CNN Poll: Trump’s Approval Rating On Economy “Is The Highest Number We’ve Ever Seen”

I was wondering what derogatory things you have to say about the Trumpsters here who were not in IT.
You’re a very unhappy person.


The guy that cannot get over losing his job years ago to a more qualified Indian says that I am unhappy! That is funny.

Some Trumpsters I like, some I do not. Your view of Trump has nothing to do with my ridicule of you.
I’m actually an administrator developing systems for the last 10 years because the vendors suck.

As is overt from the postings here, nobody likes you and plenty like me.

Anyone that does the old childish "Nobody Like You" routine automatically gets my dislike.
I was wondering what derogatory things you have to say about the Trumpsters here who were not in IT.
You’re a very unhappy person.


The guy that cannot get over losing his job years ago to a more qualified Indian says that I am unhappy! That is funny.

Some Trumpsters I like, some I do not. Your view of Trump has nothing to do with my ridicule of you.
I’m actually an administrator developing systems for the last 10 years because the vendors suck.

As is overt from the postings here, nobody likes you and plenty like me.

Anyone that does the old childish "Nobody Like You" routine automatically gets my dislike.
And you approve of the, “You’re just bitter?” argument?
I’m actually an administrator developing systems for the last 10 years because the vendors suck.

As is overt from the postings here, nobody likes you and plenty like me.

I feel very sad for you that you come here looking for friends. That is so pathetic I cannot even bring myself to laugh at you.

But hey, congrats you won the popularity contest on the political forum...finally a win in your life!
I come here to read postings from jackasses such as yourself so I can provide people with advice on what platform to vote for.
I’m popular wherever I go; I don’t need a yacht to bribe people into making believe they like me.

yet you brag about being more popular! Just face it buddy, it sucks to be you.
I was wondering what derogatory things you have to say about the Trumpsters here who were not in IT.
You’re a very unhappy person.


The guy that cannot get over losing his job years ago to a more qualified Indian says that I am unhappy! That is funny.

Some Trumpsters I like, some I do not. Your view of Trump has nothing to do with my ridicule of you.
I’m actually an administrator developing systems for the last 10 years because the vendors suck.

As is overt from the postings here, nobody likes you and plenty like me.

Anyone that does the old childish "Nobody Like You" routine automatically gets my dislike.
And you approve of the, “You’re just bitter?” argument?

It is not an argument, it is an observation based upon the fact you have been whining about it as long as I have been on this forum.
I’m actually an administrator developing systems for the last 10 years because the vendors suck.

As is overt from the postings here, nobody likes you and plenty like me.

I feel very sad for you that you come here looking for friends. That is so pathetic I cannot even bring myself to laugh at you.

But hey, congrats you won the popularity contest on the political forum...finally a win in your life!
I come here to read postings from jackasses such as yourself so I can provide people with advice on what platform to vote for.
I’m popular wherever I go; I don’t need a yacht to bribe people into making believe they like me.

yet you brag about being more popular! Just face it buddy, it sucks to be you.
I know at least a dozen Libertarians; the unhappiest bastards you’ll ever meet...except for Liberals.
I’m actually an administrator developing systems for the last 10 years because the vendors suck.

As is overt from the postings here, nobody likes you and plenty like me.

I feel very sad for you that you come here looking for friends. That is so pathetic I cannot even bring myself to laugh at you.

But hey, congrats you won the popularity contest on the political forum...finally a win in your life!
I come here to read postings from jackasses such as yourself so I can provide people with advice on what platform to vote for.
I’m popular wherever I go; I don’t need a yacht to bribe people into making believe they like me.

yet you brag about being more popular! Just face it buddy, it sucks to be you.
I know at least a dozen Libertarians; the unhappiest bastards you’ll ever meet...except for Liberals.

no doubt anyone that spends any time around your bitter old ass would be unhappy
I was wondering what derogatory things you have to say about the Trumpsters here who were not in IT.
You’re a very unhappy person.


The guy that cannot get over losing his job years ago to a more qualified Indian says that I am unhappy! That is funny.

Some Trumpsters I like, some I do not. Your view of Trump has nothing to do with my ridicule of you.
I’m actually an administrator developing systems for the last 10 years because the vendors suck.

As is overt from the postings here, nobody likes you and plenty like me.

Anyone that does the old childish "Nobody Like You" routine automatically gets my dislike.
And you approve of the, “You’re just bitter?” argument?

It is not an argument, it is an observation based upon the fact you have been whining about it as long as I have been on this forum.
Less than 1% of my postings concern myself.
I post once and your use that as an “Evergreen” ad hominem.
I know how “Wall Streeters” work phrases to shoot others down.
I’m actually an administrator developing systems for the last 10 years because the vendors suck.

As is overt from the postings here, nobody likes you and plenty like me.

I feel very sad for you that you come here looking for friends. That is so pathetic I cannot even bring myself to laugh at you.

