CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

What galls me are the empty headed Left heads who are doing nothing but shouting old talking points, old denials, old accusations and attacking the Benghazi report without having read it. They will defend and apologize for everything the Administration and Cohorts have ever done until the last second before jumping ship like the rats they are.

There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
So Democrats politicized their response while accusing the committee of doing the same.

What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
Other seven reports, de Fuca? Today's report is the one that counts, the one the world digests and the one that sinks the Perfect Woman and the Perfect Messiah.

So you admit then that is what is was always about, sinking Clinton?
I don't understand the problem. Clinton needs sinking. She needs to be in prison.
She's not going to sink. She's not going to prison.

She's headed for the White House for 8 years.

Get used to the idea
I'll move to Belize if she does.
And you won't see any of Apple's 15 Billion, none of the trillions others has in China ever again. In fact I bet all of those companies move out during her tenure.
There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
Other seven reports, de Fuca? Today's report is the one that counts, the one the world digests and the one that sinks the Perfect Woman and the Perfect Messiah.

So you admit then that is what is was always about, sinking Clinton?
I don't understand the problem. Clinton needs sinking. She needs to be in prison.
She's not going to sink. She's not going to prison.

She's headed for the White House for 8 years.

Get used to the idea
I'll move to Belize if she does.
I hear Belize is not as stable as it was 5 years ago. I'm hearing Costa Rica is your only safe Central American bet, but costs are going way up
It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Investigated and debunked and I don't care if you want to hold onto your lie I hope it hurts when you digest it. This is over and done, your able congressmen screwed up and failed. move on.
And this my friends is what's known as a state of denial.

Absolutely I agree and as soon as you realize the investigation is over and done and nothing new was found you can move on.

Are you oblivious to the facts?

Are you asking that question to the Gowdy Committee? Because they are done, they have added nothing new, and they have moved on.
From today's report. No, we did not learn anything new. Of course the same unreal stupid ignorant left wingers will say that means she is "innocent."

Here is what the report states. Again, all stuff we already knew.

  • Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141)
  • With Ambassador Stevens missing, the White House convened a roughly two-hour meeting at 7:30 PM, which resulted in action items focused on a YouTube video, and others containing the phrases “f any deployment is made,” and “Libya must agree to any deployment,” and “[w]ill not deploy until order comes to go to either Tripoli or Benghazi.” [pg. 115]

