CNN MOCKS Hillary / Hillary Election Loss / Hillary 'Blame Tour'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


CNN host mocks Hillary: 'The Russians cloaked WI so she couldn't find on map' - The American Mirror

"Now even the Clinton News Network is mocking Hillary’s Blame Tour.

During a round table discussion with DC reporters today, host John King dismissed her excuses by saying, “You don’t understand: The Russians cloaked Wisconsin,” referring to Clinton’s ignoring the battleground state until it was too late. “So she couldn’t find it on a map to get there and campaign there,” he added."

She should have asked Barry where Wisconsin was - after all, he has been to all '57 States'!


(You know things are bad when you are a liberal, especially if you are a CLINTON, and you are getting mocked by the 'Clinton News Network'. :p )
You have to be really bored to sit around and watch Democrats rub their asses.
they are just moving through the stages of grief

great news that some leftists are now focusing their anger on Ms Rodham

She's still the best candidate for 2020, she beat Bernie on the Left and Trump on the Right
It's worth repeating, again and again, her delusional belief that she was to be ordained the president illustrates how much of a bubble she lives in. Her handlers protected her from reality while milking her donors with various polls and calculations that suggested that laying low and allowing others to campaign for her was the best choice (Obama, Hollywood celebrities, the media). They then told her "it's in the bag, every poll says so, buy the victory balloons and let's turn America into Venezuela!"

Thankfully, her handlers are more patriotic with this advice than they can imagine...Trump won, and America can at least hold the socialists at bay for four years and hopefully eight.

Get 'er done Trump! Keep your campaign promises and 2020 is truly in the bag.
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She's still the best candidate for 2020, she beat Bernie on the Left and Trump on the Right
She did not beat any fellow Democrat to win her Party's nomination. The DNC / Democratic party had to rig their primaries, engage in voter fraud, and cheat in debates in order to help Hillary make it seem like she honestly beat Sanders.

She lost to Donald Trump in the election. Snowflakes cling to an insignificant claim that she won the popular vote, which only exposes their ignorance as to how Presidents are elected in this country.
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CNN host mocks Hillary: 'The Russians cloaked WI so she couldn't find on map' - The American Mirror

"Now even the Clinton News Network is mocking Hillary’s Blame Tour.

During a round table discussion with DC reporters today, host John King dismissed her excuses by saying, “You don’t understand: The Russians cloaked Wisconsin,” referring to Clinton’s ignoring the battleground state until it was too late. “So she couldn’t find it on a map to get there and campaign there,” he added."

She should have asked Barry where Wisconsin was - after all, he has been to all '57 States'!

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(You know things are bad when you are a liberal, especially if you are a CLINTON, and you are getting mocked by the 'Clinton News Network'. :p )

The RUSSIANS used Soviet Election Stealth Technology to hide all of the Deplorable States Hillary could not bother to visit because she so arrogantly believed she could win merely by peddling to her base in Los Angeles, Chicago, Ft. Wayne, San Fransisco, NYC and Miami. You see, democrats don't run state campaigns, they operate at the city level.
The RUSSIANS made Hillary keep coughing and coughing, fainting and falling over that they had to hold her up by each arm using special ELF waves directed at her from the Baltic Sea.
And The RUSSIANS sent in Macedonian Spies to confuse her that after decades of running for office, she was still running around asking her staff: WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL THE PUBLIC THEIR REASON TO VOTE FOR ME? WHAT IS MY MESSAGE???

Oh, those dirty RUSSIANS.

They can make you do anything with their secret KGB tactics: They made Hillary murder the embassy staff in Libya to conceal her illegal gun running. The RUSSIANS made Hillary use a private server in her closet to conceal all of the quid pro quo antics of taking foreign donations for favors that she could hide from FOIA. And The RUSSIANS made her erase those 33,000 government emails that were only about yoga and family recipes.

The RUSSIANS even jammed that subway turnstile so that it would not turn to save her life as Hillary tried to present herself as one of the "common people."

If there is anything good to say about Hillary and the Dems, it is only that their BULLSHIT is so thick it would make for a great comedy 007 sci-fi action adventure except the plot would be unbelievable because it is REAL.
Nigel Farage: Clinton Looks ‘Sad And Pathetic’

"Nigel Farage had some harsh words for Hillary Clinton‘s recent reaction to the 2016 election, calling her sad and pathetic Thursday morning on “Fox & Friends.”

