CNN Poll: More Americans Are Saying The Terrorists Are Winning


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
THIS is the reason Trump will become President.... the DemoRATS have no answer to this...Where is the Obomanation...Oh, still on the golf course on hole 14! ^ | December 28, 2015 | Matt Vespa
Concerning the war on terror, or as the Obama administration calls it, "overseas contingency operations," Americans don't feel it's going well. In fact, a new CNN/ORC poll found that more Americans "are more likely to say that terrorists are winning the war against the United States than they have been at any point since the September 11 attacks." Moreover, 74 percent are not satisfied by how the war on terror is going, with three percent saying they're very satisfied (who are these people?). Sixty percent disapprove of the way Obama's been handling the issue of terrorism, while 52 percent disapprove of his job performance overall. Yet, regarding the war on terror, the dissatisfaction crosses party lines:.....

We're fat, well fed, and absolutely terrified of a bunch of broke bedouins running around in the sand on the complete opposite side of the planet. The terrorists have won indeed.

Your head would make an interesting soccer ball for the young muslim's!


Old Fool, did you read THIS?

Liberals Just Found Out What Happens When You Open Your Home To Muslim Refugees!!! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'd expect the same result if they'd let hundreds of dumb broke crackas like yourself camp out on their farm.
why the #$%^&*( is the white house/state dept. taking credit for bringing peace to syria?

US was there for years and russia was there a few months...........not that there is yet peace, but more has been done in the last few months that in three years.
Russia is not concerned about war crimes or HR violations, nor does syria.
why the #$%^&*( is the white house/state dept. taking credit for bringing peace to syria?

US was there for years and russia was there a few months...........not that there is yet peace, but more has been done in the last few months that in three years.
Russia is not concerned about war crimes or HR violations, nor does syria.
You're right. Russia and it's allies Iran and Hezbollah probably don't care about war crimes. Interesting you think we should look up to them.
We're fat, well fed, and absolutely terrified of a bunch of broke bedouins running around in the sand on the complete opposite side of the planet. The terrorists have won indeed.

Your head would make an interesting soccer ball for the young muslim's!


Old Fool, did you read THIS?

Liberals Just Found Out What Happens When You Open Your Home To Muslim Refugees!!! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'd expect the same result if they'd let hundreds of dumb broke crackas like yourself camp out on their farm.

They'd mow the lawn, trim the bush's, paint the house, and be happy with a hamburger and a six pack! ROTFLMFAO at you!
why the #$%^&*( is the white house/state dept. taking credit for bringing peace to syria?

US was there for years and russia was there a few months...........not that there is yet peace, but more has been done in the last few months that in three years.
Russia is not concerned about war crimes or HR violations, nor does syria.
You're right. Russia and it's allies Iran and Hezbollah probably don't care about war crimes. Interesting you think we should look up to them.

They care about winning, something I wish our CIC would care about. Perhaps you don't understand that to beat the enemy, you have to fight better than he does. Not surprised you don't get it.
We're fat, well fed, and absolutely terrified of a bunch of broke bedouins running around in the sand on the complete opposite side of the planet. The terrorists have won indeed.

Your head would make an interesting soccer ball for the young muslim's!


Old Fool, did you read THIS?

Liberals Just Found Out What Happens When You Open Your Home To Muslim Refugees!!! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'd expect the same result if they'd let hundreds of dumb broke crackas like yourself camp out on their farm.

They'd mow the lawn, trim the bush's, paint the house, and be happy with a hamburger and a six pack! ROTFLMFAO at you!
Nope crackas are a violent bunch. They've killed tens of millions in the last several decades.
why the #$%^&*( is the white house/state dept. taking credit for bringing peace to syria?

US was there for years and russia was there a few months...........not that there is yet peace, but more has been done in the last few months that in three years.
Russia is not concerned about war crimes or HR violations, nor does syria.
You're right. Russia and it's allies Iran and Hezbollah probably don't care about war crimes. Interesting you think we should look up to them.

They care about winning, something I wish our CIC would care about. Perhaps you don't understand that to beat the enemy, you have to fight better than he does. Not surprised you don't get it.
Which enemy? All parties in that fight are our enemies. And all of them are being beaten back by broke bedouins running around in the sand, as you'd expect from a JV team..
Obama is going to have a sad over this...

When he leaves office, I imagine he will dedicate his life to creating peace and harmony between Muslims and the West.
Where did they poll? Kazakhstan???

And Jesus would win against Mohammed.

Since we speaking in hypotheticals.

Dont be stupid, THE US ARMY is destroying the terrorists all over the world...

