CNN Navaro: Abortion Needed For Special Needs Kids We Don't Want To Be Burdened With ... Or Something

1. The Left is not choosing to emulate Hitler.
2. If you think they are, please post your rationale'
3. The Left is probably emulating the behavior that led to the fall of Rome, self-indulgence...
4. Recommending that you dial down the hyper-partisanship a notch or two.
Outside of NAZI youth having cool looking uniforms, there’s no difference between the NAZI party of 1936 and the Democratic Party today.

I take that back.

NAZIS were responsible for building a great road system.
1. Women can terminate a pregnancy for no reason at all.
2. WTF does Hitler have to do with any discussion? I'm calling Godwin's Law. You lose, thanks for playing.
3. Sarah proved my point, some mom's can handle special needs kids, and some mom's can't even handle "normal" kids. Its a personal decision that they have to live with.
That doesn’t make it right, based on your logic, it’s okay to rob a bank or cheat on your spouse, where did you come up with this crap?

Hitler believed he would create the perfect society, The Aryan Race, did you skip world history? Claiming Godwin’s Law is your attempt to deflect because it was over your head…

You’re so full of crap, how in the hell do you come up with that? If anything she proved your full of it, she chose to give birth, she didn’t choose to abort the child.
That doesn’t make it right, based on your logic, it’s okay to rob a bank or cheat on your spouse, where did you come up with this crap?
Hitler believed he would create the perfect society, The Aryan Race, did you skip world history? Claiming Godwin’s Law is your attempt to deflect because it was over your head…
You’re so full of crap, how in the hell do you come up with that? If anything she proved your full of it, she chose to give birth, she didn’t choose to abort the child.
1. Doesn't make what right? Abortions? I'm not going to cast the first stone, are you?
2. Godwin's Law basically says that if you need to compare someone to the Nazis or Hitler you lose the debate. Debating current facts is apparently over your head. Abortions have nothing to do with "Nazi style" eugenics, we're discussing personal decisions regarding child bearing. I'm a pro-choice Republican. If the democrats want to off their larvae, who am I to judge?
3. How did I come up with what? You never took a technical writing course, huh? Don't use pronouns, be specific. Sarah Palin proved some moms can handle special needs kids, and some moms choose to abort them. So I'm not criticizing either for their life choice. You can, but I'm not.
1. Doesn't make what right? Abortions? I'm not going to cast the first stone, are you?
2. Godwin's Law basically says that if you need to compare someone to the Nazis or Hitler you lose the debate. Debating current facts is apparently over your head. Abortions have nothing to do with "Nazi style" eugenics, we're discussing personal decisions regarding child bearing. I'm a pro-choice Republican. If the democrats want to off their larvae, who am I to judge?
3. How did I come up with what? You never took a technical writing course, huh? Don't use pronouns, be specific. Sarah Palin proved some moms can handle special needs kids, and some moms choose to abort them. So I'm not criticizing either for their life choice. You can, but I'm not.
If you don’t like it, stop parroting NAZI doctrine of saying everyone you deem inferior should be murdered then.
If you don’t like it, stop parroting NAZI doctrine of saying everyone you deem inferior should be murdered then.
1. Don't like what?
2. I'm not parroting Nazi doctrine, prove what you say. What Nazi doctrine? Who is forcing anyone to do anything, like China's "One Child Law"? So you are lying.
3. All of my posts, as a pro-choice Republican, are that women have a right to terminate a pregnancy, up to a certain point, like 15-weeks or so as each "pro" state specifies.
1. Don't like what?
2. I'm not parroting Nazi doctrine, prove what you say. What Nazi doctrine? Who is forcing anyone to do anything, like China's "One Child Law"? So you are lying.
3. All of my posts, as a pro-choice Republican, are that women have a right to terminate a pregnancy, up to a certain point, like 15-weeks or so as each "pro" state specifies.
We all know you have openly stated those you deem inferior (handicapped) should be put to death. Stop being a pussy and man up to your beliefs.
We all know you have openly stated those you deem inferior (handicapped) should be put to death. Stop being a pussy and man up to your beliefs.
That's a lie.
This is a short thread.
So put up or STFU, where did I state anyone "should be put to death"?
That's 5 Pinocchios, liar.
1. Doesn't make what right? Abortions? I'm not going to cast the first stone, are you?
2. Godwin's Law basically says that if you need to compare someone to the Nazis or Hitler you lose the debate. Debating current facts is apparently over your head. Abortions have nothing to do with "Nazi style" eugenics, we're discussing personal decisions regarding child bearing. I'm a pro-choice Republican. If the democrats want to off their larvae, who am I to judge?
3. How did I come up with what? You never took a technical writing course, huh? Don't use pronouns, be specific. Sarah Palin proved some moms can handle special needs kids, and some moms choose to abort them. So I'm not criticizing either for their life choice. You can, but I'm not.
Are you serious? What’s the topic? We’re on a opinion board expressing our beliefs and now you want to use the excuse that you don’t cast stones? 😂 FYI, according to the Bible murder is wrong, it’s a sin, and guess what, I’m a sinner, but that doesn’t give myself or anyone else an excuse. We have guidance to learn from, to help us from continuing to make bad decisions, abortion is used for birth control, it’s wrong, very simple to understand, quit trying to justify it…

History is all we have to learn from, you pretend that abortion and eugenics have nothing in common to justify your sitting on the fence. If your loved one is murdered, are you going to accept it as the choice of the murderer? Let’s hear some more of your stupid logic, I cannot wait…

That’s life, do you honestly believe it’s supposed to be the same for everyone? Just admit it, you know it’s wrong, but you’re afraid to stand up and admit it, keep it up and they will justify you are only in the way someday…
Maybe a better idea, rather than blasting Navarro, who in her statement also referenced the real issue behind this, is to ask why aren’t these families getting tbe support and help they need? It’s one thing to mouth about how wonderful they are but it’s quite another to be the parent of a child who is now an adult, to struggle finding even respite care for a severely compromised adult with multiple disabilities.
There is plenty of support. Want me to give you links? Ok

There are many more. Want more? Thought not. Now, keep defending the mutilation of babies and please keep promoting transvestite strippers doing strip dances for children.

