CNN host calls Trump ‘piece of sh*t’ over renewed call for travel ban after UK Terror Attack

------------------------------------------- YOU are cwazy Anton !!
No he's on the money Why keep pissing on 1.6 million muslims like dump is doing?
How is he "pissing" on them? He simply doesn't want them coming here.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
You vett them Bri You don't piss off 1.6 million muslims who only want to help
No, you keep them all out because their culture and religion are poison to ours.

Again, this does nothing but hurt America and it's interests. Other than being clearly unconstitutional, slapping in the face 2 billion muslims is a completely insane, counterproductive policy.

Even Bush well understood that:

George W. Bush Addresses Muslims in the Aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks:

I also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims throughout the world. We respect your faith. It's practiced freely by many millions of Americans and by millions more in countries that America counts as friends. Its teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah. The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends. It is not our many Arab friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists and every government that supports them.

George W. Bush Addresses Muslims in the Aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks

That was almost 16 years ago. Not much has changed. Now it is time for us to make those changes for them.
Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

Your ignorance is indefensible, when your loved one is innocently killed by Islamic Extremism then and only then can you express your opinion, otherwise STFU!!!

You're nothing more than a keyboard commando, there is nothing you post that your jelly ass spine could back up!!!
Seems you describe Trump and we wish he would STFU!!!
Funny...even Leftists are telling HILLARY to STFU because no one wants to here her 'blame-shifting' BS anymore...
Here Here lol......btw I have no problem with her trying to defend herself

Whats is there to defend? She lost, the DNC was exposed, the Liberal Left has lost massive amounts of elections, the only positions they seem to win are in massive urban areas they have mastered to destroy and yet you continue to defend their failures? Your on your last pint of blood, need to retreat and regroup, you have been exposed...
GWV imho the people most hurt by this trump pos ideas will be republican Live with it
Your ignorance is indefensible, when your loved one is innocently killed by Islamic Extremism then and only then can you express your opinion, otherwise STFU!!!

You're nothing more than a keyboard commando, there is nothing you post that your jelly ass spine could back up!!!
Seems you describe Trump and we wish he would STFU!!!
Funny...even Leftists are telling HILLARY to STFU because no one wants to here her 'blame-shifting' BS anymore...
Here Here lol......btw I have no problem with her trying to defend herself

Whats is there to defend? She lost, the DNC was exposed, the Liberal Left has lost massive amounts of elections, the only positions they seem to win are in massive urban areas they have mastered to destroy and yet you continue to defend their failures? Your on your last pint of blood, need to retreat and regroup, you have been exposed...
GWV imho the people most hurt by this trump pos ideas will be republican Live with it
--------------------------------------- GOOD , i hope it puts the finishing nails in the 'bush family' rino / republican party Edward .
Your ignorance is indefensible, when your loved one is innocently killed by Islamic Extremism then and only then can you express your opinion, otherwise STFU!!!

You're nothing more than a keyboard commando, there is nothing you post that your jelly ass spine could back up!!!
Seems you describe Trump and we wish he would STFU!!!
Funny...even Leftists are telling HILLARY to STFU because no one wants to here her 'blame-shifting' BS anymore...
Here Here lol......btw I have no problem with her trying to defend herself

Whats is there to defend? She lost, the DNC was exposed, the Liberal Left has lost massive amounts of elections, the only positions they seem to win are in massive urban areas they have mastered to destroy and yet you continue to defend their failures? Your on your last pint of blood, need to retreat and regroup, you have been exposed...
GWV imho the people most hurt by this trump pos ideas will be republican Live with it

And you'll continue to believe the LMSM, nothing new with this...

The Republicans are doing fine, the RINO's will die off soon enough...
Your ignorance is indefensible, when your loved one is innocently killed by Islamic Extremism then and only then can you express your opinion, otherwise STFU!!!

You're nothing more than a keyboard commando, there is nothing you post that your jelly ass spine could back up!!!
Seems you describe Trump and we wish he would STFU!!!
Funny...even Leftists are telling HILLARY to STFU because no one wants to here her 'blame-shifting' BS anymore...
Here Here lol......btw I have no problem with her trying to defend herself

Whats is there to defend? She lost, the DNC was exposed, the Liberal Left has lost massive amounts of elections, the only positions they seem to win are in massive urban areas they have mastered to destroy and yet you continue to defend their failures? Your on your last pint of blood, need to retreat and regroup, you have been exposed...
GWV imho the people most hurt by this trump pos ideas will be republican Live with it
How will they be hurt, by having too much money to spend?
------------------------------------------- YOU are cwazy Anton !!
No he's on the money Why keep pissing on 1.6 million muslims like dump is doing?
How is he "pissing" on them? He simply doesn't want them coming here.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
You vett them Bri You don't piss off 1.6 million muslims who only want to help
No, you keep them all out because their culture and religion are poison to ours.

Again, this does nothing but hurt America and it's interests. Other than being clearly unconstitutional, slapping in the face 2 billion muslims is a completely insane, counterproductive policy.

