CNN Just Got Lucky

One of the basic tenants of American law is that we are all entitled to equal justice under the law. People like Lois Lerner aren't allowed to have one set of rules for liberals that she likes and another for conservatives that she doesn't! The FBI isn't allowed to have one way of doing things for people it likes and another for those that they don't! One political campaign shouldn't be subject to years of investigations on alleged wrongdoings while their opponent is given a pass. That isn't equal justice! That isn't FAIR! That's why conservatives are upset.
You never heard of Hillary Clinton, huh?

I was specifically referencing Hillary Clinton, Old Lady! Her campaign did so many sleazy things in that last political race...not only to Trump but also to Bernie Sanders...but she was given a pass by the FBI because James Comey decided she wasn't sophisticated enough to understand she was breaking the law. I don't have many good things to say about Hillary (I think she'd throw her own mother in front of a speeding train if it meant she'd get elected President!) but I'd never make the argument that she wasn't sophisticated about politics and what is and isn't legal in a campaign! She knew damn well that what she was doing was's why she hid those servers in her home and then had them professionally erased.
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.

You are a rabid Trump supporter so why should we listen to you.
There is not a bit of evidence that CNN was tipped off. They may just be smarter than anyone else.
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
The Clinton news network and the deep state are in bed together

There is no deep state.
There is no deep state.
I call it dark side

One of the basic tenants of American law is that we are all entitled to equal justice under the law. People like Lois Lerner aren't allowed to have one set of rules for liberals that she likes and another for conservatives that she doesn't! The FBI isn't allowed to have one way of doing things for people it likes and another for those that they don't! One political campaign shouldn't be subject to years of investigations on alleged wrongdoings while their opponent is given a pass. That isn't equal justice! That isn't FAIR! That's why conservatives are upset.
You never heard of Hillary Clinton, huh?

I was specifically referencing Hillary Clinton, Old Lady! Her campaign did so many sleazy things in that last political race...not only to Trump but also to Bernie Sanders...but she was given a pass by the FBI because James Comey decided she wasn't sophisticated enough to understand she was breaking the law. I don't have many good things to say about Hillary (I think she'd throw her own mother in front of a speeding train if it meant she'd get elected President!) but I'd never make the argument that she wasn't sophisticated about politics and what is and isn't legal in a campaign! She knew damn well that what she was doing was's why she hid those servers in her home and then had them professionally erased.

The sleaziest thing she did to Sanders was getting more votes than he did. Sanders' chances of winning were zero. Comey did not say she was not sophisticated. What he said was that no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this. Hillary Clinton was not committing espionage so there was no criminal intent.
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
What is the big deal about CNN filming that arrest? Is this the first time in history we have seen someone arrested on tv? Why are you still crying about this?
Your boy Mueller leaks everything to CNN
The sleaziest thing she did to Sanders was getting more votes than he did. Sanders' chances of winning were zero. Comey did not say she was not sophisticated. What he said was that no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this. Hillary Clinton was not committing espionage so there was no criminal intent.
Typical diehard Clinton supporter.

Hillary Clinton with ex Treasury Secretary and bad guy from 'Ghost', Timothy Geithner.
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The information flows freely between the Democrats, DOJ and their propaganda outlet CNN.

I’m just wondering if you’ve seen how Fox News campaigning for Trump. Talking about sleazy news media.

Fox Rebukes Sean Hannity’s and Jeanine Pirro’s Participation in a Trump Rally

Fox News hosts Hannity, Pirro join Trump onstage at campaign rally
As right-wing biased as Fox is, I don't think their reporting is as blatantly dishonest as CNN and the other MSM news channels in their political leanings. But as far as corporate sponsors go they're not any different. .. Fox airs the same Big Pharma and Exxon ads as the others.

Trump News is dishonest. They spread false information about such things as Uranium One and the Seth Rich murder and hurt innocent people in the process. They are worse than CNN easily.
The sleaziest thing she did to Sanders was getting more votes than he did. Sanders' chances of winning were zero. Comey did not say she was not sophisticated. What he said was that no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this. Hillary Clinton was not committing espionage so there was no criminal intent.
Typical diehard Clinton supporter.
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So you say. Being fair does not make you a Clinton supporter. You are a piece of filthy garbage that looks the other way when the crooks Trump surrounds himself with are held accountable. Trump is no different than Clinton which is why I supported neither. Maybe a fascist like you wants to jail your political opponents but that is not the America I know and love.
Trump News is dishonest. They spread false information about such things as Uranium One and the Seth Rich murder and hurt innocent people in the process. They are worse than CNN easily.
So you say. Being fair does not make you a Clinton supporter. You are a piece of filthy garbage that looks the other way when the crooks Trump surrounds himself with are held accountable. Trump is no different than Clinton which is why I supported neither. Maybe a fascist like you wants to jail your political opponents but that is not the America I know and love.
^^ that's hilarious,btw
Nobody needed Fox to know about the Seth Rich murder or the Uranium One cover-ups.
Or the Vince Foster murder or the Clinton Foundation corruption, or Bill Clinton's involvement in Drug smuggling back in Arkansas. All these things are common knowledge to anyone who does their homework instead of believing Canned News Network.
Trump News is dishonest. They spread false information about such things as Uranium One and the Seth Rich murder and hurt innocent people in the process. They are worse than CNN easily.
Nobody needed Fox to know about the Seth Rich murder or the Uranium One cover-ups.
Or the Vince Foster murder or the Clinton Foundation corruption, or Bill Clinton's involvement in Drug smuggling back in Arkansas. All these things are common knowledge to anyone who does their homework instead of believing Canned News Network.

Every crazy right wing conspiracy you can think of. It exists only in your crazy little head.
If CNN's coverage showed this small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, why is everyone mad at them for doing some good journalism and showing the world how heavy handed the DOJ was acting?
I should think the Roger Stone/Trump supporters would be throwing roses at them.

On the point of the extra judicial use of force you're right.

On the fact that laws had to be broken by informing apparatchiks of the impending arrest you've missed the point. It was a political shit show, like a soviet show trial.

That should disgust you as much as the excessive force.

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