CNN (June 11th): No criminal charges expected against Clinton in email probe

Thank you for demonstrating liberals don't give a damn when LIBERALS break the law.

'Yeah, she broke several laws, but what damage did it REALLY do?!'

That's something NO one will hear / read you say about Trump, attempting to minimize unethical, illegal activity.

When something does come up and it involves Trump or another Conservative remember you said this - I expect you to defend them the same way...or either ADMIT to being a HYPOCRITE.
I always get a good laugh when the very crowd who cheered Bush for commuting Libby's sentence after he was convicted, cry about how it's Liberals who don't give a damn about the law.
AFTER Hillary is convicted you can commute her sentence if you want, but - just like Libs demanded with Libby - she has to be held accountable / go to jail 1st.
I guess you missed the OP, huh?

As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected[/i]

... Sucks to be you. And for more reasons than the obvious.​
Of course the Communist News Network said that. The State Dept, however, declared Hillary never turned over all State Dept-related e-mails and documents, which she was required to BY LAW. Failing / Refusal to do so is a violation of BOTH the FOIA and the Fed Records Act. She broke the laws.

Because CNN says it it's true? Hell, despite the FBI declaring it and the WH confirming the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary, Hillary continues to deny it's happening. In your world, if Hillary says it then it must be true.

With THAT much ignorance it sucks to be YOU!

(Dangle, dangle, dangle)
On a scale of one to banana, just how crestfallen are you going to be when no FBI indictment are recommended ?
Oh, my.... we will witness a gigantic meltdown of epic proportions by our conservatives should that happen.


I have the FBI researching it for me. As far as your claims that she broke the law, again... you should contact the FBI with your findings since the word being leaked out is that Hillary has not been found to have committed any crimes. They need your help. Without you, she may escape prosecution! :ack-1:

And that sarcasm betrays the fact you have no proof to the contrary!

Saying "Nuh uh!" is not a sufficient argument.
I need no evidence to the contrary. You're the one making bold accusations the FBI is apparently missing.

Let's translate the bullshitese:

"I need no evidence" means "I have no evidence."
I'm going by the report that the FBI is wrapping up their investigation and that no criminal charges are expected. Who knows why you think I need to prove you wrong when the FBI is already [apparently] doing that? :dunno:

But again ... and I'm tryin' to help you out here ... you should contact the FBI with your findings. If you don't, Hillary might walk scot-free. How could you live with yourself if you let that happen?

So you buy the "leak" that the FBI is wrapping up their investigation...even though they have yet to question Clinton? Gee, you're fully as naive as the Hillary camp hopes, Faun!
I'm still waiting for you to tell me what security she had installed on her email server. Why won't you answer that?
It seems that you know what the FBI knows, that there will be no recommendation for indictment. Can you refer me to the agent who told you that?
I've already informed you who my "source" is.

Which isn't the FBI. In all honesty you don't know what decision they've made. So unless you're John Edward, you can't possibly know.
Nor have I claimed to know.

Please don't lie, Faun.

And again... it appears no criminal charges are coming.
Sounds like she won't be unless you share your findings with the FBI.
I am not a liar because you're an idiot.

I never said she will not be charged nor have I said I know what the FBI knows. Even my quotes you posted make no such declaration.

The news is reporting that the word they're getting is that no charges will be coming. That's why I said, "it appears" and "sounds like" she won't be charged; and not "She isn't being charged."
I haven't seen that in the news. Have you got a link?
On a scale of one to banana, just how crestfallen are you going to be when no FBI indictment are recommenced ?
Sloppy English aside, the FBI does not indict.

If it were DOJ making the recommendation, Hillary gets off Scot free. Fortunately that is not the case.

The DOJ decides whether to indict or not, but the FBI does make a recommendation to indict if they believe a crime was committed
I've already informed you who my "source" is.

Which isn't the FBI. In all honesty you don't know what decision they've made. So unless you're John Edward, you can't possibly know.
Nor have I claimed to know.

Please don't lie, Faun.

And again... it appears no criminal charges are coming.
Sounds like she won't be unless you share your findings with the FBI.
I am not a liar because you're an idiot.

I never said she will not be charged nor have I said I know what the FBI knows. Even my quotes you posted make no such declaration.

The news is reporting that the word they're getting is that no charges will be coming. That's why I said, "it appears" and "sounds like" she won't be charged; and not "She isn't being charged."
I haven't seen that in the news. Have you got a link?
Don't need a link. Try reading the OP of the thread you're posting in next time. That will answer your question.
OK ....if you were harmed explain how you or anyone was actually harmed
Conducting government business in private weakens our democracy. It is harmful to our form of government by further eroding the trust in government officials.

She wasn't conducting government business in private. She was corresponding with Government employees
You are being disingenuous. There are thousands of emails from her server on wiki leaks website that refute your assertion. I especially like those marked "strictly internal".

Show what sensitive information was leaked and what harm was done

You want her in jail, shouldn't she have actually harmed someone?

The Russians and Chinese and ISIS have her emails. Do you understand how blackmail works?
The Israelis were the first to hack into her private unsecured server.
As already made clear there are thousands of Hillary's hacked emails on the internet.
Guess who the Israelis would rather have to deal with in the White house? Hillary or Trump? GOLD STAR.
IF the FBI doesn't recommend felony charges against Hillary to the AG or the AG doesn't go forward with charges for 100% political reasons, the Israelis will 'leak' the most damning of Hillary's email to the press.
Naturally Putin is hoping for another four years of the Obama administration so he can 'roll' Hillary whenever he needs to like he has always done with 'BONOBO' (Putin's nickname for Obama BTW). So Putin is holding onto the emails.
Putin is on the verge of invading a few neighboring countries but is holding off until he knows if Hillary is president or not. If Trump becomes the next President Putin's plans will have to wait.
So the voters will decide who they want to be in charge of the Security Codes for four years and who the next 4-5 SC judges will be.
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I've already informed you who my "source" is.