  • The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff typically would have participated in the White House meeting, but did not attend because he went home to host a dinner party for foreign dignitaries. [pg. 107]
  • A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]
  • None of the relevant military forces met their required deployment timelines. [pg. 15]
  • Five of the 10 action items from the 7:30 PM White House meeting referenced the video, but no direct link or solid evidence existed connecting the attacks in Benghazi and the video at the time the meeting took place. The State Department senior officials at the meeting had access to eyewitness accounts to the attack in real time. The Diplomatic Security Command Center was in direct contact with the Diplomatic Security Agents on the ground in Benghazi and sent out multiple updates about the situation, including a “Terrorism Event Notification.” The State Department Watch Center had also notified Jake Sullivan and Cheryl Mills that it had set up a direct telephone line to Tripoli. There was no mention of the video from the agents on the ground. Greg Hicks—one of the last people to talk to Chris Stevens before he died—said there was virtually no discussion about the video in Libya leading up to the attacks. [pg. 28]
  • The morning after the attacks, the National Security Council’s Deputy Spokesperson sent an email to nearly two dozen people from the White House, Defense Department, State Department, and intelligence community, stating: “Both the President and Secretary Clinton released statements this morning. … Please refer to those for any comments for the time being. To ensure we are all in sync on messaging for the rest of the day, Ben Rhodes will host a conference call for USG communicators on this chain at 9:15 ET today.” [pg. 39]
  • Minutes before the President delivered his speech in the Rose Garden, Jake Sullivan wrote in an email to Ben Rhodes and others: “There was not really much violence in Egypt. And we are not saying that the violence in Libya erupted ‘over inflammatory videos.'” [pg. 44]
  • According to Susan Rice, both Ben Rhodes and David Plouffe prepared her for her appearances on the Sunday morning talk shows following the attacks. Nobody from the FBI, Department of Defense, or CIA participated in her prep call. While Rhodes testified Plouffe would “normally” appear on the Sunday show prep calls, Rice testified she did not recall Plouffe being on prior calls and did not understand why he was on the call in this instance. [pg.98]
  • On the Sunday shows, Susan Rice stated the FBI had “already begun looking at all sorts of evidence” and “FBI has a lead in this investigation.” But on Monday, the Deputy Director, Office of Maghreb Affairs sent an email stating: “McDonough apparently told the SVTS [Secure Video Teleconference] group today that everyone was required to ‘shut their pieholes’ about the Benghazi attack in light of the FBI investigation, due to start tomorrow.” [pg. 135]
  • After Susan Rice’s Sunday show appearances, Jake Sullivan assured the Secretary of the State that Rice “wasn’t asked about whether we had any intel. But she did make clear our view that this started spontaneously and then evolved.” [pg. 128]
  • Susan Rice’s comments on the Sunday talk shows were met with shock and disbelief by State Department employees in Washington. The Senior Libya Desk Officer, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, State Department, wrote: “I think Rice was off the reservation on this one.” The Deputy Director, Office of Press and Public Diplomacy, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, State Department, responded: “Off the reservation on five networks!” The Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications, Bureau of Near East Affairs, State Department, wrote: “WH [White House] very worried about the politics. This was all their doing.” [pg. 132]
  • The CIA’s September 13, 2012, intelligence assessment was rife with errors. On the first page, there is a single mention of “the early stages of the protest” buried in one of the bullet points. The article cited to support the mention of a protest in this instance was actually from September 4. In other words, the analysts used an article from a full week before the attacks to support the premise that a protest had occurred just prior to the attack on September 11. [pg. 47]
  • A headline on the following page of the CIA’s September 13 intelligence assessment stated “Extremists Capitalized on Benghazi Protests,” but nothing in the actual text box supports that title. As it turns out, the title of the text box was supposed to be “Extremists Capitalized on Cairo Protests.” That small but vital difference — from Cairo to Benghazi — had major implications in how people in the administration were able to message the attacks. [pg. 52]
  • During deliberations within the State Department about whether and how to intervene in Libya in March 2011, Jake Sullivan listed the first goal as “avoid[ing] a failed state, particularly one in which al-Qaeda and other extremists might take safe haven.” [pg. 9]
  • The administration’s policy of no boots on the ground shaped the type of military assistance provided to State Department personnel in Libya. The Executive Secretariats for both the Defense Department and State Department exchanged communications outlining the diplomatic capacity in which the Defense Department SST security team members would serve, which included wearing civilian clothes so as not to offend the Libyans. [pg. 60]
  • When the State Department’s presence in Benghazi was extended in December 2012, senior officials from the Bureau of Diplomatic Security were excluded from the discussion. [pg. 74]
  • In February 2012, the lead Diplomatic Security Agent at Embassy Tripoli informed his counterpart in Benghazi that more DS agents would not be provided by decision makers, because “substantive reporting” was not Benghazi’s purpose. [pg. 77]
  • Emails indicate senior State Department officials, including Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan, and Huma Abedin were preparing for a trip by the Secretary of State to Libya in October 2012. According to testimony, Chris Stevens wanted to have a “deliverable” for the Secretary for her trip to Libya, and that “deliverable” would be making the Mission in Benghazi a permanent Consulate. [pg. 96]
  • In August 2012 — roughly a month before the Benghazi attacks — security on the ground worsened significantly. Ambassador Stevens initially planned to travel to Benghazi in early August, but cancelled the trip “primarily for Ramadan/security reasons.” [pg. 99]
  • Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta bluntly told the committee “an intelligence failure” occurred with respect to Benghazi. Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell also acknowledged multiple times an intelligence failure did in fact occur prior to the Benghazi attacks. [pg. 129]

The Most Interesting Findings From Trey Gowdy's Benghazi Committee Report

That is of course for those who have an ability to think for yourselves. Which of course means no one on the left.

Yeah, the obama administration sure were innocent.
Well, you have two choices.