But hey, congrats you won the popularity contest on the political forum...finally a win in your life!
I come here to read postings from jackasses such as yourself so I can provide people with advice on what platform to vote for.
I’m popular wherever I go; I don’t need a yacht to bribe people into making believe they like me.

yet you brag about being more popular! Just face it buddy, it sucks to be you.
I know at least a dozen Libertarians; the unhappiest bastards you’ll ever meet...except for Liberals.

no doubt anyone that spends any time around your bitter old ass would be unhappy
Put more imagination into your ad hominems.
Hey GG, please explain the smiley.
Google compiled a geographical database, not an interactive navigation system and merely replicated Yahoo static paper maps.
Google was way late to the game.
So please do explain your usual doill click.

I bet you never heard of Motion-X GPS, which was the first Smart Device, interactive GPS.
Apple put them out of business by offering their fee App.
But I’m sure you know this already...:71:

I laugh at you putting Alphabet down just because you lost your job to some guy from India.

They are doing something right since one share of stock is likely more than you make in a week.

Sent from my iPhone using
I was wondering what derogatory things you have to say about the Trumpsters here who were not in IT.
You’re a very unhappy person.

Actually, the strupets that are not in IT probably don't know any better. But an IT that is a strumpet should know better and is probably making the claim of being an IT in jest.
Hey GG, please explain the smiley.
Google compiled a geographical database, not an interactive navigation system and merely replicated Yahoo static paper maps.
Google was way late to the game.
So please do explain your usual doill click.

I bet you never heard of Motion-X GPS, which was the first Smart Device, interactive GPS.
Apple put them out of business by offering their fee App.
But I’m sure you know this already...:71:

I laugh at you putting Alphabet down just because you lost your job to some guy from India.

They are doing something right since one share of stock is likely more than you make in a week.

Sent from my iPhone using
I was wondering what derogatory things you have to say about the Trumpsters here who were not in IT.
You’re a very unhappy person.

Actually, the strupets that are not in IT probably don't know any better. But an IT that is a strumpet should know better and is probably making the claim of being an IT in jest.
I was wondering why so many H1-Bs have been sent home and American graduates are getting IT jobs for the first time since 2004.
That’s the one thing Sessions did eight.
Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 8.36.14 PM.png

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
Trump knows the economy is his only saving grace. That is why he is shamelessly begging the Fed to drop the rates and to do another round of QE

If the Economy is doing so well , why does he need to borrow $1.2 trillion next year...

This is economics 101, he inherited an economy on the rise... He just borrowed more money to keep it pumped... He is begging the Fed to keep interest rates low so it keeps on overheating... Just like Bush 2...
Nixon's landslide level victory in 1972 was because of a great economy.

Reagan's landslide victory in 1984 was because of a great economy.

Trump's landslide victory in 2020 will be because of great economy. Well that and the fact the Democrats are running a slate of communists.
Hey GG, please explain the smiley.
Google compiled a geographical database, not an interactive navigation system and merely replicated Yahoo static paper maps.
Google was way late to the game.
So please do explain your usual doill click.

I bet you never heard of Motion-X GPS, which was the first Smart Device, interactive GPS.
Apple put them out of business by offering their fee App.
But I’m sure you know this already...:71:

I laugh at you putting Alphabet down just because you lost your job to some guy from India.

They are doing something right since one share of stock is likely more than you make in a week.

Sent from my iPhone using
I was wondering what derogatory things you have to say about the Trumpsters here who were not in IT.
You’re a very unhappy person.

Actually, the strupets that are not in IT probably don't know any better. But an IT that is a strumpet should know better and is probably making the claim of being an IT in jest.
I was wondering why so many H1-Bs have been sent home and American graduates are getting IT jobs for the first time since 2004.
That’s the one thing Sessions did eight.

Damn, dude...there is hope for you yet! :21::21::21::21::21:

Let's use your cite for comparison.

In April, the unemployment rate for Americans with a high school degree fell to the lowest rates since before the Great Recession. Unemployment for workers with disabilities fell from eight percent to 6.3 percent over the last 12 months, the lowest level since the measure began in 2008.

Okay, let's look at that. Unemployment went down, yes. But more people were working part time trying to make ends meet than ever before. We lost about 129K of full. This was after the addition of the new full time jobs were subtracted. During that same month, there were over 139,000 part time jobs created. It doesn't take a friggin Einstein to see the trend. Full time jobs were lost at a higher rate and benefits and replaced by part time jobs with lower pay and fewer (if any) benefits.

Hispanic unemployment is the lowest it has been since 1973 (also when the measure began). Black unemployment remains close to historic lows, climbing slightly since the end of 2018.

I don't know if you are aware of it or not, if you give up looking for a job, after 6 months you are no longer counted. And many just gave up. And when you do a 6 month hiatus it's tough finding another job except for the bottom of the barrel jobs.

