CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

If, Dexter?
From the article you posted. .... :cool:

"Communications about past crimes and frauds are almost always privileged, but communications about ongoing or future ones usually aren’t."

Past as defined by the moment of the communication and not by today. I just explained a possible scenario that happened in "the past" but would most certainly be exempt from attorney client privilege. Sorry that this is beyond your intelligence level.

Meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary isn't a crime.

If they are agents of the Russian Government and it is not is

So if I decide to shop in the North Port, Fl Walmart, lots of Russians there, and I strike up a conversation with a stranger who speaks with an accent. I should ask the person if they are an agent of the Russian government because I have to report it?

So can we do that with potentially illegal aliens too? I mean businesses are actually forbidden from asking if a potential employee is a legal citizen...
no one expects walmart employees to ask for citizenship. Not the same thing to the post you responded to, what an idiot. To be equal to that post, the illegal would need to report to authorities they are illegal, not the business. what a goof.
Trump campaign manager: Guilty

Trump personal lawyer: Guilty

Trump deputy campaign manager: Guilty

Trump National Security Advisor: Guilty

Trump foreign policy advisor: Guilty

Some witch hunt, huh?
yes, it is. quite the witch hunt. still nothing related to the document that started the Special Prosecutor role. let me know when you have one of them. K?

BTW, everything they were found guilty of was and is done daily in DC. just saying, that is the definition of witch hunt.
Cohen knows all of Trumpy’s criminal activity.

If true, he is bound by attorney client privilege that can only be broken with consent from Trump. If it is broken otherwise it’s illegal and cannot be used in a court of law and any evidence obtained by it is tainted and likewise illegal

Most of what Cohen did for Trump is illegal. Illegal activities aren’t covered by attorney/client privilege, by they are covered by laws against criminal conspiracies.

Here’s an example: When Cohen travelled to Prague to meet with Russians working to elect Trump, that’s not covered under ACP.

Anything a lawyer does on behalf of his/her client, that violates the law is a criminal conspiracy. Otherwise criminals would never commit crimes, they’d all have their lawyers do it for them.
what cohen did is done every day in our country.
Suggests Trump is a co-conspirator - a high crime (I wonder where Ryan is hiding?).
Dershowitz has the credentials
He also has little credibilty as an impartial legal analyst

So I win
Dershowitz knows very little.

LOL --- there goes your credibility
Sure boss! Stay in your alternative reality.

I would bet my life that if we polled 1000 persons who graduated Harvard law, at least 80% would disagree with you. Would you bet your life the other way? No. STFU.
The law is the law. A guilty plea is a guilty plea. There is nothing Harvard can do about it. Lol!

That's all we're going to hear from these Trump apologists. STFU! Your shoes are ugly. Liptard! Snowflake! And you all are a bunch of sour grape, election cheats, who have been had. Something I knew from day one.
and what? :dunno:
No, no, no.

Anything Orange Jesus does is legal.

Because he is God.

Only liberals and Hillary commit crimes.

If only the Derp State wasn't protecting the REAL criminals!!!!!1!!!111!!
post someone's quote on that in here please. did you just run off the rails? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Plead guilty. Do the time. And never mention Trump by name.

Never has to answer another question about it.
He fingered a candidate. It only had one candidate client.
That be the Great Lying Orange Douche!

You have to prove it was Trump and cant rel yon anything from Cohen.

There were 16 republican candidates.

Cohen was finance for RNC.

He's on tape discussing the payment with only one candidate, fool.
never heard him say anything about paying money.
Where did he implicate Trump ?
When he told the judge that he was directed to pay money to coverup his relationship with Stormy Daniels.
He said Trump ? Link?
No, he didn't say Trump. He said he was directed by a federal official, but there is no other government person involved in this. It is Trump and the fallout is going to be huge.
when? :dunno:
You have nothing worthy to debate. Look how pitiful your response is. You know Trump is guilty now, and your only defense is "when"? Which tells us everything we need to know about "who you are", and "what you are". That one word 'when", says it all.

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