“I don’t think it’s worth getting angry about Hillary. I just think she looks sad and pathetic. There is nothing worse then a bad loser. Nothing worse than somebody who blames absolutely everybody else for their own failings,” Farage, British politician and leader of the Brexit movement said."
She did not beat any fellow Democrat to win her Party's nomination. The DNC / Democratic party had to rig their primaries, engage in voter fraud, and cheat in debates in order to help Hillary make it seem like she honestly beat Sanders.

She lost to Donald Trump in the election. Snowflakes cling to an insignificant claim that she won the popular vote, which only exposes their ignorance as to how Presidents are elected in this country.

Actually, I was listening to him one day, and I think it was Jim Webb. For a democrat, he actually seemed pretty smart and reasonable. Very down to earth. IMO, he was their best candidate had they had the sense to run him over Horrible Hillary and Crazy Bernie, who knows what might have happened? But he never had a chance with Hillary in the race. Hillary had bought her way to the White House and those stupid voters just got in her way.


Oh the indignity of it all, to be Hillary Clinton, royal air to the throne, only to first lose to an unknown Kenyan senator from Chicago, then to a New York real estate magnate who used to donate to her cause so he could get favors putting up his buildings and no political experience!
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Hillary just sent a 'thank you' card to Kathy Griffin for making a bigger fool of herself and for drawing all the negaitive criticism for playing the 'victim' card to her and off of Hillary's 'BLAME' tour!

View attachment 130329


CNN host mocks Hillary: 'The Russians cloaked WI so she couldn't find on map' - The American Mirror

"Now even the Clinton News Network is mocking Hillary’s Blame Tour.

During a round table discussion with DC reporters today, host John King dismissed her excuses by saying, “You don’t understand: The Russians cloaked Wisconsin,” referring to Clinton’s ignoring the battleground state until it was too late. “So she couldn’t find it on a map to get there and campaign there,” he added."

She should have asked Barry where Wisconsin was - after all, he has been to all '57 States'!

View attachment 130330

(You know things are bad when you are a liberal, especially if you are a CLINTON, and you are getting mocked by the 'Clinton News Network'. :p )
You're still focused like a laser beam on private citizen Hillary Clinton but hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil on DT and the biggest scandal in American history.
Hillary just sent a 'thank you' card to Kathy Griffin for making a bigger fool of herself and for drawing all the negaitive criticism for playing the 'victim' card to her and off of Hillary's 'BLAME' tour!

The idiot in chief's spray tan.
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View attachment 130329


CNN host mocks Hillary: 'The Russians cloaked WI so she couldn't find on map' - The American Mirror

"Now even the Clinton News Network is mocking Hillary’s Blame Tour.

During a round table discussion with DC reporters today, host John King dismissed her excuses by saying, “You don’t understand: The Russians cloaked Wisconsin,” referring to Clinton’s ignoring the battleground state until it was too late. “So she couldn’t find it on a map to get there and campaign there,” he added."

She should have asked Barry where Wisconsin was - after all, he has been to all '57 States'!

View attachment 130330

(You know things are bad when you are a liberal, especially if you are a CLINTON, and you are getting mocked by the 'Clinton News Network'. :p )
You're still focused like a laser beam on private citizen Hillary Clinton but hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil on DT and the biggest scandal in American history.
There is no DT scandal - Another new day, STILL no evidence, unlike with Hillary...who should ALREADY be in jail, snowflake.
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View attachment 130329


CNN host mocks Hillary: 'The Russians cloaked WI so she couldn't find on map' - The American Mirror

"Now even the Clinton News Network is mocking Hillary’s Blame Tour.

During a round table discussion with DC reporters today, host John King dismissed her excuses by saying, “You don’t understand: The Russians cloaked Wisconsin,” referring to Clinton’s ignoring the battleground state until it was too late. “So she couldn’t find it on a map to get there and campaign there,” he added."

She should have asked Barry where Wisconsin was - after all, he has been to all '57 States'!

View attachment 130330

(You know things are bad when you are a liberal, especially if you are a CLINTON, and you are getting mocked by the 'Clinton News Network'. :p )
You're still focused like a laser beam on private citizen Hillary Clinton but hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil on DT and the biggest scandal in American history.

Well, Hillary seems to still be out on the campaign trail, pissing and moaning more than ever....but not more than you.

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