CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges


We should be glad, the Great Douche scandals are so trivial to this. LOL!

DOPers, keep lying to yourself, we understand.

btw. The Russians did not make the suit.
Cohen has publicly stated TRUMP knew nothing about the payments. So which statement is the truth?

Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
Wait. Can you explain to us how you are so stupid as to claim the payments are not illegal when Cohen just pled GUILTY for making them?

And Hillary Clinton's campaign funneled money through Fusion GPS to do what? get information to Influence an election? And that included paying a foreign national. What Trump did by paying hush money with non campaign funds was no worse than that. They both were trying to influence the outcome of the election so maybe Hillary and her attorneys need to be investigated.

How many straws do you require to save this BS?

DOPers. One was done legally, the other was NOT!

Can you tell correctly who loves America?

BTW. The winner has no pornstar raw dogging in the past.
Or Possible Golden Shower tapes. Do I need to type out the name for you?

Why is it legal to submit an unverified Dossier you paid for to a foreign national.. then the same document is submitted to a Fisa judge without revealing to him it was bought and paid for as campaign dirt? It stinks of a complete set up. The swamp animals don't want to leave.
Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
Wait. Can you explain to us how you are so stupid as to claim the payments are not illegal when Cohen just pled GUILTY for making them?

And Hillary Clinton's campaign funneled money through Fusion GPS to do what? get information to Influence an election? And that included paying a foreign national. What Trump did by paying hush money with non campaign funds was no worse than that. They both were trying to influence the outcome of the election so maybe Hillary and her attorneys need to be investigated.

How many straws do you require to save this BS?

DOPers. One was done legally, the other was NOT!

Can you tell correctly who loves America?

BTW. The winner has no pornstar raw dogging in the past.
Or Possible Golden Shower tapes. Do I need to type out the name for you?

Why is it legal to submit an unverified Dossier you paid for to a foreign national.. then the same document is submitted to a Fisa judge without revealing to him it was bought and paid for as campaign dirt? It stinks of a complete set up. The swamp animals don't want to leave.
THAT Dossier keeps getting validated more every month. Can you explain this?
I am sure many of these issues will be ultimately settled in court. I don't see the payments that Trump authorized Cohen to make as campaign violations. Let's say you are involved in a lawsuit with someone and decide you want to run for office. You decide to settle the lawsuit so you can be done with the matter while running for office. This is illegal? We just heard about many Congressman that settled issues even using tax payer money. Isn't it reasonable to assume they made those settlements so their reputation wasn't ruined when it becomes a campaign issue? Were all those settlements illegal? Once you are a candidate, is it even possible to settle a lawsuit? So Trump's only legal remedy was a public trial or battle with Stormy Daniels? Resolving it between the two of them was illegal?

Cohens plea deal is not a legal decision. It is just an agreement he made to limit his prison time.

Trump has nothing to worry about here. This is all just hyperbole.

Resolving it and not reporting it is the issue it seems. If I facilitate an payment for you that was deemed to be illegal, we both are in trouble. Me for doing the illegality and you for being a co-conspirator.

If I were a Trump supporter, I wouldn't be bullshitting myself about this one fact....
He paid McDougal
He paid Stormy Daniels
These payments were campaign related.

It is no secret that his top advisor Stone was in contact with Russian Hackers as well as Wikileaks....
We know that these hackers hacked his political opponents.

Is it really a tax of you guys imagination to believe that he paid for the hacking? If so, you're bullshitting yourself.
So Cohen plead guilty to illegal campaign finance in paying two strippers $280,000 to keep quiet

Meanwhile, the person who directed him to do so sits in the White House
Thought the Clinton's were gone already ?

Ohh wait, it could be that there might be some similarities there maybe.. My bad... LOL

What in the world is this country gonna do to stop men from chasing after women ??? It's a shame I tell ya, it's a shame. ROTFLMBO.

It’s not the chasing of women that’s the problem. It’s the campaign finance violations, the lies, the coverup and the obstruction of justice.

It wasn’t the Watergate burglary that brought Nixon down. It was the lies, the coverup and the obstruction of justice.

Last but not least, Presidents used to get a pass on chasing women and these stories weren’t reported but Republicans deliberately set out to entrap Clinton knowing this was his big weakness. And it was all they had.

Republicans weaponized Presidents cheating on their wives and went after Bill Clinton. Now that a Republican is in the White House, boy’s gotta be boys.

Here’s the harsh reality. Trump conspired with several of his employees and members of his family to get assistance from the Russian government to win the election.

He has obstructed the investigation of Russian hacking and meddling on a daily basis with his lies, his firing of members of the Justice Department and the FBI, starting with Sally Yates and continuing with McCabe and Strozk.

