CNN Providing Aid And Comfort To The Enemy


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018

My reaction:

This kind of treasonous journalism is surreal. CNN is celebrating an enemy military force while damning our own military forces—during a time of national crisis. I had mentioned several times in the past couple of years how the American left would rather see America destroyed than either Donald Trump re-elected or lose its ideological/cultural war. Now the proof of that prognostication is in . . . in spades. Not only would CNN rather see America crumble, they're actively participating in the destruction of our civilization. Truly it is time for action to be taken against journalists and media outlets who commit such treason during this time of crisis/war.
Liberal Media whether it's TV, internet or print is China's best asset. As long as they continue to give China a pass and attack President Trump, China will not be held accountable.
How is reporting facts giving comfort to the enemy?

It is not fact that, and I quote, ""It showed that the PLA can dispatch troops stationed anywhere at any time, with the troops always maintaining vigorous combat capabilities. The Chinese people can always count on them," Xu is quoted as saying."

It is misinformation aimed at spreading fear and doubt in our own military might. But you already knew that, Wang Chung.

My reaction:

This kind of treasonous journalism is surreal. CNN is celebrating an enemy military force while damning our own military forces—during a time of national crisis. I had mentioned several times in the past couple of years how the American left would rather see America destroyed than either Donald Trump re-elected or lose its ideological/cultural war. Now the proof of that prognostication is in . . . in spades. Not only would CNN rather see America crumble, they're actively participating in the destruction of our civilization. Truly it is time for action to be taken against journalists and media outlets who commit such treason during this time of crisis/war.

Chicken Little much? :) We gonna get our knickers in a twist over reporting facts now?

Don't see anything here to get excited about. Except maybe the right wing's never ending quest to find scapegoats and demons to deflect attention away from their ideological failures.
The Communist Chinese have released documentation admitting that the coronavirus was injected into bats and then injected into piglets. And that more piglets were then fed the remains of the infected piglets. All of this done within the Wuhan Bio Weapon laboratory which is just 20 miles away from the Chinese wet market that the virus is said to have originated from. Sequencing of the Covid-19 genome has traced it back to the bats used in the Wuhan laboratory. Furthermore, the contaminated animals may have been freely sold to the neighboring Wet market after the research was finished. Dr. Francis Boyle reveals that the current overeseer of the Coronavirus hype oversaw the U.S. government funded research in Wuhan. China is now threatening to expose the Obama era program and its current rollout. Now the left, who barely have a Presidential candidate are desperate. And they may do anything to cover the open treason and national security threat of the deep state. President Trump has the swamp in Check. We are just one move away from checkmate.

One huge quote that couldn't be more true .......... For those who never know this or don't know of it will be easily fooled right into all the wrong bs lies.

My reaction:

This kind of treasonous journalism is surreal. CNN is celebrating an enemy military force while damning our own military forces—during a time of national crisis. I had mentioned several times in the past couple of years how the American left would rather see America destroyed than either Donald Trump re-elected or lose its ideological/cultural war. Now the proof of that prognostication is in . . . in spades. Not only would CNN rather see America crumble, they're actively participating in the destruction of our civilization. Truly it is time for action to be taken against journalists and media outlets who commit such treason during this time of crisis/war.
Is it treasonous if it's true?

I don't think so.

If you do, you're an idiot.

My reaction:

This kind of treasonous journalism is surreal. CNN is celebrating an enemy military force while damning our own military forces—during a time of national crisis. I had mentioned several times in the past couple of years how the American left would rather see America destroyed than either Donald Trump re-elected or lose its ideological/cultural war. Now the proof of that prognostication is in . . . in spades. Not only would CNN rather see America crumble, they're actively participating in the destruction of our civilization. Truly it is time for action to be taken against journalists and media outlets who commit such treason during this time of crisis/war.

Well, they have to suck up to China since they've been kicked out of there, they just want to get back to their homeland.
I think you're over-reacting ... yeesh ... exercising one's Constitutional Rights isn't treason ... it's guarantied rights ...

I understand not letting US military folks quarter in our homes is catastrophic to our national defense ... but it's not treason, it's a right to say "no" ...

My reaction:

This kind of treasonous journalism is surreal. CNN is celebrating an enemy military force while damning our own military forces—during a time of national crisis. I had mentioned several times in the past couple of years how the American left would rather see America destroyed than either Donald Trump re-elected or lose its ideological/cultural war. Now the proof of that prognostication is in . . . in spades. Not only would CNN rather see America crumble, they're actively participating in the destruction of our civilization. Truly it is time for action to be taken against journalists and media outlets who commit such treason during this time of crisis/war.

If this is supposed to be "CNN" how come your own URL says "MSN"?
This kind of treasonous journalism is surreal. CNN is celebrating an enemy military force while damning our own military forces

WHERE are you even getting these value judgments?

The article, once one finds it, simply passes on a report that says "hey look at us, China is doing a great job". Which is exactly the same thing Rump does in his daily Good Ship Lollipop briefings. So CNN, or whoever it might be, is simply PASSING ON SOMEBODY ELSE'S DOCUMENT. Just as they're doing when they cover a Lollipop briefing.

Where the fuck do you see any value judgment in the article, FROM the article? Do you understand English? Do you get the difference between "first person" and "third person"?

My reaction:

This kind of treasonous journalism is surreal. CNN is celebrating an enemy military force while damning our own military forces—during a time of national crisis. I had mentioned several times in the past couple of years how the American left would rather see America destroyed than either Donald Trump re-elected or lose its ideological/cultural war. Now the proof of that prognostication is in . . . in spades. Not only would CNN rather see America crumble, they're actively participating in the destruction of our civilization. Truly it is time for action to be taken against journalists and media outlets who commit such treason during this time of crisis/war.
Technically, as we are not at war with China, they are not classified as the "enemy." They are at present, considered, "adversaries." Speaking out against our governments policies and praising an adversaries policies, does not arise to the level of treason. If we were in an active state of war against China, then actual spying and supporting China, would be classified as an act of treason.
There is the lesser crime of sedition, which verbally advocating for and trying to change the government to one similar to an adversary could be perceived as. That however, is difficult to convict on. Speaking against our government and praising an enemy's government, if brought before a court on the grounds of sedition, could be easily thrown out, as they would simply defend as the Constitutional right to free speech.
Our founding fathers didn't give a great deal of thought regarding the concept of free speech and the freedom of religion when it came to the drafting of the Constitution; had they done so, there would be some specific restrictions in place regarding both and advocating for any restricted policies in the Constitution, would have been made a crime.
The treasonous ChiComs among us are getting bold.

That's OK, COVID-19 is smoking them out of their holes for everyone to see.

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