest country in history, has 330 million people at least, and finds it difficult to deal with about 2000 children. This is what many find perplexing. What image does this give the world, and in particular our enemies?
It is not 2000, but 12,000. And costing $775 per night per child. Someone is making a fortune on the misery of these children. This is the nation we have become. Unbelievable.

God you people are dumb.
What about in parts of California where 1 in 5 kids are homeless!! Many cannot speak English!!!
One who ignores problems, except of course if $billionaire corporations are the ones in trouble - well holy fuck - Obama gave out $70 BILLION PER MONTH for nearly 6 years to solve that problem...even after they were making record profits - he was STILL handing over $10's Billion PER MONTH.
But he didn't do shit about this problem. Just let them all in!!....who cares what happens afterwards...homeless?? Not out problem.... what's that?? Goldman Sachs in on the phone??!!??..... how much $$$$ do they need???
That is a lie.
The separation was happening as a side effect of a zero tolerance policy, I don;t think anyone thought the problem was going to be this big.
The family separation policy was set forth by Congress years ago. And due to 16 years of not enforcing laws - these kids were simply let in with whoever brought them.
A fine example of that is some school systems in California have 1 out of 5 students HOMELESS, many cannot speak English.
The failed immigration policies of Bush/Obama was to simply ignore the problem. Just pretend it isn't happening.

And BTW - several lawsuits are being filed to stop the executive order. ACLU has already filed.

At least we have the comfort of Progressives admitting "Zero Tolerance Policies" are irrational, shortsighted and damaging ... :dunno:
Albeit they will never apply the same principle towards the intolerance they support.

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A problem that requires treatment at the source, not at the symptom. Aiding these poor to have a future in their home country will be cheaper than building something bound to fail like a wall.

You want America to be the Police and law makers for the world?
We cannot control the corruption and lawlessness of Central America and South Mexico.
You know that out of the top 50 cities in the world, with the highest drug related homicides, 43 are in Central America?
It is a wasteland. It would take $Billions and nothing would change without direct military action to basically take over the areas and own it.
And then we would be spending $billion a year to revamp the entire area.
And then guess what would happen???
We would be dealing with illegals coming out of South America
As usual, something one has said has gotten twisted into something someone else wanted to hear.
Blowing up the quoted post into a program to annex Central America is fetching very far.
Some would believe that America has enough imagination to be able to apply real aid to real people with real problems in many of the most desperate areas south of the border. Many would prefer to see agrarian projects leading to self help for potential immigrants than see more shanty towns in America. In any case, these people have to, and will, live somewhere and we have choices to make about it.
Of course, they are mortal and could be dealt with on that level.
Trump reduced illegal border crossings by 90%. Whatever he is doing seems to be working perfectly - which is probably why the leftists are pissed as hell.
So, you want to go full Fascist
No a fascist would take down all of the media....I'm just suggesting a news agency as corrupt and dishonest as CNN is a danger to our nation.....its propaganda.....
That is a lie.
The separation was happening as a side effect of a zero tolerance policy, I don;t think anyone thought the problem was going to be this big.
The family separation policy was set forth by Congress years ago. And due to 16 years of not enforcing laws - these kids were simply let in with whoever brought them.
A fine example of that is some school systems in California have 1 out of 5 students HOMELESS, many cannot speak English.
The failed immigration policies of Bush/Obama was to simply ignore the problem. Just pretend it isn't happening.

And BTW - several lawsuits are being filed to stop the executive order. ACLU has already filed.

It doesn't matter, nobody watches CNN anyways. Pravda in 2018, incredible.

So many want to sink America, you guys better wake up and support the President. He is the only one with the balls to confront all of these past abuses.

Nah, the orange blob deserves whatever pain and agony come his way. CNN is doing a public service by reporting the truth about this cheap lowlife.
That is a lie.
The separation was happening as a side effect of a zero tolerance policy, I don;t think anyone thought the problem was going to be this big.
The family separation policy was set forth by Congress years ago. And due to 16 years of not enforcing laws - these kids were simply let in with whoever brought them.
A fine example of that is some school systems in California have 1 out of 5 students HOMELESS, many cannot speak English.
The failed immigration policies of Bush/Obama was to simply ignore the problem. Just pretend it isn't happening.

And BTW - several lawsuits are being filed to stop the executive order. ACLU has already filed.
We also have a lot of migrants who arrive by sea, Italy did not want to take the migrants home so Macron was piss off but well Italy has become a guard hall for migrants
You have little children who arrive without their parents if I understand what is happening in the US?
That is part of the problem, but by percentage I think rather small. More, it is people who arrive without valid asylum qualifications, or who lack papers, or have already illegally entered the U.S. In those cases, there is an argument that to protect the children from exploitation or incarceration, it is better to isolate them from adults of whom we are not sure. The whole issue gets clouded around establishing parenthood and/or relationship with a child, and then the extent, if any, to which the parents are criminals.
It could be solved with more funding, but many Americans don't want to spend money on it. The U.S. is the richest country in history, has 330 million people at least, and finds it difficult to deal with about 2000 children. This is what many find perplexing. What image does this give the world, and in particular our enemies?
It is not 2000, but 12,000. And costing $775 per night per child. Someone is making a fortune on the misery of these children. This is the nation we have become. Unbelievable.

