CNN host calls Trump 'A piece of shit!'

These darkies from africa and the middles east like "Reza" who emigrate to the West (and apparently not vetted) are inbred shit stains, to use "Reza's" term. Stay the fuck in your home country Muzzie. By the way, who paid for that douchebag's adventures in American colleges studying bullshit topics at expensive schools that do not prepare someone for the workplace? Obviously the white coeds did not find him interesting so he is full of hate. The FBI should have him on a watch list...wait a sec, they do that in the UK and look what happened. Get this piece of crap out of my country!
Boo boo hoooo, white man unable to handle the truth.
Host had also wished US congressman would be raped in previous tweet
CNN Axes Host Who Called Trump ‘Piece of Sh*t’


Hahaha they even screw over their own, they can't afford any more hits with all the lies they've been caught in
This guy was just downright vile on Twitter. It's simply getting absurd out there with our MSM.
Host had also wished US congressman would be raped in previous tweet
CNN Axes Host Who Called Trump ‘Piece of Sh*t’
View attachment 131986

Hahaha they even screw over their own, they can't afford any more hits with all the lies they've been caught in

Who are we kidding homies, he will be hosting Oscars.
If he had punched someone, the GOP would be running him for national office.
I think this is the same guy who was made to eat human brains ....
I think this is the same guy who was made to eat human brains ....

I was hoping it was that racist POS Don Lemin.....

he who once said/implied "the white man did not a helicopter quick enough" to save that Kardashian NBA goof "husband" (LOL!) who was Coked up at that Nevada Whorehouse on a 3-day binge. LAND O' GOSHEN!
Host had also wished US congressman would be raped in previous tweet
CNN Axes Host Who Called Trump ‘Piece of Sh*t’
View attachment 131986

Hahaha they even screw over their own, they can't afford any more hits with all the lies they've been caught in

Who are we kidding homies, he will be hosting Oscars.
If he had punched someone, the GOP would be running him for national office.

Depends on who he punched.
If he punched you, I'd buy him dinner.
Host had also wished US congressman would be raped in previous tweet
CNN Axes Host Who Called Trump ‘Piece of Sh*t’
View attachment 131986

Hahaha they even screw over their own, they can't afford any more hits with all the lies they've been caught in

Who are we kidding homies, he will be hosting Oscars.
If he had punched someone, the GOP would be running him for national office.

Clearly it does not take much to beat Hillary the Hag.
Host had also wished US congressman would be raped in previous tweet
CNN Axes Host Who Called Trump ‘Piece of Sh*t’
View attachment 131986

Hahaha they even screw over their own, they can't afford any more hits with all the lies they've been caught in

Who are we kidding homies, he will be hosting Oscars.
If he had punched someone, the GOP would be running him for national office.

Depends on who he punched.
If he punched you, I'd buy him dinner.

Is the desert funded? Drinks?
Well, conservatives should be happy. Now a network they deem liberal has sacked an employee for -- unrelated to anything having to do with the network itself -- saying something that might be construed as vulgar. Given all the hoopla conservatives make ostensibly decrying censorship and advocating "free speech this" and "free speech that," one'd expect conservatives to rail vehemently in support of Alsan, who ager having freely expressed his POV, got canned. That is not the nature of commentary on the matter that I'm seeing from conservatives. Hmmmm....
Well, conservatives should be happy. Now a network they deem liberal has sacked an employee for -- unrelated to anything having to do with the network itself -- saying something that might be construed as vulgar. Given all the hoopla conservatives make ostensibly decrying censorship and advocating "free speech this" and "free speech that," one'd expect conservatives to rail vehemently in support of Alsan, who ager having freely expressed his POV, got canned. That is not the nature of commentary on the matter that I'm seeing from conservatives. Hmmmm....
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. A so called media 'star' would not have that following at all without that media position. Feel free to keep defending degenerates though as it truly shows us all your real intelligence level.

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