CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

What does failure to pay taxes have to do with Russians and an altered election outcome?
Al Capone was brought down by tax evasion.

Cohen has pled guilty to campaign finance violations, and he has said he did it at Trump's direction to affect the outcome of a federal election.

Trump is having a very bad day.

All caught up now?
The old Al Capone

How did any of this change the election.......Russia connection.........hmmm.........

This was an investigation looking for a crime.........not an investigation of a crime......


And now a Porn Star is the best you got. LOL
Trump fucked a porn star shortly after his kid's birth. This is your hero.

Trump openly bragged about abusing his celebrity to sexually assault women. This is your hero.

While trying to distract from his pussy grabbing tape, Trump paraded Clinton's accusers in front of the cameras at the very same time he was bribing his mistresses in order to affect the outcome of the election. This is your hero.

You make your character evident by the scum you worship. You are walking about in public with open sores on your face.
It's not confirmed that he did her but I'd tend to believe he did it. I don't cheat on my wife and never will, but that is his deal..............same time Bill Clinton was a Hero to you guys and cheated repeatedly, getting blow jobs in the WH.

He is honoring his campaign promises.............and your side didn't get the Supreme Court picks to use Judicial Activism............lowering Regs........lower taxes............economy booming.........trying to secure the production increasing...........manufacturing increasing......tackling Trade abuses..........TPP gone.......Paris accord gone............Keystone pipeline...................I agree with his policies and the benefits are showing .........

Offshore loop holes closed and that money coming back to America......

He's no Saint............he is what he is.........and he is exposing the establishment for what it is and the abuse of power of the last administration for what it is...............

It's not often that 25 FBI and Intel guys get fired, resign, or haul ass at the top levels...........Entire FBI getting training because of one Political Hack who was deep in covering Hillaries ass.........Comey ties that bind to HSBC who he used to be on the board.....they gave tons of money to the Clinton Crime Foundation and were caught in one of the biggest Money laundering schemes in this nation............Paid a 1.8 Billion dollar fine for it.............but no one went to jail even though the laundered money to drug cartels............

Double standards are plain to see unless you have TDS...........we could go very lengthy on Dems and even GOP establishment types who got caught for tax evasion and none of them were charged with a felony..........This is weaponizing of Federal Agencies from hold overs of the abusive Obama Cabal............

It's not over those dirty cops are lawyering up ..........trying to stay out of jail.
The investigation isn't over....

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In some ways, it's just beginning. There are so many people involved.

Yeah there are...........and some who were part of the investigation are already down and lawyering up..........

Both sides are gonna get hit.
"Both sides" ? With what?
You think those FBI guys and Intel guys are going to all walk away from this without some of them going down.


Absolutely they’re going to walk. They haven’t committed any crimes, unlike Dumb Donald. They’re not even under investigation.

You saying they did, doesn’t make it so.
Double standards...............caught lying under oath and releasing classified data in the middle of an investigation to the press............then get cushy jobs with the press............Stinks to the high heavens and you know it............

They try people for perjury.......leaking....on their watch............get caught and it's OH WELL..........Those abuses are confirmed............
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Voting DrumpF Con Man was a bad pick!
What happened to all the Trump apologists?
We may have to debate among ourselves, who's the next conviction victim?
Dirty cops would be nice..........Like to see that going forward............they committed crimes that they charged others for.....................

So yeah.........watching them squirm facing jail time would be nice.......plenty of evidence to proceed......lying confirmed under oath.........couple of dirty intel guys working for CNN........yeah that would be good too.
So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
Wait. Can you explain to us how you are so stupid as to claim the payments are not illegal when Cohen just pled GUILTY for making them?

And Hillary Clinton's campaign funneled money through Fusion GPS to do what? get information to Influence an election? And that included paying a foreign national. What Trump did by paying hush money with non campaign funds was no worse than that. They both were trying to influence the outcome of the election so maybe Hillary and her attorneys need to be investigated.

How many straws do you require to save this BS?

DOPers. One was done legally, the other was NOT!

Can you tell correctly who loves America?

BTW. The winner has no pornstar raw dogging in the past.
Or Possible Golden Shower tapes. Do I need to type out the name for you?

Why is it legal to submit an unverified Dossier you paid for to a foreign national.. then the same document is submitted to a Fisa judge without revealing to him it was bought and paid for as campaign dirt? It stinks of a complete set up. The swamp animals don't want to leave.
Stop lying, conservative scum. The FISC was made aware of the dossier’s origin.
BS...............They didn't say who was funding it..............Prosecutorial misconduct there.............That needs to be appealed to the higher courts.............

The left used the very methods they accuse the other side of doing...........and they used Russian sources......your side hasn't been able to find jack squat so far on that aspect.............which was what they were supposed to be investigating in the special council.

That is exactly why the phrase investigating looking for a crime instead of investigating a crime........Which could be a section 4 violation...............That wasn't the scope........

And now their best hope lays with a whore.............pun intended..........LOL
Another tax cheat.

This is the Mueller tax team.

Is this campaign finance violation like ones from Obama’s campaign where he was fined $375,000?

I’m just wondering.
Another tax cheat.

This is the Mueller tax team.

Is this campaign finance violation like ones from Obama’s campaign where he was fined $375,000?

I’m just wondering.

Wow, right wing flop sweat...

Uh, guy, there was a difference between reporting errors, which weren't criminal, and this stuff, which clearly is.

Trump deliberately paid hush money to these women and hid it.

If Clinton had done this with Lewinsky, you guys would be screaming bloody murder.
oodles can fib about campaign financial felonies all he wants. Yes, they are illegal, and, yes, the prosecutors will act on it.
And when he doesn't implicate Trump will you still think of something else?? LOL
He already has. LOL.