When the economy is strong and unemployment rates are consistently low, two things happen. First, job openings pull workers off the sidelines and into the workforce. People who had been so discouraged that they stopped looking for work start getting jobs again. That’s what we’re seeing. New York Times reporter Ben Casselman noted that more than 70 percent of new hires last month “weren’t actively looking for work, but got jobs anyway.”

1st thing. The ones that are currently employed or recently laid off move up in the job food chain. They make room at the bottom for workers that have been unemployed for more than 6 months and aren't counted in the unemployment roles. But, damn, the Government is quick to show the increase in hiring. Even though the bulk of the new hires are part time.

Second, employers raise wages in order to keep good talent and attract new workers to fill job openings. And that’s happening, too. Until recently, wage growth had lagged behind expectations. Not anymore.

Sounds good, doesn't it. But the driving factor is the increase in Min Wage. The problem there is, each and every time Min Wage is increased (say 3.2%) the cost of living normally goes up 3.4%. And you are now in a higher tax bracket. Your checks may go up but only by a few dollars. Min Wage increases help the Min Wage Worker but the problem is, the ones getting paid just above min wage don't see a raise and their cost of living just went up.

Following the 2017 tax cuts, the growth rate for average hourly earnings began to tick up, and over the past year, average hourly earnings rose by 3.2 percent. That’s a raise of roughly $1,400 in a year’s take-home pay. Before 2018, wage growth hadn’t reached three percent since 2009.

Yes, a 3.2% raise for min Wage whose workers need to have two or three of them to make 40 hours. The job creation is very misleading for the most part.

Your article leaves out some very important facts and paints a rosy picture. Well, for those making less than 35,000 annually without health care, the picture isn't what your article claims it is. I wished it was but never sell the greed factor of the Moderately well off or the Rich short.

Let's use your cite for comparison.

In April, the unemployment rate for Americans with a high school degree fell to the lowest rates since before the Great Recession. Unemployment for workers with disabilities fell from eight percent to 6.3 percent over the last 12 months, the lowest level since the measure began in 2008.

Okay, let's look at that. Unemployment went down, yes. But more people were working part time trying to make ends meet than ever before. We lost about 129K of full....
Wait for the revisions, the quarterly numbers are strong and the trend has been positive for all of Trump's presidency.

...This was after the addition of the new full time jobs were subtracted. During that same month, there were over 139,000 part time jobs created. ..
Actually the quarterly trend for part time workers is clearly down, and with the increase in full time workers, probably part timers are converting to full time status.


Hispanic unemployment is the lowest it has been since 1973 (also when the measure began). Black unemployment remains close to historic lows, climbing slightly since the end of 2018.

I don't know if you are aware of it or not, if you give up looking for a job, after 6 months you are no longer counted. And many just gave up. And when you do a 6 month hiatus it's tough finding another job except for the bottom of the barrel jobs.

The quarterly trend is positive for hispanic workers, and legal hispanic workers don't mind when illegals go back to their own country.
When the economy is strong and unemployment rates are consistently low, two things happen. First, job openings pull workers off the sidelines and into the workforce. People who had been so discouraged that they stopped looking for work start getting jobs again. That’s what we’re seeing. New York Times reporter Ben Casselman noted that more than 70 percent of new hires last month “weren’t actively looking for work, but got jobs anyway.”
Why is that a problem?
...Second, employers raise wages in order to keep good talent and attract new workers to fill job openings. And that’s happening, too. Until recently, wage growth had lagged behind expectations. Not anymore.

Sounds good, doesn't it. But the driving factor is the increase in Min Wage...
That's unlikely given how few minimum wage workers there are and that the number continues to decline:

The problem there is, each and every time Min Wage is increased (say 3.2%) the cost of living normally goes up 3.4%. And you are now in a higher tax bracket. Your checks may go up but only by a few dollars. Min Wage increases help the Min Wage Worker but the problem is, the ones getting paid just above min wage don't see a raise and their cost of living just went up. ...
That's not the current situation, inflation is lagging even the Fed's 2% benchmark, it's way down at 1.6%, so your claims overstate the facts by 200% and more.
Following the 2017 tax cuts, the growth rate for average hourly earnings began to tick up, and over the past year, average hourly earnings rose by 3.2 percent. That’s a raise of roughly $1,400 in a year’s take-home pay. Before 2018, wage growth hadn’t reached three percent since 2009.

Yes, a 3.2% raise for min Wage whose workers need to have two or three of them to make 40 hours. The job creation is very misleading for the most part...
There were 2,095k multiple part time job holders when Trump took over and 2,012k today so that's pretty flat, probably folks working into tull time work like you mentioned earlier, or students supplementing their income to get real life job experience and try to keep their debt load down. Gen Z has noticed how their Millennial older siblings got racked by college debt and ended up in entry level jobs, they are being much smarter about this.
...never sell the greed factor of the Moderately well off or the Rich short.
Thanks for the warning!
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