Even Bush well understood that:

George W. Bush Addresses Muslims in the Aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks:

I also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims throughout the world. We respect your faith. It's practiced freely by many millions of Americans and by millions more in countries that America counts as friends. Its teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah. The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends. It is not our many Arab friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists and every government that supports them.

George W. Bush Addresses Muslims in the Aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks
It's clearly NOT unconstitutional. If muzzies don't like it, then perhaps the should learn to refrain from mass murder like civilized people.
Seems you describe Trump and we wish he would STFU!!!
Funny...even Leftists are telling HILLARY to STFU because no one wants to here her 'blame-shifting' BS anymore...
Here Here lol......btw I have no problem with her trying to defend herself

Whats is there to defend? She lost, the DNC was exposed, the Liberal Left has lost massive amounts of elections, the only positions they seem to win are in massive urban areas they have mastered to destroy and yet you continue to defend their failures? Your on your last pint of blood, need to retreat and regroup, you have been exposed...
GWV imho the people most hurt by this trump pos ideas will be republican Live with it
How will they be hurt, by having too much money to spend?
You think only dems live by social services ???
You're overthinking the Trump thing. Its that he's the anti-Obama, who grew the Debt by $10-trillion, and the anti-Hillary who belongs in prison, and is bring jobs back, and knows the value of a dollar.
1. ruled-governed?, meh, I work for a living
2. No class?-look at his holdings, and look at yours
3. business? see #2
4. racist? don't confuse nationalism with racism, talk to Omarosa
5. woman issues? ever see the videos of his partys with NFL cheerleaders?:
6. Christian? who are we to judge?
7. Anti-Constitution? The USSC will decide who had better Exec Orders, so far Trump is beating Obama

Thanks for playing...
1,2,3 look at yours you repub pos I'm worth 10 x what you have and thats a low ball figure

Lol! More liberal BS.
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?
You are full of shit. Do not open the door for anyone who threatens to break the door down or has already said "I intend on destroying you once I enter into your house".


We have a rigorous background check process SPECIFICALLY TO DO THAT.
Obviously those have not been used properly by whomever was in charge.

To repeat - NOT ONE DEATH in America as a result of travels from the 7 countries in the Travel ban.

Moreover, domestic terrorists have killed many Americans but trump is silent.

The cheeto in the WH is all about money. Not American lives.

My internet is screwy right now and the link is from a fake news site. Can someone real me if the OP is lying again?


Sent from my iPad using
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?
You are full of shit. Do not open the door for anyone who threatens to break the door down or has already said "I intend on destroying you once I enter into your house".


We have a rigorous background check process SPECIFICALLY TO DO THAT.
Obviously those have not been used properly by whomever was in charge.

To repeat - NOT ONE DEATH in America as a result of travels from the 7 countries in the Travel ban.

Moreover, domestic terrorists have killed many Americans but trump is silent.

The cheeto in the WH is all about money. Not American lives.

My internet is screwy right now and the link is from a fake news site. Can someone real me if the OP is lying again?


Sent from my iPad using
You're overthinking the Trump thing. Its that he's the anti-Obama, who grew the Debt by $10-trillion, and the anti-Hillary who belongs in prison, and is bring jobs back, and knows the value of a dollar.
1. ruled-governed?, meh, I work for a living
2. No class?-look at his holdings, and look at yours
3. business? see #2
4. racist? don't confuse nationalism with racism, talk to Omarosa
5. woman issues? ever see the videos of his partys with NFL cheerleaders?:
6. Christian? who are we to judge?
7. Anti-Constitution? The USSC will decide who had better Exec Orders, so far Trump is beating Obama

Thanks for playing...
1,2,3 look at yours you repub pos I'm worth 10 x what you have and thats a low ball figure

Lol! More liberal BS.
same goes for you repub breath
CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

After the latest suspected Islamic terrorist attack in London on Saturday, a CNN host lashed out at President Trump over his renewed call for a travel ban.

The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

That triggered CNN host Reza Aslan, who lashed out, writing, “This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to American and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.

Terrorists attack the UK, our President calls for more security to protect Americans, and liberals / snowflakes repulsively attack our President....

CNN host demonstrates complete mental breakdown and lack of class, inability to disagree without launching into 'triggered' personal attack.

No sir, the President isn't a POS - YOU are.

The host should be immediately fired, just as Kathy Griffin was. It is not possible for him to remain working at CNN and yet present any image of professionalism or lack of extreme bias, which is critical for a 'news reporting agency'.

Keeping him on would demonstrate a complete lack of professionalism and extreme lack of concern for their network's image and bias on CNN's behalf.

We ARE talking about CNN, though, the network who openly, on-air, bragged about doing everythong it could to help Hillary win the 2016 election, to include ignore her scandals...

