CNN Sues.....

I wouldn't have banned him in the first place...I simply would have called on every single other journalist sitting in that room before I ever called on him again. Acosta would cease to exist...problem solved.
Battery is such a pussy excuse but if you want to get technical about it wouldn’t it be fair to say that she was the one reaching in and grabbing at him, invading his personal space and trying to grab the microphone that he was holding? Blocking somebody who is reaching into your body is not assault or battery. And you all call the lefties snowflakes. Unbelievable

The young lady should have baselessly accused Acosta of rape.
More shiny objects. Come on Mr ADD. Stay on track here

I am on track.

The goal is to get Acoster removed.

The means is however it needs to be done.

I can’t be any clearer.
So making false claims is all good as long as it ends in getting rid of Acosta, is that what you are saying?

I am saying he got to go.

He gone.
Good. I’m saying you lost the argument. Goodbye
Acosta should be charged with a misdemeanor Battery.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.
Yes, doctored....besides the obvious fact that she is reaching into his personal space to take something away from him.......that is not battery on his part.
Acosta should be charged with a misdemeanor Battery.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.
Battery is such a pussy excuse but if you want to get technical about it wouldn’t it be fair to say that she was the one reaching in and grabbing at him, invading his personal space and trying to grab the microphone that he was holding? Blocking somebody who is reaching into your body is not assault or battery. And you all call the lefties snowflakes. Unbelievable

The young lady should have baselessly accused Acosta of rape.
Good thing it didn't occur to her to grab his penis and not give it back until he hands over the microphone.
The press ALL of them, need to calm down, give us both sides of an issue. clearly state when they are just giving there opinion or the opinion of there owners. this Acosta deal is the making of a large mountain out of a small hill.
Acosta should be charged with a misdemeanor Battery.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.
Battery is such a pussy excuse but if you want to get technical about it wouldn’t it be fair to say that she was the one reaching in and grabbing at him, invading his personal space and trying to grab the microphone that he was holding? Blocking somebody who is reaching into your body is not assault or battery. And you all call the lefties snowflakes. Unbelievable

The young lady should have baselessly accused Acosta of rape.
Good thing it didn't occur to her to grab his penis and not give it back until he hands over the microphone.
Well, that would certainly be a tiny trump style move....grab 'em by the pussy...or the penis
Funny what you snowflakes call assault.

Acosta jumped the line of reporters.
Then Acosta pushed her.
He should have been a real man and just handed her the mic.

See a Dr about that TDS...really

After you about your CNN problems sugar.

I don't watch CNN, shit stain. Now gfy ..or your bf

Oh sweetums, how lady like you are. I'm sure you only watch Faux Paus Nuz. Nothing else would explain why you are so biased and stupid.

Lose the meager attempts at being condescending, jackass, you're barking up the wrong tree

Such cute lil nicknames, just like your Orange demagogue.

Like sugar and sweetums? You ignorant jackass. Good grief you're a stupid one
Acosta should be charged with a misdemeanor Battery.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.
Yes, doctored....besides the obvious fact that she is reaching into his personal space to take something away from him.......that is not battery on his part.

Invading personal space is not a justification for battery. Otherwise, if it was, there would be tons of lefty protesters with concussions who get up in peoples faces.
I don't know what all the bitching is about.

CNN has no case and has once again overplayed its hand.

There is no 1st Amendment violation. Nobody has ever told
him or CNN what they can or cannot air.

There are rules in the WH for protocol. He violated them.
Once he blocked that girl from getting the mike from him,
he was finished.

Once he blocked that girl physically, he proved he could be
a danger. Thus no Hard Pass from the Secret Service.

Now, CNN will try to find a left leaning, asswipe to hear their
motion but when SCOTUS gets hold of this, they will uphold
the WH decision, based on the grounds of Acousta not following
WH rules. Then Trump will ban him for life.
The Only Thing CNN Shows By Suing Trump WH Over Stripping Of Acosta WH Press Credentials: Hatred Of Trump

Trump. “CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them.
You are a rude, terrible person; you shouldn’t be working for CNN.”

Do you think that CNN has a case against President Trump or do you think that their case will be thrown out?

CNN is making money off of fueling Left Wing Crackpot hate.
Acosta is enraged that President Trump is standing up for America's right to control its border crossings and immigration.
Millions of Democrat Voters are like Acosta, they are Racist Aztlan Nationalist who want to change America into a Latino country.

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The only thing Jim Acosta reports on is Jim Acosta being mistreated.
I don't think they intend to bar Acosta permanently, just give him a timeout. They should let him ask a question and a follow-up but not let him hold the mic.

I disagree. What Acosta did should result in a permaban.
I don't disagree but now that he's done that, Trump could get a lot of mileage out of it. Treat him like a spoiled child who has to be limited in his actions (like holding the mic). Let him become a laughing stock. People would tune in just to see him humiliated.
It's as much fun for deplorable trumpanzees as watching their orange master denigrate women reporters.
Acosta should be charged with a misdemeanor Battery.

And he could charge the intern with assault....

They touched arms...

Bullshit. He chopped her arm downwards with his hand.
If someone did that to you, you'd scream like the little pussy you are.
"he chopped her arm downwards...." :71: Deplorable trumpanzees are SUCH snowflakes....:71:

You'd be crying in your pussyhat if someone did that to you.

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