CNN Just Got Lucky

If you think this is some sort of "conspiracy," where the Director of the FBI orders someone to call CNN and tell them to get their ass to Stone's house to film his arrest, all in order to make the Trump Team look as shamed and humiliated as possible.....
you're not all there.

Was there a tipster, a "leaker" who buzzed a friend at CNN? Very possibly. With all the leaks in Washington the past couple years, I fail to get a lot more excited about this one than any of the others.

OldLady, try to be objective and look at this in a nonpartisan way.

Look at the facts from the very beginning including this Stone episode...

hillary colludes with the Russians for the FAKE Dossier….

This is fluffed and push through like it would be in a Banana Republic

to obtain the Fisa Warrant………..

The Deep State and all their allies in the lying liberal media are doing

Everything they can to bring Trump down…..

If the situation were reversed and Trump had did all this to hillary,

he and all his cohorts would all be in prison……

The liberal lying media would have exposed the facts for the above…..

The drama of the Stone raid was orchestrated with cnn for the desired effect……….

The lying liberal media is the greatest threat to America and our Freedom.
Deno, I AM looking at it in a nonpartisan way.

hillary colludes with the Russians for the FAKE Dossier….
That didn't happen. The FISA warrant was appropriate. I've read all the objective nonpartisan reporting on that. It is not because I liked Clinton. I didn't and I don't and if anyone were clever enough to bust her ass for what went on in the Clinton Foundation, I'd be as happy as you. But Hillary Clinton didn't collude with the Russians for a Fake Dossier to give the FBI reason to start sniffing around Trump. That is NOT what happened.

OldLady, you are a lost ball in high weeds....

It is useless to continue this....

I should have known better...….
Yup. But honey, you're the one playing with a whiffle ball here.

That brought back some good memories as a kid....
Me, too, Deno!
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
The Clinton news network and the deep state are in bed together

There is no deep state.
Of course there is, high level civilian federal employees. They are accountable to no one...
OldLady, try to be objective and look at this in a nonpartisan way.

Look at the facts from the very beginning including this Stone episode...

hillary colludes with the Russians for the FAKE Dossier….

This is fluffed and push through like it would be in a Banana Republic

to obtain the Fisa Warrant………..

The Deep State and all their allies in the lying liberal media are doing

Everything they can to bring Trump down…..

If the situation were reversed and Trump had did all this to hillary,

he and all his cohorts would all be in prison……

The liberal lying media would have exposed the facts for the above…..

The drama of the Stone raid was orchestrated with cnn for the desired effect……….

The lying liberal media is the greatest threat to America and our Freedom.
Deno, I AM looking at it in a nonpartisan way.

hillary colludes with the Russians for the FAKE Dossier….
That didn't happen. The FISA warrant was appropriate. I've read all the objective nonpartisan reporting on that. It is not because I liked Clinton. I didn't and I don't and if anyone were clever enough to bust her ass for what went on in the Clinton Foundation, I'd be as happy as you. But Hillary Clinton didn't collude with the Russians for a Fake Dossier to give the FBI reason to start sniffing around Trump. That is NOT what happened.

Oh for god's sake! That's exactly what happened! Hillary Clinton paid big money to Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson to smear Donald Trump! Simpson hired Richard Steele and Steele had Russians put out the fake "dossiers" that he had created about Trump. Steele then gave those dossiers that supposedly came from Russian government "insiders" to friendly contacts at the FBI and the media right before the election.
I know what happened. Telling me your fairy tale spin on it yet again is not going to change the very pedestrian facts of the situation.

The only "problem" is that Steele uncovered information so concerning about Trump's doings with the Russians that he felt he needed to share it with the FBI, not just Fusion for oppo campaigning.

It is Trump that is the problem; not Steele, not Clinton, not the FBI. When are you going to figure that out?

Do you really not know that when Richard Steele was sued for defamation in a British court over the dossiers that he admitted that they were nothing more than speculation and that he never intended anyone to think they were factual? That isn't someone who "uncovered information"...that's someone who CREATED information and passed it off as factual and coming from another source! He did that for that came from the Clinton campaign!
Horsehockey! Richard Steele said that the information needed to be verified/corroborated. Which was only honest. He had the word of his sources, but obviously he couldn't get at those sources in Moscow himself to verify them. Much of the information Steele reported has been corroborated as true. But I suppose you don't believe that either. Boy Trump has got you guys twisted around his little finger.
...and still no Russian connection
The information flows freely between the Democrats, DOJ and their propaganda outlet CNN.

I’m just wondering if you’ve seen how Fox News campaigning for Trump. Talking about sleazy news media.

Fox Rebukes Sean Hannity’s and Jeanine Pirro’s Participation in a Trump Rally

Fox News hosts Hannity, Pirro join Trump onstage at campaign rally
As right-wing biased as Fox is, I don't think their reporting is as blatantly dishonest as CNN and the other MSM news channels in their political leanings. But as far as corporate sponsors go they're not any different. .. Fox airs the same Big Pharma and Exxon ads as the others.

