CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

And when he doesn't implicate Trump will you still think of something else?? LOL
He already has. LOL.

Cohen, in plea deal, says he acted on behalf of a candidate for public office.

Cohen has publicly stated TRUMP knew nothing about the payments. So which statement is the truth?

Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
If they are declared as a campaign expense they are legal

Backdoor, under the table?
Lock him up

Campaign expenses for something that happened 10 years ago?
And when he doesn't implicate Trump will you still think of something else?? LOL
He already has. LOL.

Cohen, in plea deal, says he acted on behalf of a candidate for public office.

Cohen has publicly stated TRUMP knew nothing about the payments. So which statement is the truth?

Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
If they are declared as a campaign expense they are legal

Backdoor, under the table?
Lock him up

Where has it been shown campaign money was used?
He already has. LOL.

Cohen, in plea deal, says he acted on behalf of a candidate for public office.

Cohen has publicly stated TRUMP knew nothing about the payments. So which statement is the truth?

Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
If they are declared as a campaign expense they are legal

Backdoor, under the table?
Lock him up

Where has it been shown campaign money was used?

It wasn't. If anything, Trump was a blackmail victim.

It's also important to note that Cohen's lawyer is FREAKING LANNY DAVIS, one of the Clinton Crime Family Syndicate. Clearly, some Clinton pay-off is lurking i the background to get him to fabricate lies about Trump.

Campaign manager
Personal lawyer
National Security Adviser

Have all been convicted of FELONIES. :laugh:

Kushner and Lil Donnie are next

Which one will cut a deal first? Muellers already into Jaroids money deals.

They both can go to jail on state charges. As they do everything Cohen does.
As Cohen learned from them.

Cohen has implicated Trump in a felony

Will Congress look the other way?
These anti-America GOP/DOPers will proudly look the other way.
Can they tells us what they got for doing so?
And when he doesn't implicate Trump will you still think of something else?? LOL
He already has. LOL.

Cohen, in plea deal, says he acted on behalf of a candidate for public office.

Cohen has publicly stated TRUMP knew nothing about the payments. So which statement is the truth?

Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
Wait. Can you explain to us how you are so stupid as to claim the payments are not illegal when Cohen just pled GUILTY for making them?

It doesn't work that way. LOL. You have to admit this country is very divided as is the news media (mostly pro left).

I am God. Where is your evidence it isn't true.

If it were true then Trump would be arrested and that would be the crux of the probe not some fake Collusion. Also it would be all over CNN and MSNBC. You need to stop eating those retard sandwiches.

It has already been proven and has been hidden in the weeds because we've spent two years dealing with a conspiracy to defraud the U.S., obstruction of justice, and campaign finance violations.

And another thing, when an entire region of the country closes 868 polls in mostly minority areas, how does anyone with a functioning brain not know how the votes weren't compromised?

This never happened.

It happened and you have not provided counter evidence to the contrary.

Your Russia investigation is turning into a Porn Star did Trump................the cases today don't show squat of the original intent.............

Mainly old tax evasion cases that didn't have anything to do with they will play he KNOWS UKRAINES..........Oh no.............

This has been a fishing expedition to find any crime........hardly the investigation for Russia Collusion.

Now your hope and dreams are about a porn star........

Clinton did a lot of women..........many were after him........real or Memorex..........don't know......but had he just said I did perjury.........

He should have said .......yeah I did her..........enjoyed it too........over .........boom............Maybe he was scared of Hillary......

The investigation isn't over....

View attachment 212176
In some ways, it's just beginning. There are so many people involved.

Yeah there are...........and some who were part of the investigation are already down and lawyering up..........

Both sides are gonna get hit.
"Both sides" ? With what?
You think those FBI guys and Intel guys are going to all walk away from this without some of them going down.

Yes! And with 100% confidence. They've done nothing wrong.
He already has. LOL.

Cohen, in plea deal, says he acted on behalf of a candidate for public office.

Cohen has publicly stated TRUMP knew nothing about the payments. So which statement is the truth?

Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
If they are declared as a campaign expense they are legal

Backdoor, under the table?
Lock him up

Campaign expenses for something that happened 10 years ago?
Wow, what rock have you been hiding under?

Campaign manager
Personal lawyer
National Security Adviser

Have all been convicted of FELONIES. :laugh:

Kushner and Lil Donnie are next

Which one will cut a deal first? Muellers already into Jaroids money deals.

They both can go to jail on state charges. As they do everything Cohen does.
As Cohen learned from them.

Cohen has implicated Trump in a felony

Will Congress look the other way?
Not sure. But I do believe come November, Democrats are going to be working overtime to get this country back.
Are you serious? Please stop.
Where is your evidence it isn't true?

It doesn't work that way. LOL. You have to admit this country is very divided as is the news media (mostly pro left).