If you idiots think Strozk is going to jail for texting his sweetie that they’ll stop Trump, think again. He would have to have done some THING to make it happen and what he did would have to be illegal.
THAT Dossier keeps getting validated more every month. Can you explain this?

Wowsa, you are retarded. The fake "dossier" is more fake than ever, and Brock Hussaine attacked our democracy. What island are you from by the way? :p
I am sure many of these issues will be ultimately settled in court. I don't see the payments that Trump authorized Cohen to make as campaign violations. Let's say you are involved in a lawsuit with someone and decide you want to run for office. You decide to settle the lawsuit so you can be done with the matter while running for office. This is illegal? We just heard about many Congressman that settled issues even using tax payer money. Isn't it reasonable to assume they made those settlements so their reputation wasn't ruined when it becomes a campaign issue? Were all those settlements illegal? Once you are a candidate, is it even possible to settle a lawsuit? So Trump's only legal remedy was a public trial or battle with Stormy Daniels? Resolving it between the two of them was illegal?

Cohens plea deal is not a legal decision. It is just an agreement he made to limit his prison time.

Trump has nothing to worry about here. This is all just hyperbole.
Maybe he has nothing to worry about — unless Democrats win the House in November. Not reporting campaign finances is a federal crime. Maybe you’re right and Republicans won’t impeach him, but Democrats will.
Cohen released tapes of he and Trump discussing the payments, fool.

So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
Wait. Can you explain to us how you are so stupid as to claim the payments are not illegal when Cohen just pled GUILTY for making them?

And Hillary Clinton's campaign funneled money through Fusion GPS to do what? get information to Influence an election? And that included paying a foreign national. What Trump did by paying hush money with non campaign funds was no worse than that. They both were trying to influence the outcome of the election so maybe Hillary and her attorneys need to be investigated.

How many straws do you require to save this BS?

DOPers. One was done legally, the other was NOT!

Can you tell correctly who loves America?

BTW. The winner has no pornstar raw dogging in the past.
Or Possible Golden Shower tapes. Do I need to type out the name for you?

Why is it legal to submit an unverified Dossier you paid for to a foreign national.. then the same document is submitted to a Fisa judge without revealing to him it was bought and paid for as campaign dirt? It stinks of a complete set up. The swamp animals don't want to leave.
Stop lying, conservative scum. The FISC was made aware of the dossier’s origin.
So the payments are not illegal, what difference does it make?
Wait. Can you explain to us how you are so stupid as to claim the payments are not illegal when Cohen just pled GUILTY for making them?

And Hillary Clinton's campaign funneled money through Fusion GPS to do what? get information to Influence an election? And that included paying a foreign national. What Trump did by paying hush money with non campaign funds was no worse than that. They both were trying to influence the outcome of the election so maybe Hillary and her attorneys need to be investigated.

How many straws do you require to save this BS?

DOPers. One was done legally, the other was NOT!

Can you tell correctly who loves America?

BTW. The winner has no pornstar raw dogging in the past.
Or Possible Golden Shower tapes. Do I need to type out the name for you?

Why is it legal to submit an unverified Dossier you paid for to a foreign national.. then the same document is submitted to a Fisa judge without revealing to him it was bought and paid for as campaign dirt? It stinks of a complete set up. The swamp animals don't want to leave.
Stop lying, conservative scum. The FISC was made aware of the dossier’s origin.

If the FISC was aware that the evidence was fake, why did they allow it?
Wait. Can you explain to us how you are so stupid as to claim the payments are not illegal when Cohen just pled GUILTY for making them?

And Hillary Clinton's campaign funneled money through Fusion GPS to do what? get information to Influence an election? And that included paying a foreign national. What Trump did by paying hush money with non campaign funds was no worse than that. They both were trying to influence the outcome of the election so maybe Hillary and her attorneys need to be investigated.

How many straws do you require to save this BS?

DOPers. One was done legally, the other was NOT!

Can you tell correctly who loves America?

BTW. The winner has no pornstar raw dogging in the past.
Or Possible Golden Shower tapes. Do I need to type out the name for you?

Why is it legal to submit an unverified Dossier you paid for to a foreign national.. then the same document is submitted to a Fisa judge without revealing to him it was bought and paid for as campaign dirt? It stinks of a complete set up. The swamp animals don't want to leave.
Stop lying, conservative scum. The FISC was made aware of the dossier’s origin.

If the FISC was aware that the evidence was fake, why did they allow it?
The evidence provided to the FISC wasn’t fake. Had it been, charges would have been levied against those who submitted false evidence to the court. Rightards aren’t a special kind of stupid for nothing.
Faun, you are severely mentally retarded if you think the fake "dossier" was real, you delusional fruitcake.

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