Which isn't the FBI. In all honesty you don't know what decision they've made. So unless you're John Edward, you can't possibly know.
Nor have I claimed to know.

Please don't lie, Faun.

And again... it appears no criminal charges are coming.
Sounds like she won't be unless you share your findings with the FBI.
I am not a liar because you're an idiot.

I never said she will not be charged nor have I said I know what the FBI knows. Even my quotes you posted make no such declaration.

The news is reporting that the word they're getting is that no charges will be coming. That's why I said, "it appears" and "sounds like" she won't be charged; and not "She isn't being charged."
I haven't seen that in the news. Have you got a link?
Jesus Christ. Are you so blind you can't see the title of the thread you're posting in?
Which isn't the FBI. In all honesty you don't know what decision they've made. So unless you're John Edward, you can't possibly know.
Nor have I claimed to know.

Please don't lie, Faun.

And again... it appears no criminal charges are coming.
Sounds like she won't be unless you share your findings with the FBI.
I am not a liar because you're an idiot.

I never said she will not be charged nor have I said I know what the FBI knows. Even my quotes you posted make no such declaration.

The news is reporting that the word they're getting is that no charges will be coming. That's why I said, "it appears" and "sounds like" she won't be charged; and not "She isn't being charged."
I haven't seen that in the news. Have you got a link?
Don't need a link. Try reading the OP of the thread you're posting in next time. That will answer your question.

Yeah, we know CNN reported it - based on what?
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again


A few years from now the FBI will say they are close to announcing
that they are a few years from wrapping this up.
So in the end it will be a tough worded press release that while she was a dumb ass
no charges will be filed...

Bad Hillary....
The democrat party controls the Department of Justice.....their candidate for the most powerful office in the country is up for election......and you think they are going to let her get indicted........

Do you guys actually feed and clothe yourselves...because the level of stupidity you show in your posts definitely shows you can't........

If the evidence was clear and strong enough they wouldn't have a choice, every American understands that. The people who refuse to understand are the people who howl instead of listen, who scream instead of talk. Those people will never understand the concept of no evidence and is why we have never ending investigations.
Hillary has the goods on Obama and he won't prosecute her, because a lot of politicians would go down with her. Democrat and republican. That's why we need Donald to be president and get all corrupt politicians out.
Trump will go to jail for tax evasion and fraud

Just like Al Capone
Talk about wishful thinking.
Trump committed fraud and tax evasion

Hillary used a private server
Proof Trump commented tax fraud. Cia said hillary broke the rules, nice way to say she broke the law.
Hillary has the goods on Obama and he won't prosecute her, because a lot of politicians would go down with her. Democrat and republican. That's why we need Donald to be president and get all corrupt politicians out.
Trump will go to jail for tax evasion and fraud

Just like Al Capone
Talk about wishful thinking.
Trump committed fraud and tax evasion

Hillary used a private server

War monger Hillary got thousands of people killed over oil.
She voted for that war right? You blame Bush. Then you should also blame Hillary. Trump was against the Iraq war, if you were consistent, you would support him.
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again

She had an illegal server, she deleted government emails that are under federal law.....she is a felon waiting for conviction.......she sold her office to the highest bidd er and then hid the corruption on her private server....

but guys have never cared about the this won't matter either.....everything you guys touch turns to shit....and this is how you accomplish it.........
Home owned servers aren't illegal dipshit. Otherwise, Bush could have been impeached.
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again

She had an illegal server, she deleted government emails that are under federal law.....she is a felon waiting for conviction.......she sold her office to the highest bidd er and then hid the corruption on her private server....

but guys have never cared about the this won't matter either.....everything you guys touch turns to shit....and this is how you accomplish it.........
Home owned servers aren't illegal dipshit. Otherwise, Bush could have been impeached.

Holding and distributing classified material from those servers is illegal.
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The mere existence of this non sanctioned or approved server is criminal, since the FBI has it, and Clinton admits that it was hers, a crime has been committed.
Can you cite the law that states that? Please and thanks.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Why Hillary will not be indicted

Valerie Plame Wilson: No Ordinary Spy

The Bush administration leaked her name in retaliation for political statements made by her husband. Plames cover was broken and her life was jeopardized. Nobody in the Bush administration was punished and Bush pardoned those who were blamed

Yet, Republicans hold a witch hunt over Hillary having a server where no classified information was actually leaked
Yep, I remember that clearly. Republicans BLATANTLY broke the law, and not a one cared one iota about lawbreaking or of getting justice for it.

They should officially change the name of the Republican Party to "Hypocrits'R'Us"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again

She had an illegal server, she deleted government emails that are under federal law.....she is a felon waiting for conviction.......she sold her office to the highest bidd er and then hid the corruption on her private server....

but guys have never cared about the this won't matter either.....everything you guys touch turns to shit....and this is how you accomplish it.........
Conspiracy theories are not crimes
Having a private server is not a crime let alone a felony

Bush leaked the identity of a CIA agent and nobody went to jail...what makes you think Hillary will for your petty claims?
Becaus'n she's a Clinton.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again

She had an illegal server, she deleted government emails that are under federal law.....she is a felon waiting for conviction.......she sold her office to the highest bidd er and then hid the corruption on her private server....

but guys have never cared about the this won't matter either.....everything you guys touch turns to shit....and this is how you accomplish it.........
Conspiracy theories are not crimes
Having a private server is not a crime let alone a felony

Bush leaked the identity of a CIA agent and nobody went to jail...what makes you think Hillary will for your petty claims?

Are you really that ignorant?

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