Ask that pigfucking CNNer how many more islamo terrorist attacks must take place before he starts blaming the Islamo Terrorists and not taking it out on US President.
You're overthinking the Trump thing. Its that he's the anti-Obama, who grew the Debt by $10-trillion, and the anti-Hillary who belongs in prison, and is bring jobs back, and knows the value of a dollar.
1. ruled-governed?, meh, I work for a living
2. No class?-look at his holdings, and look at yours
3. business? see #2
4. racist? don't confuse nationalism with racism, talk to Omarosa
5. woman issues? ever see the videos of his partys with NFL cheerleaders?:
6. Christian? who are we to judge?
7. Anti-Constitution? The USSC will decide who had better Exec Orders, so far Trump is beating Obama

Thanks for playing...
1,2,3 look at yours you repub pos I'm worth 10 x what you have and thats a low ball figure

Yeah, I'm guessing your mother may have lied to you.
You're overthinking the Trump thing. Its that he's the anti-Obama, who grew the Debt by $10-trillion, and the anti-Hillary who belongs in prison, and is bring jobs back, and knows the value of a dollar.
1. ruled-governed?, meh, I work for a living
2. No class?-look at his holdings, and look at yours
3. business? see #2
4. racist? don't confuse nationalism with racism, talk to Omarosa
5. woman issues? ever see the videos of his partys with NFL cheerleaders?:
6. Christian? who are we to judge?
7. Anti-Constitution? The USSC will decide who had better Exec Orders, so far Trump is beating Obama

Thanks for playing...
1,2,3 look at yours you repub pos I'm worth 10 x what you have and thats a low ball figure

Lol! More liberal BS.
same goes for you repub breath

If I was a Repub, but I'm not. You and your ilk are still bitching and moaning about November. Time to put on your big boy pants, quit finding reasons to hate and relax, you will be back in power. It all runs in cycles.
CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

After the latest suspected Islamic terrorist attack in London on Saturday, a CNN host lashed out at President Trump over his renewed call for a travel ban.

The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

That triggered CNN host Reza Aslan, who lashed out, writing, “This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to American and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.

Terrorists attack the UK, our President calls for more security to protect Americans, and liberals / snowflakes repulsively attack our President....

CNN host demonstrates complete mental breakdown and lack of class, inability to disagree without launching into 'triggered' personal attack.

No sir, the President isn't a POS - YOU are.

The host should be immediately fired, just as Kathy Griffin was. It is not possible for him to remain working at CNN and yet present any image of professionalism or lack of extreme bias, which is critical for a 'news reporting agency'.

Keeping him on would demonstrate a complete lack of professionalism and extreme lack of concern for their network's image and bias on CNN's behalf.

We ARE talking about CNN, though, the network who openly, on-air, bragged about doing everythong it could to help Hillary win the 2016 election, to include ignore her scandals...
Where is Reza Aslan wrong?
He's wrong from the point where he opened his mouth to the point where he shut it.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
In other words, you can't articulate where he was wrong.

Thanks for tryin' anyway.
She should be fired!

CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

After the latest suspected Islamic terrorist attack in London on Saturday, a CNN host lashed out at President Trump over his renewed call for a travel ban.

The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

That triggered CNN host Reza Aslan, who lashed out, writing, “This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to American and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.

Terrorists attack the UK, our President calls for more security to protect Americans, and liberals / snowflakes repulsively attack our President....

CNN host demonstrates complete mental breakdown and lack of class, inability to disagree without launching into 'triggered' personal attack.

No sir, the President isn't a POS - YOU are.

The host should be immediately fired, just as Kathy Griffin was. It is not possible for him to remain working at CNN and yet present any image of professionalism or lack of extreme bias, which is critical for a 'news reporting agency'.

Keeping him on would demonstrate a complete lack of professionalism and extreme lack of concern for their network's image and bias on CNN's behalf.

We ARE talking about CNN, though, the network who openly, on-air, bragged about doing everythong it could to help Hillary win the 2016 election, to include ignore her scandals...
She should be fired!

CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

After the latest suspected Islamic terrorist attack in London on Saturday, a CNN host lashed out at President Trump over his renewed call for a travel ban.

The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

That triggered CNN host Reza Aslan, who lashed out, writing, “This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to American and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.

Terrorists attack the UK, our President calls for more security to protect Americans, and liberals / snowflakes repulsively attack our President....

CNN host demonstrates complete mental breakdown and lack of class, inability to disagree without launching into 'triggered' personal attack.

No sir, the President isn't a POS - YOU are.

The host should be immediately fired, just as Kathy Griffin was. It is not possible for him to remain working at CNN and yet present any image of professionalism or lack of extreme bias, which is critical for a 'news reporting agency'.

Keeping him on would demonstrate a complete lack of professionalism and extreme lack of concern for their network's image and bias on CNN's behalf.

We ARE talking about CNN, though, the network who openly, on-air, bragged about doing everythong it could to help Hillary win the 2016 election, to include ignore her scandals...
Who's "she?"

Do you even know who you're talking about?

Does it even matter to you?
If only America were governed by another marxist, community organizing, racist , internationalist stooge........

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