Vote for the warmongering globalist dictator wannabe, who has this weird habit of attacking women, and has serious anger-management issues....or you can vote for Trump.
What galls me are the empty headed Left heads who are doing nothing but shouting old talking points, old denials, old accusations and attacking the Benghazi report without having read it. They will defend and apologize for everything the Administration and Cohorts have ever done until the last second before jumping ship like the rats they are.

There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
He was mentioned because he will be the Republican nominee and was outspoken about Clinton's role in Benghazi.
So Democrats politicized their response while accusing the committee of doing the same.

What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
Other seven reports, de Fuca? Today's report is the one that counts, the one the world digests and the one that sinks the Perfect Woman and the Perfect Messiah.

So you admit then that is what is was always about, sinking Clinton?
I don't understand the problem. Clinton needs sinking. She needs to be in prison.

No doubt so do you.
well, none of us were surprised that no one ever believed what Hillary said about the video in the first place,,,well, yes,,just cockroaches
. . . and are moot.

Nothing in the hearings condemns State's handling of the situation: nothing. The four were dead before anything could have been done.

Far right wing nuts yelling means nothing now except more of their disrespect for the dead and their families.

I hope President Johnson next year will request the House Speaker's office to look into the incredible farce of Trey Gowdy's circus.
Time to move on says Hillary. Like a tranny in the girls bathroom who leaves a pile of shit on the floor....not its fault...nobody likes me!!!...wahhhhhh!
Conservatives across the country should be required to each pay $10 into a GoFundMe account to reimburse the $20 million, or whatever it is that was spent on the Ben Gassy political turd laying, to the American taxpayer. We'll settle up on the other crap 'investigations' the Republicant's have run the last few years.

They spent $60 million investigating a blow job

Why should anyone be surprised

Benghazi Comm. cost less than 7 mill. Not only do Democraps lie about the cost, they lie about the findings! It actually is cheap by Democrap spending habits........

WaPo fact check rebukes Dem claim over cost of Benghazi select committee - Hot Air
What wrongdoings did the investigation uncover?
What was uncoverd? Grossly incompetent leaders.we now know that one rescue team changed their uniforms for combat 4 times.
The whole thing was a huge cluster fuck,then the video lie.
Yep that's outstanding leadership all right.

On a foot note,how is that country doing lately? Come on Clinton people how's I'd that country doing,and explain the video lie,why would they do that?
Good, that would be much better than all the incessant bitching and whining. Gowdy looks like a little boy who lost his ice cream privileges.

You're just jealous because he's brilliant and you're a dullard.
If you believe that then you are as stupid as gowdy is.

I doubt very much that Gowdy is ignorant, but you ...
You've just proven your ignorance .
Assumption =ignorance.

One would think I had proven my intellect by being able to discern your idiocy.
Who is one?
The rest is pretentiousness.
From today's report. No, we did not learn anything new. Of course the same unreal stupid ignorant left wingers will say that means she is "innocent."

Here is what the report states. Again, all stuff we already knew.

  • Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141)
  • With Ambassador Stevens missing, the White House convened a roughly two-hour meeting at 7:30 PM, which resulted in action items focused on a YouTube video, and others containing the phrases “f any deployment is made,” and “Libya must agree to any deployment,” and “[w]ill not deploy until order comes to go to either Tripoli or Benghazi.” [pg. 115]

    • The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff typically would have participated in the White House meeting, but did not attend because he went home to host a dinner party for foreign dignitaries. [pg. 107]

    • A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]

    • None of the relevant military forces met their required deployment timelines. [pg. 15]

    • Five of the 10 action items from the 7:30 PM White House meeting referenced the video, but no direct link or solid evidence existed connecting the attacks in Benghazi and the video at the time the meeting took place. The State Department senior officials at the meeting had access to eyewitness accounts to the attack in real time. The Diplomatic Security Command Center was in direct contact with the Diplomatic Security Agents on the ground in Benghazi and sent out multiple updates about the situation, including a “Terrorism Event Notification.” The State Department Watch Center had also notified Jake Sullivan and Cheryl Mills that it had set up a direct telephone line to Tripoli. There was no mention of the video from the agents on the ground. Greg Hicks—one of the last people to talk to Chris Stevens before he died—said there was virtually no discussion about the video in Libya leading up to the attacks. [pg. 28]