God you people are dumb.
What about in parts of California where 1 in 5 kids are homeless!! Many cannot speak English!!!
One who ignores problems, except of course if $billionaire corporations are the ones in trouble - well holy fuck - Obama gave out $70 BILLION PER MONTH for nearly 6 years to solve that problem...even after they were making record profits - he was STILL handing over $10's Billion PER MONTH.
But he didn't do shit about this problem. Just let them all in!!....who cares what happens afterwards...homeless?? Not out problem.... what's that?? Goldman Sachs in on the phone??!!??..... how much $$$$ do they need???

Oh my goodness; they can't speak English!!!
That is a lie.
The separation was happening as a side effect of a zero tolerance policy, I don;t think anyone thought the problem was going to be this big.
The family separation policy was set forth by Congress years ago. And due to 16 years of not enforcing laws - these kids were simply let in with whoever brought them.
A fine example of that is some school systems in California have 1 out of 5 students HOMELESS, many cannot speak English.
The failed immigration policies of Bush/Obama was to simply ignore the problem. Just pretend it isn't happening.

And BTW - several lawsuits are being filed to stop the executive order. ACLU has already filed.
It's not a lie. This whole mess is his fault.
That is a lie.
The separation was happening as a side effect of a zero tolerance policy, I don;t think anyone thought the problem was going to be this big.
The family separation policy was set forth by Congress years ago. And due to 16 years of not enforcing laws - these kids were simply let in with whoever brought them.
A fine example of that is some school systems in California have 1 out of 5 students HOMELESS, many cannot speak English.
The failed immigration policies of Bush/Obama was to simply ignore the problem. Just pretend it isn't happening.

And BTW - several lawsuits are being filed to stop the executive order. ACLU has already filed.

I am thrilled that Trump reversed the Trump policies that separated parents from their children.

By doing so Trump demonstrated that it was not the law which was 'forcing' them to separate the children from their parents- but a Trump administration choice.
The lying filth left can't help themselves.

I believe you meant the lying filth of the administration.

Remember how all of this was the Democrats fault?

Because of the Democrats law? That Trump had to enforce?

Except it wasn't. And he didn't have to.
A problem that requires treatment at the source, not at the symptom. Aiding these poor to have a future in their home country will be cheaper than building something bound to fail like a wall.

You want America to be the Police and law makers for the world?
We cannot control the corruption and lawlessness of Central America and South Mexico.
You know that out of the top 50 cities in the world, with the highest drug related homicides, 43 are in Central America?
It is a wasteland. It would take $Billions and nothing would change without direct military action to basically take over the areas and own it.
And then we would be spending $billion a year to revamp the entire area.
And then guess what would happen???
We would be dealing with illegals coming out of South America
As usual, something one has said has gotten twisted into something someone else wanted to hear.
Blowing up the quoted post into a program to annex Central America is fetching very far.
Some would believe that America has enough imagination to be able to apply real aid to real people with real problems in many of the most desperate areas south of the border. Many would prefer to see agrarian projects leading to self help for potential immigrants than see more shanty towns in America. In any case, these people have to, and will, live somewhere and we have choices to make about it.
Of course, they are mortal and could be dealt with on that level.

Sorry, but that is just naive.
We have certainly tried a number of times to aid in these areas and South America.
But the aid doesn't make it to those in need, rather it is confiscated by those that oppress them. So in the end, we end up supporting the very people that cause the need for the aid!
Only way to stop that is to provide military escort, either our military or hired mercenaries. But then the corrupt governments in the area won't allow it.
Been there done that.
You have to be realistic.
That is a lie.
The separation was happening as a side effect of a zero tolerance policy, I don;t think anyone thought the problem was going to be this big.
The family separation policy was set forth by Congress years ago. And due to 16 years of not enforcing laws - these kids were simply let in with whoever brought them.
A fine example of that is some school systems in California have 1 out of 5 students HOMELESS, many cannot speak English.
The failed immigration policies of Bush/Obama was to simply ignore the problem. Just pretend it isn't happening.

And BTW - several lawsuits are being filed to stop the executive order. ACLU has already filed.

Oh and its the law. Everyone seems to forget that.

It was the law in 2014 and is the law now.

The useless fucks in Congress should change the law.

Our country doesn't need to give asylum to those from South America who passed many countries they could have asked asylum from. They made a conscious effort to get her so our taxpayers can support them for the next decade.

Oh the children. What a load of horseshit.

Kick em back into Mexico and let the Mexicans deal with em.
CNN needs to have their credentials pulled...force it off the air...its over the top dishonest...blatantly lying every day....time to pull their press pass for good....

The network that needs its license pulled for lying is FOX News. It is NOT the job of the media to cheerlead for the President. It is their job to INFORM the people. FOX is derelict in its duty.

The policy belongs to Trump and Sessions. It is Trump’s policy. No other President was dumb or cruel enough to do it.

And make no mistake. This isn’t over until all 2500 children Dumb Donald kidnapped from their parents, are reunited with their parents.

There are currently no funds, no processes or plans of how Trump proposes to reunite families already separated. Your lying bully of s President has said his Administration won’t lift a finger to make it happen.

This is the scum you voted for.

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