I am God. Where is your evidence it isn't true.

If it were true then Trump would be arrested and that would be the crux of the probe not some fake Collusion. Also it would be all over CNN and MSNBC. You need to stop eating those retard sandwiches.
It has already been proven and has been hidden in the weeds because we've spent two years dealing with a conspiracy to defraud the U.S., obstruction of justice, and campaign finance violations.

And another thing, when an entire region of the country closes 868 polls in mostly minority areas, how does anyone with a functioning brain not know how the votes weren't compromised?

This never happened.
It happened and you have not provided counter evidence to the contrary.

It didn’t happen. It’s fake news.
Watching it on CNN now ....

CNN's Breaking News ... LOL :D
The worst hour of Donald Trump's presidency just happened - CNNPolitics

Longtime Trump personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen agreed to a plea deal with the Southern District of New York in which he admitted guilt on eight charges and acknowledged that he had discussed or made hush payments to two women alleging affairs with Trump in order to keep damaging information from becoming public, at the direction of and in coordination with a candidate for federal office. That candidate, although Cohen didn't name him, is obviously Donald Trump.
They got him in a perjury trap and after repeated accusations from women on his deeds.........

What was his mistake........He should of said ...........yeah I did her and the whole thing would went away.......It's not against the law to get a blow job...........consenting adults.......He's been cheating on Hilllary his whole life.


I'd say Trump has done the same.............So.............hmmm..........Clinton and Trump like to do it...............are they the same type of people........LOL
Was Clinton elected through payoffs to porn stars?

Yoda got him elected..........don't think he's a porn star and is not Bill's type............

I'll take that cowardly answer as a no.

Your Russia investigation is turning into a Porn Star did Trump................the cases today don't show squat of the original intent.............

Mainly old tax evasion cases that didn't have anything to do with they will play he KNOWS UKRAINES..........Oh no.............

This has been a fishing expedition to find any crime........hardly the investigation for Russia Collusion.

Now your hope and dreams are about a porn star........

Clinton did a lot of women..........many were after him........real or Memorex..........don't know......but had he just said I did perjury.........

He should have said .......yeah I did her..........enjoyed it too........over .........boom............Maybe he was scared of Hillary......

The investigation isn't over....

View attachment 212176

Voting DrumpF Con Man was a bad pick!
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So Cohen plead guilty to illegal campaign finance in paying two strippers $280,000 to keep quiet

Meanwhile, the person who directed him to do so sits in the White House
Thought the Clinton's were gone already ?

Ohh wait, it could be that there might be some similarities there maybe.. My bad... LOL

What in the world is this country gonna do to stop men from chasing after women ??? It's a shame I tell ya, it's a shame. ROTFLMBO.
Where is your evidence it isn't true?

It doesn't work that way. LOL. You have to admit this country is very divided as is the news media (mostly pro left).

I am God. Where is your evidence it isn't true.

If it were true then Trump would be arrested and that would be the crux of the probe not some fake Collusion. Also it would be all over CNN and MSNBC. You need to stop eating those retard sandwiches.
It has already been proven and has been hidden in the weeds because we've spent two years dealing with a conspiracy to defraud the U.S., obstruction of justice, and campaign finance violations.

And another thing, when an entire region of the country closes 868 polls in mostly minority areas, how does anyone with a functioning brain not know how the votes weren't compromised?

This never happened.
It happened and you have not provided counter evidence to the contrary.

It didn’t happen. It’s fake news.
Prove it.
So Cohen plead guilty to illegal campaign finance in paying two strippers $280,000 to keep quiet

Meanwhile, the person who directed him to do so sits in the White House
Thought the Clinton's were gone already ?

Ohh wait, it could be that there might be some similarities there maybe.. My bad... LOL

What in the world is this country gonna do to stop men from chasing after women ??? It's a shame I tell ya, it's a shame. ROTFLMBO.
I didn't know that was the issue? Lol! Boss, get with the program.
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
It wasn't in the 1940's. And there is no circus. Reasonable people call this the "rule of law".
Just remember that when the tide changes.

You think that this nation or it's citizens are dependent upon Donald Trump to either make it or break it ?? Better guess again, but what you leftist are doing to this nation won't end well for your power hungry dreams or your dreams of total power being realized totally in the future. People don't and won't forget this bullcrap, and mueller, comey and others have made a mockery of the justice system in this country over Hillary and company.

You are on the wrong side of history, which will view the people covering for Trump as conspirators and unethical sheep.
Well that's alot of conspirators and unethical sheep in this country, so you think that 10 to your one is a winning strategy ??
"My" strategy? What in the world are you talking about? And you better check the scoreboard again, professor. You Trumpkins are far outnumbered.
Yeah, just like the polls stated on the night Hillary won ??? Ohh wait..

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