    • The morning after the attacks, the National Security Council’s Deputy Spokesperson sent an email to nearly two dozen people from the White House, Defense Department, State Department, and intelligence community, stating: “Both the President and Secretary Clinton released statements this morning. … Please refer to those for any comments for the time being. To ensure we are all in sync on messaging for the rest of the day, Ben Rhodes will host a conference call for USG communicators on this chain at 9:15 ET today.” [pg. 39]

    • Minutes before the President delivered his speech in the Rose Garden, Jake Sullivan wrote in an email to Ben Rhodes and others: “There was not really much violence in Egypt. And we are not saying that the violence in Libya erupted ‘over inflammatory videos.'” [pg. 44]

    • According to Susan Rice, both Ben Rhodes and David Plouffe prepared her for her appearances on the Sunday morning talk shows following the attacks. Nobody from the FBI, Department of Defense, or CIA participated in her prep call. While Rhodes testified Plouffe would “normally” appear on the Sunday show prep calls, Rice testified she did not recall Plouffe being on prior calls and did not understand why he was on the call in this instance. [pg.98]

    • On the Sunday shows, Susan Rice stated the FBI had “already begun looking at all sorts of evidence” and “FBI has a lead in this investigation.” But on Monday, the Deputy Director, Office of Maghreb Affairs sent an email stating: “McDonough apparently told the SVTS [Secure Video Teleconference] group today that everyone was required to ‘shut their pieholes’ about the Benghazi attack in light of the FBI investigation, due to start tomorrow.” [pg. 135]

    • After Susan Rice’s Sunday show appearances, Jake Sullivan assured the Secretary of the State that Rice “wasn’t asked about whether we had any intel. But she did make clear our view that this started spontaneously and then evolved.” [pg. 128]

    • Susan Rice’s comments on the Sunday talk shows were met with shock and disbelief by State Department employees in Washington. The Senior Libya Desk Officer, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, State Department, wrote: “I think Rice was off the reservation on this one.” The Deputy Director, Office of Press and Public Diplomacy, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, State Department, responded: “Off the reservation on five networks!” The Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications, Bureau of Near East Affairs, State Department, wrote: “WH [White House] very worried about the politics. This was all their doing.” [pg. 132]

    • The CIA’s September 13, 2012, intelligence assessment was rife with errors. On the first page, there is a single mention of “the early stages of the protest” buried in one of the bullet points. The article cited to support the mention of a protest in this instance was actually from September 4. In other words, the analysts used an article from a full week before the attacks to support the premise that a protest had occurred just prior to the attack on September 11. [pg. 47]

    • A headline on the following page of the CIA’s September 13 intelligence assessment stated “Extremists Capitalized on Benghazi Protests,” but nothing in the actual text box supports that title. As it turns out, the title of the text box was supposed to be “Extremists Capitalized on Cairo Protests.” That small but vital difference — from Cairo to Benghazi — had major implications in how people in the administration were able to message the attacks. [pg. 52]

    • During deliberations within the State Department about whether and how to intervene in Libya in March 2011, Jake Sullivan listed the first goal as “avoid[ing] a failed state, particularly one in which al-Qaeda and other extremists might take safe haven.” [pg. 9]

    • The administration’s policy of no boots on the ground shaped the type of military assistance provided to State Department personnel in Libya. The Executive Secretariats for both the Defense Department and State Department exchanged communications outlining the diplomatic capacity in which the Defense Department SST security team members would serve, which included wearing civilian clothes so as not to offend the Libyans. [pg. 60]

    • When the State Department’s presence in Benghazi was extended in December 2012, senior officials from the Bureau of Diplomatic Security were excluded from the discussion. [pg. 74]

    • In February 2012, the lead Diplomatic Security Agent at Embassy Tripoli informed his counterpart in Benghazi that more DS agents would not be provided by decision makers, because “substantive reporting” was not Benghazi’s purpose. [pg. 77]

    • Emails indicate senior State Department officials, including Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan, and Huma Abedin were preparing for a trip by the Secretary of State to Libya in October 2012. According to testimony, Chris Stevens wanted to have a “deliverable” for the Secretary for her trip to Libya, and that “deliverable” would be making the Mission in Benghazi a permanent Consulate. [pg. 96]

    • In August 2012 — roughly a month before the Benghazi attacks — security on the ground worsened significantly. Ambassador Stevens initially planned to travel to Benghazi in early August, but cancelled the trip “primarily for Ramadan/security reasons.” [pg. 99]

    • Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta bluntly told the committee “an intelligence failure” occurred with respect to Benghazi. Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell also acknowledged multiple times an intelligence failure did in fact occur prior to the Benghazi attacks. [pg. 129]

The Most Interesting Findings From Trey Gowdy's Benghazi Committee Report

That is of course for those who have an ability to think for yourselves. Which of course means no one on the left.

