CNN is pretending that Trump is the ONLY ONE saying FEMA has failed.

Communism creates fewer billionaires and trillionaires. The people of China rely on government agencies exactly the same as FEMA in times of need due to tropical storms. That's a threat to all capitalists and must be ended!
So I get it, you are jealous of people that have more than you do. The Bible says not to covet your neighbor's possessions. That commandment has worked well for many years. You sound Petty and unimaginative.
My brother and sister-in-law are grateful to all the private citizens that have responded to their plight. They are not happy with the government's efforts.
Literally EVERYTHING I've read and seen from the victims, to the neighbors helping the victims, to the private citizens flying their own planes in to Elon Musk are saying the same thing. FEMA was a no show and the rotting bodies are everywhere.
No thank you I'll take capitalism. It's a better form of economy. The free market gives us Innovations that you'll never see in countries like China and Venezuela. I don't need the government coming and boarding me into my home because of some perception of a disease. You are fucking nuts
If you don't need government then ya'all should stop whining about FEMA/government.
CNN and the rest of the Democrat Controlled Media know there will be no accountability on their deceptive reporting. They also know their mindless base will lap it right up.
Yes. When a political party has no conscience, morals, ethics, integrity or sense of decency, their messaging can rarely if ever be trusted. And those who look to those as their leaders are generally in a state of denial or so indoctrinated/mentally programed they are unwilling or unable to see the corruption.

So those of us able to think critically and see honestly know that what is happening in North Carolina does not mesh with the glowing praise that FEMA, the Administration heaps on itself and is dutifully reported by their propaganda machine known as the MSM.

Do I believe they are deliberately punishing Patriots/Republicans as has been suggested? No. I don't believe that. Do I believe the Democrats seeded clouds to make hurricanes or make them stronger? No. I don't believe that either.

Do I believe the Democrats squandered and misspent a whole lot of money for political advantage and/or are completely incompetent due to DEI policies that put incompetent people in charge of things? That I think is a very strong possibility.
So I get it, you are jealous of people that have more than you do. The Bible says not to covet your neighbor's possessions. That commandment has worked well for many years. You sound Petty and unimaginative.
I'm very busy so I have to limit you to two replies.
Boarding people in their houses was taking necessary precautions in China! Government interfered by coming to the rescue!

Some freedoms needed to be curtailed to avoid a huge kill off in the streets, similar to Katrina. Gubernmunt interferes when dead bodies start to pile up.
People who think like you are scary to me. I can't imagine being unable to prefer personal liberty over trusting government to dictate what is good for me. I can't imagine believing those in government care more about my personal happiness and well being than my looking to my own interests.
Capitalists are too quick to drag out the bibles when hurricanes strike. The bibles praise socialism, that is capitalism's worst enemy.
Kamala must be holding back government/FEMA aid! This is no time to be trying to out-capitalist Trump!

FKN commie bit-h!
You really haven't the first fucking idea of what you're blabbering about....Just STFU.

People who think like you are scary to me. I can't imagine being unable to prefer personal liberty over trusting government to dictate what is good for me. I can't imagine believing those in government care more about my personal happiness and well being than my looking to my own interests.
Gub'munt/FEMA doesn't care and neither should you care about gub'munt assistance!

For you, billionaires are coming, or should I say they are cumming?
You need to stop pretending to be angry. Your priorities are on record as opposing government interference. Try to stay on topic.
I'm not angry and you haven't the first idea of what you're blabbering about.

None -as in NONE- of what The State does is capitalistic, in any way, shape, or manner...A first-week econ 101 student could tell you that, so STFU.
I have no idea what you are trying to say here.
Pay closer attention to those who respond to my facts. Clean and pure capitalism doesn't go out campaigning for gub'munt interference whan the sh-t hits the fan in a tropical storm!

Why all the concern over a Canadian's priorities all of a sudden?

Billionaires in America should have stepped up long ago to establish their own emergency funding, without any FEMA/gub'munt interference.

And fwiw, Canada turns to gub'munt instead of trying to romance billionaires.
Pay closer attention to those who respond to my facts. Clean and pure capitalism doesn't go out campaigning for gub'munt interference whan the sh-t hits the fan in a tropical storm!

Why all the concern over a Canadian's priorities all of a sudden?

Billionaires in America should have stepped up long ago to establish their own emergency funding, without any FEMA/gub'munt interference.

And fwiw, Canada turns to gub'munt instead of trying to romance billionaires.
Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, did step up to help most especially by re-establishing communications with his Starlink technology. FEMA did its best to block his efforts. I think he finally did prevail.

He isn't the only one that has reported FEMA rejecting, even criminalizing at times, private efforts to help.

Again and again we hear reports of FEMA confiscating private donations and then taking credit for them if and when they are distributed. Do you think that is honorable?

Evenso many of the nation's wealthy have contributed to the effort. The MSM tends to give FEMA credit for everything though. Then again most of the MSM are nothing more than a propaganda machine for Democrats and cannot be trusted to report much of anything honestly.

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