Are you serious? What’s the topic? We’re on a opinion board expressing our beliefs and now you want to use the excuse that you don’t cast stones? 😂 FYI, according to the Bible murder is wrong, it’s a sin, and guess what, I’m a sinner, but that doesn’t give myself or anyone else an excuse. We have guidance to learn from, to help us from continuing to make bad decisions, abortion is used for birth control, it’s wrong, very simple to understand, quit trying to justify it…

History is all we have to learn from, you pretend that abortion and eugenics have nothing in common to justify your sitting on the fence. If your loved one is murdered, are you going to accept it as the choice of the murderer? Let’s hear some more of your stupid logic, I cannot wait…

That’s life, do you honestly believe it’s supposed to be the same for everyone? Just admit it, you know it’s wrong, but you’re afraid to stand up and admit it, keep it up and they will justify you are only in the way someday…
1. Look at infanticide, that is murder. Dr. Gosnell, a "serial killer" who is in prison for infanticide.
Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American former physician[2] and serial killer. He provided abortions at his clinic in West Philadelphia. Gosnell was convicted of the murders of three infants who were born alive after using drugs to induce birth, was convicted of manslaughter in connection with the death of one woman during an abortion procedure, and was convicted of several other medically related crimes

2. Then look at "partial birth abortions", they are illegal too, infanticide, murder.

3. If a pregnancy is 36 weeks then there are abortion procedures that can be used at any week. IMHO if the baby is viable outside the womb, that should be infanticide, say after 15 weeks.

4. Then we get into the murky area, less than 15 weeks. Is using the "morning after pill" infanticide? <no>
In many EU countries abortion is legal less than 15 weeks, but illegal after 15 weeks.

We can agree that abortions after 15 weeks is murder. Except in CA, NY, and other leftist states.
Can we agree that the morning after pill is not murder?
Weeks 1-15 is a state by state legal decision that I'm fine saying it is up to the "mother" to decide without calling her a murderer or throwing her into prison.

Historically I have been pro-life. Here's the little guy I usually post when discussing abortions.
Yes abortion is murder...
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There is plenty of support. Want me to give you links? Ok

There are many more. Want more? Thought not. Now, keep defending the mutilation of babies and please keep promoting transvestite strippers doing strip dances for children.

I do want more. Not a single one of those addresses the point that was made. Reread what I wrote.
1. Look at infanticide, that is murder.
Agreed, absolutely!
4. Then we get into the murky area, less than 15 weeks. Is using the "morning after pill" infanticide? <no>
In many EU countries abortion is legal less than 15 weeks, but illegal after 15 weeks.
I do not understand how you think this is “murky”, you and I wouldn’t be here debating this if those first 15 weeks are “murky”
We can agree that abortions after 15 weeks is murder. Except in CA, NY, and other leftist states.
Can we agree that the morning after pill is not murder?
We agree and we disagree, I believe conception is when your life began, everyone’s life began. 15 weeks is defined by man, conception is defined by God, I have to go with God…
Historically I have been pro-life. Here's the little guy I usually post when discussing abortions.
Yes abortion is murder...
I have seen your post for years and was surprised by your position on this, up until my early 20’s I was Pro Choice, I thought it was best because of the poor people in poverty who continued to have children and couldn’t support them or give them a good environment. Then one day when I tried telling one of my coworkers who was fundamentally grounded in his faith this reasoning, he used the analogy of Nazi Eugenics as you called it, the lightbulb came on and I have never forgotten it…
There is plenty of support. Want me to give you links? Ok

There are many more. Want more? Thought not. Now, keep defending the mutilation of babies and please keep promoting transvestite strippers doing strip dances for children.

Sadly, there are fewer places for these women in real need of help to go now that the left has been bombing pregnancy centers. So any “lack of facilities” is strictly 100% the fault of the left themselves.
I do not understand how you think this is “murky”, you and I wouldn’t be here debating this if those first 15 weeks are “murky”. We agree and we disagree, I believe conception is when your life began, everyone’s life began. 15 weeks is defined by man, conception is defined by God, I have to go with God…

I have seen your post for years and was surprised by your position on this, up until my early 20’s I was Pro Choice, I thought it was best because of the poor people in poverty who continued to have children and couldn’t support them or give them a good environment. Then one day when I tried telling one of my coworkers who was fundamentally grounded in his faith this reasoning, he used the analogy of Nazi Eugenics as you called it, the lightbulb came on and I have never forgotten it…
1. You're imposing your religious beliefs on atheists, Nazi style, no abortions, period. You have your religious freedom, but if democrats want to off their offspring, legally its state by state.

2. I am generally pro-life. This thread was about Navarro. I saw that interview live. I tended to agree with her that if a baby would have severe Downs, or be severely deformed, then it might be better to end the pregnancy and try again. In the case of Navarro's family I might recommend tying tubes since their record of Downs babies is not good.

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