Yeah, the obama administration sure were innocent.

Very impressive list, and many things have already been noted in the previous right wing led investigations that could have been done differently, but which of those points shows that Hillary was guilty of any wrong doing?
Quit your lies.
The following facts are among the many new revelations in Part I:

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]With Ambassador Stevens missing, the White House convened a roughly two-hour meeting at 7:30 PM, which resulted in action items focused on a YouTube video, and others containing the phrases “f any deployment is made,” and “Libya must agree to any deployment,” and “[w]ill not deploy until order comes to go to either Tripoli or Benghazi.” [pg. 115]The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff typically would have participated in the White House meeting, but did not attend because he went home to host a dinner party for foreign dignitaries. [pg. 107]A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]None of the relevant military forces met their required deployment timelines. [pg. 150]The Libyan forces that evacuated Americans from the CIA Annex to the Benghazi airport was not affiliated with any of the militias the CIA or State Department had developed a relationship with during the prior 18 months. Instead, it was comprised of former Qadhafi loyalists who the U.S. had helped remove from power during the Libyan revolution. [pg. 144]

And they came up with nothing new to add. Is that shameful or just stupidity?
That isn't new and was covered in many other reports. The airbase in Italy was too far and they had a refueling problem they could not respond for lack of logistical support.
Air assets were close enough to arrive in Benghazi hours before the fight was over. Troops were close enough to get there before the fight was over. Tactical aircraft were at Aviano and Airborne quick response troops in Vicenza. Less than 2 hours away and guess what? The military had time to get there in 13 hours Add that to the fact that a drone was filming the fight in real time. They could have launched the aircraft and troops and sit there and watch the Cavalry come to the rescue. All they had to do was stock up on popcorn and candy. But they chose to sit on their sorrowful dead asses and watch Americans die.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, Chris Stevens was dead within four hours, there was nothing that anyone could do and the fact that you are still holding on to this factoid after being debunked two years ago, merely displays your ignorance of the subject. Read up or go home.
Of course Stevens and another was dead but the response team could have been there toot sweet. And for 20 years I was on emergency response teams with several successful missions so don't even try to educate me on what the fuck the military can or can't do, Peaches.

Look if you have read the book 13 hours or watched the movie, which was written by CIA agents on the ground fighting this battle, it's clear that it completely admonishes Hillary Clinton from any negligence.

Ambassador Chris Stevens was supposed to be 400 miles away in a secure location in Tripoli. He made a choice to go to Benghazi (by himself)--rent an unsecure villa, and against the advice of the CIA on the ground and was killed. He showed up on the 10th of September to do this, then on the 11th of September he was killed. Hillary Clinton didn't even know he was in Benghazi.

As far as getting military support, that was also explained in the book. Help did arrive but it was too late to save 3 other CIA agents.

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars over all of this, in their witch hunt efforts, and you should be pissed off at them.

We have had many U.S Embassies that have been attacked over the decades, this is nothing new. Most notably under Reagan when 240 U.S. Marines were killed in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Of course that was only 1 investigation. The only thing that was new, is that it was under Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's watch.

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They have their directive and no form of logic will change that. Now if there were minds to be changed........perhaps.
So, it was due to a video? What are the left wingers claiming?

Can anyone decipher their double talk?

I cannot.

Are they saying she told the truth to the families about the video?

I just cannot tell. Get ready for them to deal with my rhetorical questions by giggling and obfuscating. That is the only way they can deal with their cognitive dissonance.

Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence report released almost a year ago. They found no administration wrongdoing then, and Democrats broadcasted it loud and clear. You didn't listen then like you don't listen now. They got nothing, zip, zilch, nada.'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.


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