CNN Just Got Lucky


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
The CIA News Network.
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
What is the big deal about CNN filming that arrest? Is this the first time in history we have seen someone arrested on tv? Why are you still crying about this?
A show was needed and CNN was obviously tipped off. Showed up an hour before the raid.
The show was a small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, when a couple of plain clothes agents would have sufficed.
Fucking ridiculous.
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
The Clinton news network and the deep state are in bed together
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
Because as we all know...there's some compelling video to be had at four in the the a neighborhood where everyone is sound asleep! CNN got lucky? That's a bald faced lie!
A show was needed and CNN was obviously tipped off. Showed up an hour before the raid.
The show was a small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, when a couple of plain clothes agents would have sufficed.
Fucking ridiculous.
If CNN's coverage showed this small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, why is everyone mad at them for doing some good journalism and showing the world how heavy handed the DOJ was acting?
I should think the Roger Stone/Trump supporters would be throwing roses at them.
If CNN's coverage showed this small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, why is everyone mad at them for doing some good journalism and showing the world how heavy handed the DOJ was acting?
I should think the Roger Stone/Trump supporters would be throwing roses at them.
That's a really good point even if that wasn't their intention.
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
What is the big deal about CNN filming that arrest? Is this the first time in history we have seen someone arrested on tv? Why are you still crying about this?

The FBI isn't supposed to be in the business of political theatre, Old Lady and that's EXACTLY what this was...a perp walk designed to humiliate and intimidate an American citizen! Roger Stone and his attorney had already made it quite clear to the FBI that they would cooperate fully with any investigation. So why the SWAT team? I'll tell you why...because it made good tv for CNN and it's viewers like you that want to see everyone in the Trump circle arrested! Why are we angry about this? Because it was NEVER done to anyone in the Clinton campaign even though they broke the law repeatedly! Why didn't the FBI raid the Clinton house in Westchester with a SWAT team and tv cameras in tow?
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
What is the big deal about CNN filming that arrest? Is this the first time in history we have seen someone arrested on tv? Why are you still crying about this?

The FBI isn't supposed to be in the business of political theatre, Old Lady and that's EXACTLY what this was...a perp walk designed to humiliate and intimidate an American citizen! Roger Stone and his attorney had already made it quite clear to the FBI that they would cooperate fully with any investigation. So why the SWAT team? I'll tell you why...because it made good tv for CNN and it's viewers like you that want to see everyone in the Trump circle arrested! Why are we angry about this? Because it was NEVER done to anyone in the Clinton campaign even though they broke the law repeatedly! Why didn't the FBI raid the Clinton house in Westchester with a SWAT team and tv cameras in tow?
Okay, if that's your excuse, you stick with it.
They should rename it CNN/FBI/DNC or Swamp, for short.
One of the basic tenants of American law is that we are all entitled to equal justice under the law. People like Lois Lerner aren't allowed to have one set of rules for liberals that she likes and another for conservatives that she doesn't! The FBI isn't allowed to have one way of doing things for people it likes and another for those that they don't! One political campaign shouldn't be subject to years of investigations on alleged wrongdoings while their opponent is given a pass. That isn't equal justice! That isn't FAIR! That's why conservatives are upset.
A show was needed and CNN was obviously tipped off. Showed up an hour before the raid.
The show was a small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, when a couple of plain clothes agents would have sufficed.
Fucking ridiculous.
If CNN's coverage showed this small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, why is everyone mad at them for doing some good journalism and showing the world how heavy handed the DOJ was acting?
I should think the Roger Stone/Trump supporters would be throwing roses at them.
The footage of heavy handed tactics came from Stones own house cameras. Not CNN. They were tipped off and showed up to paint the story as more negative coverage regarding Trump.
Journalism? CNN?
A show was needed and CNN was obviously tipped off. Showed up an hour before the raid.
The show was a small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, when a couple of plain clothes agents would have sufficed.
Fucking ridiculous.
If CNN's coverage showed this small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, why is everyone mad at them for doing some good journalism and showing the world how heavy handed the DOJ was acting?
I should think the Roger Stone/Trump supporters would be throwing roses at them.
The footage of heavy handed tactics came from Stones own house cameras. Not CNN. They were tipped off and showed up to paint the story as more negative coverage regarding Trump.
Journalism? CNN?
You sure about that with the cameras? Why did Stone let that out to CNN? The video I saw, the camera was waving around pretty wildly at first, getting the ground, everyone's feet etc. House cameras don't act like that and they don't follow people as they move, either.
One of the basic tenants of American law is that we are all entitled to equal justice under the law. People like Lois Lerner aren't allowed to have one set of rules for liberals that she likes and another for conservatives that she doesn't! The FBI isn't allowed to have one way of doing things for people it likes and another for those that they don't! One political campaign shouldn't be subject to years of investigations on alleged wrongdoings while their opponent is given a pass. That isn't equal justice! That isn't FAIR! That's why conservatives are upset.
You never heard of Hillary Clinton, huh?

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