"CNN, How Much CROW Are You Going To Eat?"

Talk about irony ! For YEARS righties stalked Obama and Hillary for Begahzi and later her emails . Trump constantly ran wh phoney stories during his run.

Well turnabout is fair play . You reap what you sow .
Good to know he has something to hide. Can’t wait until he flips…

So taking the 5th means the persons involved are 'guilty' of crimes. Hmmm.... That means Lois Lerner and the Obama administration DID illegally target the American people. We already knew that, though. That means Hillary DID break numerous laws. We already knew that, as well. Hmmm...maybe you have a point.

Two things you should consider:

1. Flynn is NOT President Trump

2. We already know Flynn committed no crimes and was let go / fired for NOT TELLING TRUMP WHAT HE WAS DOING....which basically means if Flynn is eventually found to have done something illegal it does not mean that Trump is involved, which snowflakes are trying to desperately imply.
Waiting in line? Flynn refused a subpoena!

That you’re now worried about Taxpayer money is funny after 6 years of Benghazi investigating to find zilch.

Yup, and likely at the advice of his attorney to. You need only go to a public library and you will see
That while the optics can be bad, it's extremely typical. It would be incredibly stupid to go to a witch hunt without being protected. Hell, if you look at it a better case can be made for Bammer colluding with the Russians then trump. And still, where are the charges? How long has this been going on? Nothing will come of it and it will fade away like the birth certificate thing did for Obama, If, that is Trump can continue to not be stupid on twitter.
Violations of the Constitution and Crimes that HAVE been exposed / PROVEN during the Left's Trump 'Witch Hunt':

The Obama administration broke the law by releasing Protected Classified Personal Information on Trump and his team - information that was deemed to have NO Intel Value - to loyalists in 16 Intel Agencies for POLITICAL benefit and for illegally un-masking American citizens, again, for POLITICAL benefit.

The Obama administration facilitated Felony Espionage.

Obama loyalists within the 16 Intel agencies perpetrated seditious FELONY ESPIONAGE by illegally leaking protected classified information in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / govt.

Hillary Clinton DID break NUMEROUS laws during her personal server / e-mail scandal but was protected from indictment and prosecution.

..and yet the only investigation moving forward with any fervor is the continued investigation of Trump that has produced zero evidence and the promise from the left that if allowed to continue without and end in sight they will eventually find something....

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My my my the snowflakes are upset. Pretty soon they’ll threaten to hold their breath and throw a tantrum.
Talk about irony ! For YEARS righties stalked Obama and Hillary for Begahzi and later her emails . Trump constantly ran wh phoney stories during his run.

Well turnabout is fair play . You reap what you sow .
Quit falling down the well, where's the beef?
Talk about irony ! For YEARS righties stalked Obama and Hillary for Begahzi and later her emails . Trump constantly ran wh phoney stories during his run. Well turnabout is fair play . You reap what you sow .

Nice - finally a snowflake admits there is nothing to the false accusations of Russian collusion.

The only problem is that lil' Timmy tries to imply that allowing 4 Americans to needlessly die by refusing to pull them out of a hostile environment when every other nation avoided the same disaster by pulling their own people out is somehow a 'phony story'.
We normal people are quiet and confident. In contrast, all the Trump cultists are in a state of hysterical meltdown. Clearly, even the Trump-cultists don't believe their own conspiracy theories. They just have to pretend they do, because if they don't, the other cultists will turn on them. And to a cultist, there's no bigger danger than another cultist who thinks you've betrayed the cult.

Oh, aside from Flynn, we have all this. Anyone saying "no evidence!" is ... what's the word ... oh yeah, lying.

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

Ex-CIA chief: Intel shows possibility Trump campaign was ‘actively conspiring, colluding with Russia’

Monday’s Russia hearing was a disaster for Trump – ThinkProgress


Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say


Also note that it's not required to be directly involved. If someone knows about it and cooperates with that person, that's conspiracy, and it's also a felony. And it seems both Trump and Pence knew about the actions of Flynn and others.
My my my the snowflakes are upset. Pretty soon they’ll threaten to hold their breath and throw a tantrum.
Just curious, CC - since it has been proven that the term 'snowflake' was adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who were / are too sensitive, easily offended, and who had / have a hard time accepting reality, why do you and a very small number of uneducated liberals keep improperly using the term to try to reference Conservatives?