Cohen, in plea deal, says he acted on behalf of a candidate for public office.

Cohen has publicly stated TRUMP knew nothing about the payments. So which statement is the truth?

Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?

They certainly are when done within the context of the election, fool.
He already has. LOL.

Cohen, in plea deal, says he acted on behalf of a candidate for public office.

Cohen has publicly stated TRUMP knew nothing about the payments. So which statement is the truth?

Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
If they are declared as a campaign expense they are legal

Backdoor, under the table?
Lock him up

Campaign expenses for something that happened 10 years ago?

The payment was made during the campaign, dope.
He already has. LOL.

Cohen, in plea deal, says he acted on behalf of a candidate for public office.

Cohen has publicly stated TRUMP knew nothing about the payments. So which statement is the truth?

Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
If they are declared as a campaign expense they are legal

Backdoor, under the table?
Lock him up

Where has it been shown campaign money was used?

Campaign money?

Any money spent to benefit a campaign is "campaign money".

You're like a rat in a maze running into every dead end possible.
Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
Wait. Can you explain to us how you are so stupid as to claim the payments are not illegal when Cohen just pled GUILTY for making them?

And Hillary Clinton's campaign funneled money through Fusion GPS to do what? get information to Influence an election? And that included paying a foreign national. What Trump did by paying hush money with non campaign funds was no worse than that. They both were trying to influence the outcome of the election so maybe Hillary and her attorneys need to be investigated.

How many straws do you require to save this BS?

DOPers. One was done legally, the other was NOT!

Can you tell correctly who loves America?

BTW. The winner has no pornstar raw dogging in the past.
Or Possible Golden Shower tapes. Do I need to type out the name for you?

Why is it legal to submit an unverified Dossier you paid for to a foreign national.. then the same document is submitted to a Fisa judge without revealing to him it was bought and paid for as campaign dirt? It stinks of a complete set up. The swamp animals don't want to leave.

That narrative is crumbling fast.
A US judge tossed out a lawsuit against the author of an anti-Trump dossier
Wait. Can you explain to us how you are so stupid as to claim the payments are not illegal when Cohen just pled GUILTY for making them?

And Hillary Clinton's campaign funneled money through Fusion GPS to do what? get information to Influence an election? And that included paying a foreign national. What Trump did by paying hush money with non campaign funds was no worse than that. They both were trying to influence the outcome of the election so maybe Hillary and her attorneys need to be investigated.

How many straws do you require to save this BS?

DOPers. One was done legally, the other was NOT!

Can you tell correctly who loves America?

BTW. The winner has no pornstar raw dogging in the past.
Or Possible Golden Shower tapes. Do I need to type out the name for you?

Why is it legal to submit an unverified Dossier you paid for to a foreign national.. then the same document is submitted to a Fisa judge without revealing to him it was bought and paid for as campaign dirt? It stinks of a complete set up. The swamp animals don't want to leave.
Stop lying, conservative scum. The FISC was made aware of the dossier’s origin.

If the FISC was aware that the evidence was fake, why did they allow it?

Maybe that question answers itself.

Because it isnt as fake as you beieve it to be.
Wait. Can you explain to us how you are so stupid as to claim the payments are not illegal when Cohen just pled GUILTY for making them?

And Hillary Clinton's campaign funneled money through Fusion GPS to do what? get information to Influence an election? And that included paying a foreign national. What Trump did by paying hush money with non campaign funds was no worse than that. They both were trying to influence the outcome of the election so maybe Hillary and her attorneys need to be investigated.

How many straws do you require to save this BS?

DOPers. One was done legally, the other was NOT!

Can you tell correctly who loves America?

BTW. The winner has no pornstar raw dogging in the past.
Or Possible Golden Shower tapes. Do I need to type out the name for you?

Why is it legal to submit an unverified Dossier you paid for to a foreign national.. then the same document is submitted to a Fisa judge without revealing to him it was bought and paid for as campaign dirt? It stinks of a complete set up. The swamp animals don't want to leave.
Stop lying, conservative scum. The FISC was made aware of the dossier’s origin.
BS...............They didn't say who was funding it..............Prosecutorial misconduct there.............That needs to be appealed to the higher courts.............

The left used the very methods they accuse the other side of doing...........and they used Russian sources......your side hasn't been able to find jack squat so far on that aspect.............which was what they were supposed to be investigating in the special council.

That is exactly why the phrase investigating looking for a crime instead of investigating a crime........Which could be a section 4 violation...............That wasn't the scope........

And now their best hope lays with a whore.............pun intended..........LOL
You poor thing, the application reads that Steele was paid by an American to discredit Trump’s campaign. And parts of the dossier have been verified.
Plead guilty. Do the time. And never mention Trump by name.

Never has to answer another question about it.
He fingered a candidate. It only had one candidate client.
That be the Great Lying Orange Douche!

Doesn't really implicate Trump necessarily in something we didn't already know. If I say, "Hey, Baz Ares, take care of this problem for me, and you go out run them down, back up over them, and spin tires til their head pops off, it doesn't mean I ordered you to murder them. I clearly meant for you to hide gay smurf porn on their work computer and call their boss to get them fired.
Not sure what alternate universe you are living in? Trump is totally implicated. Cohen implicated Trump today by admitting Trump paid Cohen back for the Stormy Daniels hush money.

Which isn't a crime as far as Trump as long as it was handled appropriately as far tax reporting.
Trump campaign manager: Guilty

Trump personal lawyer: Guilty

Trump deputy campaign manager: Guilty

Trump National Security Advisor: Guilty

Trump foreign policy advisor: Guilty

Some witch hunt, huh?

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