Trump News is dishonest. They spread false information about such things as Uranium One and the Seth Rich murder and hurt innocent people in the process. They are worse than CNN easily.
The Clinton news network is the original fake news
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
What is the big deal about CNN filming that arrest? Is this the first time in history we have seen someone arrested on tv? Why are you still crying about this?

Damn you are ignorant.....

It’s collusion between the tards in government and cnn………
If you think this is some sort of "conspiracy," where the Director of the FBI orders someone to call CNN and tell them to get their ass to Stone's house to film his arrest, all in order to make the Trump Team look as shamed and humiliated as possible.....
you're not all there.

Was there a tipster, a "leaker" who buzzed a friend at CNN? Very possibly. With all the leaks in Washington the past couple years, I fail to get a lot more excited about this one than any of the others.
There is absolutely no doubt the deep state and CNN are in bed together
The Clinton news network is the original fake news
It really goes back 100 years to Woodrow.

exerpt; { ....Creel’s first idea was to distribute good news and disclose as many facts about the war as he could without compromising national security. His M.O. was simple: flood the country with press releases disguised as news stories. Summing up after the war, Creel said he aimed to “weld the people of the United States into one white-hot mass instinct” and give them a “war-will, the will to win.” ...}
The Clinton news network is the original fake news
It really goes back 100 years to Woodrow.

exerpt; { ....Creel’s first idea was to distribute good news and disclose as many facts about the war as he could without compromising national security. His M.O. was simple: flood the country with press releases disguised as news stories. Summing up after the war, Creel said he aimed to “weld the people of the United States into one white-hot mass instinct” and give them a “war-will, the will to win.” ...}
No doubt, Woodrow Wilson was the catalyst for the deep state... Allowing state run media
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
Well,that's a bit of a an overstatement. It wasn't the first time they had guessed stone might be getting arrested, and they knew these things happen on Fridays. Sometimes we help make our own luck.
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.

Very lucky.

CNN production crew pulls up and start setting equipment 8 minutes before FBI shows up.

That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.

Very lucky.

CNN production crew pulls up and start setting equipment 8 minutes before FBI shows up.

Which is not remarkable, as 6 am is the earliest legal time in almost all cases to conduct these arrests, and the time at which they do it.
That's right. Yesterday on MSNBC a former lawyer for NYC's Big Bird claimed that "CNN just got lucky" when CNN sent a camera crew to Stone's house an hour before the SWAT team showed up at Stone's house to arrest him.
The bitch even said it with a straight face!
She's a regular on Ari Melbatoast's show.
She's a rabid Trump-hater of course.
The camera crew was sitting in front of Stone's house for an hour waiting before the SWAT team arrived.
WOW! Those CNN people are sure 'lucky'.
What is the big deal about CNN filming that arrest? Is this the first time in history we have seen someone arrested on tv? Why are you still crying about this?

COLLUSION is the big deal.

A show was needed and CNN was obviously tipped off. Showed up an hour before the raid.
The show was a small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, when a couple of plain clothes agents would have sufficed.
Fucking ridiculous.
If CNN's coverage showed this small invasion force armed for a small war to apprehend an old unarmed man, why is everyone mad at them for doing some good journalism and showing the world how heavy handed the DOJ was acting?
I should think the Roger Stone/Trump supporters would be throwing roses at them.

That's certainly his it worked out.

Jo can't legally arrest someone before 6 AM?
Correct, for the feds using warrants like the ones at issue, except for very special circumstances. What... you didn't know that? Damn son, at least try to avail yourself of the most basic facts of the topic before vomiting your ignorant opinions...
Correct, for the feds using warrants like the ones at issue, except for very special circumstances. What... you didn't know that? Damn son, at least try to avail yourself of the most basic facts of the topic before vomiting your ignorant opinions...
Well I only know this is what you claim to be true. I don't know it to be true at all and it seems kind of absurd and in no way
explains how CNN knew exactly what time and what date Roger Stone was going to be arrested by a D-Day type assault team from Inquisitor Mueller and the FBI.

I understand tipping off CNN is a crime in this case because the whole matter was sealed by a presiding judge. Nice going, Bob.
Right, because you didn't bother to check, because you would rather be ignorant and wrong and THINK you are right than be informed and correct. You are far from unique, in this aspect. Dime a dozen, really.
Right....because you still allege something that may or may not be true. And since you've had several chances to prove you are correct and simply ignored them I think you are simply once again spouting bullshit. That's your M.O. it seems.

I am supposed to run off and check a dubious claim of yours based entirely on your worthless
word? I think not. It sounds like garbage and as far as I know IS garbage.
And you still won't check for yourself. no, you will spend twice the time crying like a little bitch in this thread, because, as I said, you prefer ignorance, when it suits you.
Right! Oddly enough I have zero confidence in liars like you. How odd.
That's nice, crybaby. fortunately, I am inviting you to look it up and not take my word for it. But, you won't, nor will I spoonfeed it to you. Watching an guy like you flail is somewhat satisfying, especially when I know I am right and you are wrong. So it goes...

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