Is it because of such a lack of creativity that you can not come up with your own, unique term for Conservatives, or that you are so used to repeating what you have been told that you can't break the 'indoctrination'? :p
Good to know he has something to hide. Can’t wait until he flips…

So taking the 5th means the persons involved are 'guilty' of crimes. Hmmm.... That means Lois Lerner and the Obama administration DID illegally target the American people. We already knew that, though. That means Hillary DID break numerous laws. We already knew that, as well. Hmmm...maybe you have a point.

Two things you should consider:

1. Flynn is NOT President Trump

2. We already know Flynn committed no crimes and was let go / fired for NOT TELLING TRUMP WHAT HE WAS DOING....which basically means if Flynn is eventually found to have done something illegal it does not mean that Trump is involved, which snowflakes are trying to desperately imply.

I guess the investigation will flesh all of that out.

I’ll characterize it like your messiah did when talking about Chirs Christie and Bridgegate…:
"So I won't do this a lot, but, look, here's the story: The George Washington Bridge. He knew about. How do you have breakfast with people every day of your lives (and not know)?

"They're closing up the largest bridge in the world -- the biggest in the United States -- traffic flowing during rush hour," Trump continued. "People couldn't get across for six, seven hours. Ambulances. Fire trucks."

"They're with him all the time, the people that did it," he added. "They never said, 'Hey, boss, uh, we're closing up the George Washington Bridge.' No, they never said that, they're talking about the weather? Right?"

I’m quite sure Flynn reported back to someone in the Campaign. Do you think a 3 star general would spend a second answering to anyone other than the President of Vice President? Of course you do. You’re really just that stupid.
Talk about irony ! For YEARS righties stalked Obama and Hillary for Begahzi and later her emails . Trump constantly ran wh phoney stories during his run. Well turnabout is fair play . You reap what you sow .

Nice - finally a snowflake admits there is nothing to the false accusations of Russian collusion.

The only problem is that lil' Timmy tries to imply that allowing 4 Americans to needlessly die by refusing to pull them out of a hostile environment when every other nation avoided the same disaster by pulling their own people out is somehow a 'phony story'.

No, there's plenty more. Like Trumps son n law and others in his camp failing to disclose all their hush hush meetings wh shady ruskies.

You just put your head In the Sand and have the nerve to say theirs no proof of nuthin!? There's a whole lot of smoke !
My my my the snowflakes are upset. Pretty soon they’ll threaten to hold their breath and throw a tantrum.
Just curious, CC - since it has been proven that the term 'snowflake' was adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who were / are too sensitive, easily offended, and who had / have a hard time accepting reality, why do you and a very small number of uneducated liberals keep improperly using the term to try to reference Conservatives?

Is it because of such a lack of creativity that you can not come up with your own, unique term for Conservatives, or that you are so used to repeating what you have been told that you can't break the 'indoctrination'? :p

I know it bothers you guys. Its like me bringing up the fact that Hillary got more votes than your Messiah. Just happy to rattle the cage of the dumb animals.
We normal people are quiet and confident. In contrast, all the Trump cultists are in a state of hysterical meltdown. Clearly, even the Trump-cultists don't believe their own conspiracy theories. They just have to pretend they do, because if they don't, the other cultists will turn on them. And to a cultist, there's no bigger danger than another cultist who thinks you've betrayed the cult.

Oh, aside from Flynn, we have all this. Anyone saying "no evidence!" is ... what's the word ... oh yeah, lying.

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

Ex-CIA chief: Intel shows possibility Trump campaign was ‘actively conspiring, colluding with Russia’

Monday’s Russia hearing was a disaster for Trump – ThinkProgress


Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say


Also note that it's not required to be directly involved. If someone knows about it and cooperates with that person, that's conspiracy, and it's also a felony. And it seems both Trump and Pence knew about the actions of Flynn and others.

Wow, that's an impressive list, and when you pack it all together like that it gives the ILLUSION that there is something to it.

Thank you for the 'history' lesson. Now let me remind you of one:

Both the directors of the NSA and FBI declared under oath in testimony before Congress that those contacts DID NOT CONSTITUTE ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, NEVER SHOWED ANY EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, and HAD NO INTEL VALUE.

All of that, what you posted, and it ends with the same results - NO EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION.