Whoever trying to impose people the otherwise, i should question their patriotism...
We're fat, well fed, and absolutely terrified of a bunch of broke bedouins running around in the sand on the complete opposite side of the planet. The terrorists have won indeed.

Your head would make an interesting soccer ball for the young muslim's!


Old Fool, did you read THIS?

Liberals Just Found Out What Happens When You Open Your Home To Muslim Refugees!!! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'd expect the same result if they'd let hundreds of dumb broke crackas like yourself camp out on their farm.

They'd mow the lawn, trim the bush's, paint the house, and be happy with a hamburger and a six pack! ROTFLMFAO at you!
Nope crackas are a violent bunch. They've killed tens of millions in the last several decades.

Odd, but I just had a few Nila Crackas with an ice tea, and they didn't put up a struggle!
Terrorists are winning, the consequence of the conservative policy of hate and bigotry.

Whenever conservatives make the ridiculous claim that 'all Muslims' are 'terrorists,' the terrorists win.

Whenever conservatives attempt to propagate the lie that Islam is a 'terrorist religion,' the terrorists win.

Whenever conservatives advocate for Muslims being 'registered,' mosques 'investigated,' and Muslims 'kept out of the country,' the terrorists win.

The most powerful weapon the terrorists have isn't guns or bombs, their most powerful weapon is to turn the West against its Muslim citizens – a weapon most on the right are more than eager to afford the terrorists.
why the #$%^&*( is the white house/state dept. taking credit for bringing peace to syria?

US was there for years and russia was there a few months...........not that there is yet peace, but more has been done in the last few months that in three years.
Russia is not concerned about war crimes or HR violations, nor does syria.
You're right. Russia and it's allies Iran and Hezbollah probably don't care about war crimes. Interesting you think we should look up to them.

They care about winning, something I wish our CIC would care about. Perhaps you don't understand that to beat the enemy, you have to fight better than he does. Not surprised you don't get it.

In the long run it might save lives to make quick work of the enemy than a long drawn out war and constantly second guessing your every move. It russia can do more with 1000 bomb in a few days or weeks than the thousands of bombs by the US over years and see ISIS actually grow and kill more minorities, which is really the better option?

ISIS is withdrawing from three major stronghold and even syrian opposition are handing in weapons to the government forces. With dozens killed in bombings, hundreds have been evacuated and sent to turkey and beirut for medical treatment and safety in camps. ISIS has even withdraw from the palestinian camps in Damascus. Syria bombed UNESCO heritage site but ISIS cleared out.

There is not going to be a fool proof war with no civilian casualties, but sometimes you have to choose what is best for a quick decisive end and earlier repair and rebuilding. Right now there is little to repair and most areas have been decimated to the tens of trillions and decades to return to any normality.

How many lives did the US method really save? At what cost? And how much damage to the infrastructure, economy and population?

It is not about wanting to emulate the russians, but seeing the efficiency of it their method. Win first, consequences later. Death by a thousand splinters is too agonizing for the people, the country and US forces. How many more years do you want the US to be at war over there?

And Kerry wants to take credit for what everyone except the US actually achieved in the last couple of months?

This is not over but there is a glimmer of light as ISIS retreats and talks of reorganization of the syrian government get closer. No doubt Assad will be round for the time being but even russia and iran are look toward an assad free syria in the future.
Even europe is seeking changes in how muslims live and behave. 88% of the UK including muslims want to ban the burka and reform the mosques.
Most muslims countries are looking towards Fiji muslims as the example for the future.

ISIS has been a black eye to all Islam for the last few years.
Whenever the left tries to make Islam into the religion of peace, muslims gun down a bunch of people, then they win.
Whenever the left tries to make Islam into the religion of peace, muslims gun down a bunch of people, then they win.

Should we send a half million troops and ban the Koran?
Not as long as obama is in office. The more Americans who die the better off he is.

The refugees are 90% men. Draft them into the military of the countries that took them in and send them back to fight for their own countries.
The terrorists are winning:rofl:, ummm OK, orange terror alert, we gotta go fight them there so they won't come get us here, something like that huh:rofl:..

Gee I'm so scared I don't know what to do, maybe I'll call Dickhead Cheyney for advice, I'm soooooo fucking scared I can't sleep at night help!!!!!!:uhoh3:

The only ones that are scared are paranoid *****, who still believe Obama was born in Kenya NOT Hawaii, but wait a minute those are the same white trash bitches that are always YIPPING and YAPPING,, about their penis extension's, errrrrr my bad guns,,why are you Pussies so scared if you have your precious guns???:lame2:

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