My my my the snowflakes are upset. Pretty soon they’ll threaten to hold their breath and throw a tantrum.
Just curious, CC - since it has been proven that the term 'snowflake' was adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who were / are too sensitive, easily offended, and who had / have a hard time accepting reality, why do you and a very small number of uneducated liberals keep improperly using the term to try to reference Conservatives?

Is it because of such a lack of creativity that you can not come up with your own, unique term for Conservatives, or that you are so used to repeating what you have been told that you can't break the 'indoctrination'? :p

I know it bothers you guys. Its like me bringing up the fact that Hillary got more votes than your Messiah. Just happy to rattle the cage of the dumb animals.
Who sitting in the White House?
No, there's plenty more. Like Trumps son n law and others in his camp failing to disclose all their hush hush meetings wh shady ruskies.

Oh you poor, desperate snowflake....all of that has been investigated, and none of it has been deemed 'criminal'.



...unlike Hillary, who broke laws and jeopardized our national security while her husband was giving speeches for Putin Pals, ex-KGB. :p
My my my the snowflakes are upset. Pretty soon they’ll threaten to hold their breath and throw a tantrum.
Just curious, CC - since it has been proven that the term 'snowflake' was adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who were / are too sensitive, easily offended, and who had / have a hard time accepting reality, why do you and a very small number of uneducated liberals keep improperly using the term to try to reference Conservatives?

Is it because of such a lack of creativity that you can not come up with your own, unique term for Conservatives, or that you are so used to repeating what you have been told that you can't break the 'indoctrination'? :p

I know it bothers you guys. Its like me bringing up the fact that Hillary got more votes than your Messiah. Just happy to rattle the cage of the dumb animals.

Doesn't bother us quite as much as Hillary (still) being lost in the woods bothers you guys.
I know it bothers you guys. Its like me bringing up the fact that Hillary got more votes than your Messiah. Just happy to rattle the cage of the dumb animals.

Oh, so the only contribution to the discussion you are offering is an attempt to irritate Conservatives by pretending to be an annoying, ignorant ass?! Got it.

And you are STILL clinging to the idea that Hillary won the 'popularity contest' rather than the Presidency this past election...how...pathetic. How's that working out for her / you, by the way? :p

(Poor dear didn't even get a 'Participation Trophy' for such an impressive accomplishment.)
What exactly is he hiding?


Seriously...because The Klingon Campaign Team talked to all the same ambassadors.

It's standard practice to do so to acquaint governments with each other during a potential transition.

So again exactly what is bekng hidden?

Waiting in line? Flynn refused a subpoena!

That you’re now worried about Taxpayer money is funny after 6 years of Benghazi investigating to find zilch.

Flynn invoked his 5th Amendment Right. I guess he could have pulled a 'Lois Lerner' - showed up, give a statement, and then invoke the 5th...or he could have pulled a 'Hillary - showed up and lied. Not his style. :p

Good to know he has something to hide. Can’t wait until he flips…

The investigation continues..
If an honest FBI director had been in Charge and not one owned by The Clinton Foundatiion Career Criminal Hildabeast would have gotten Indicted then and never ran for POTUS in the first place.
Talk about irony ! For YEARS righties stalked Obama and Hillary for Begahzi and later her emails . Trump constantly ran wh phoney stories during his run.

Well turnabout is fair play . You reap what you sow .
My my my the snowflakes are upset. Pretty soon they’ll threaten to hold their breath and throw a tantrum.
Just curious, CC - since it has been proven that the term 'snowflake' was adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who were / are too sensitive, easily offended, and who had / have a hard time accepting reality, why do you and a very small number of uneducated liberals keep improperly using the term to try to reference Conservatives?

Is it because of such a lack of creativity that you can not come up with your own, unique term for Conservatives, or that you are so used to repeating what you have been told that you can't break the 'indoctrination'? :p

I know it bothers you guys. Its like me bringing up the fact that Hillary got more votes than your Messiah. Just happy to rattle the cage of the dumb animals.

Why would something that has no bearing on anything bother anyone?
Look at the Trump-snowflakes flail. They're quoting corrupt Trump shills as if they mean something. Sununu, if you recall, had to resign in disgrace from the first Bush admin after accepting too many lavish gifts. (It would be totally fine to do that now, thanks to the decline of moral standards under Trump, but it wasn't fine then.)
Have you convictions of these alleged 'corrupt Trump shills'? If so, I'd be willing to look at them.

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