CNN Sues.....

You left wing fucktards saw exactly what Acosta was doing.

He was grandstanding. If every single reporter in that room did what he was doing, it would never end.

Acosta defined the Caravan for Trump.

Acosta is an open borders asshole who wants the Constitution ignored.

Fuck him, twice
Yes he was grandstanding and provoking. If that’s the basis of the ban then it should have been presented that way. Not this BS about physically assaulting a young woman.

Whatever the narrative needs to be to get your way, right?

Trump is a Nazi?
Huh? Stop following the shiny object and stick to the subject. You can do it. What about my statement do you agree or disagree with?


Fuck Acosta.

Is that clear enough for you?
No, it’s not clear. It has nothing to do with the conversation. Sounds like you got no substance behind your argument so you are resorting to pure emotional outbursts. You hate Jim Acosta, we get it, but your feelings are irrelevant.

My substance is Acosta is a lying grandstanding POS and his credentials should have been removed long ago.

He gave an opening. It was taken.

Jim isn’t a journalist.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.
Battery is such a pussy excuse but if you want to get technical about it wouldn’t it be fair to say that she was the one reaching in and grabbing at him, invading his personal space and trying to grab the microphone that he was holding? Blocking somebody who is reaching into your body is not assault or battery. And you all call the lefties snowflakes. Unbelievable

The young lady should have baselessly accused Acosta of rape.
More shiny objects. Come on Mr ADD. Stay on track here

I am on track.

The goal is to get Acoster removed.

The means is however it needs to be done.

I can’t be any clearer.
So making false claims is all good as long as it ends in getting rid of Acosta, is that what you are saying?
Acosta attacked a member of the white house staff. That should do it.

Unfortunately no lawsuits are filed in the Fantasy Bubbleosphere. Here in the real world no such thing happened. Just because the emperor tells you he's wearing clothes doesn't mean you can't open your FUCKING EYES.
Acosta should be charged with a misdemeanor Battery.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.
Battery is such a pussy excuse but if you want to get technical about it wouldn’t it be fair to say that she was the one reaching in and grabbing at him, invading his personal space and trying to grab the microphone that he was holding? Blocking somebody who is reaching into your body is not assault or battery. And you all call the lefties snowflakes. Unbelievable

Screw you and your Mr. McGoo glasses.
Wow, y’all are giving up on your arguments in a hurry today.

Being rude to a young lady
Russian collusion
Gang rape

Take your pick
Here's the premise for the suit:

CNN sues President Trump and top White House aides for barring Jim Acosta - CNN
The code of federal regulations states that "in granting or denying a request for a security clearance made in response to an application for a White House press pass, officials of the Secret Service will be guided solely by the principle of whether the applicant presents a potential source of physical danger to the President and/or the family of the President so serious as to justify his or her exclusion from White House press privileges."

There are other guidelines as well. Abrams said the case law specifies that before a press pass is denied, "you have to have notice, you have to have a chance to respond, and you have to have a written opinion by the White House as to what it's doing and why, so the courts can examine it."

Verbally sparring with the POTUS doesn't exactly fall into these guidelines.

Trump is going to lose this.

Just because he pissed in some stupid whores mouth? Na, Acosta will go back to tugging tampon strings. He is out and out for good.
I don't think they intend to bar Acosta permanently, just give him a timeout. They should let him ask a question and a follow-up but not let him hold the mic.

I disagree. What Acosta did should result in a permaban.
And....what did he do? Ask questions that tiny trump didn't like......that's what.

One of several to do so. The only difference with Acosta is that he isn't female and black.
Yes he was grandstanding and provoking. If that’s the basis of the ban then it should have been presented that way. Not this BS about physically assaulting a young woman.

Whatever the narrative needs to be to get your way, right?

Trump is a Nazi?
Huh? Stop following the shiny object and stick to the subject. You can do it. What about my statement do you agree or disagree with?


Fuck Acosta.

Is that clear enough for you?
No, it’s not clear. It has nothing to do with the conversation. Sounds like you got no substance behind your argument so you are resorting to pure emotional outbursts. You hate Jim Acosta, we get it, but your feelings are irrelevant.

My substance is Acosta is a lying grandstanding POS and his credentials should have been removed long ago.

He gave an opening. It was taken.

Jim isn’t a journalist.
If the White House wanted to remove Acosta for grandstanding or interrupting then there is a process for that. You don’t lie and make up charges to get rid of somebody. And there’s also the fact that Jim was and is always called on by Trump and Sanders to ask questions. Did you ever think about why? They love the war, it’s feeds the low IQ puppets like yourself who need an enemy to hate. You are being played.
I don't think they intend to bar Acosta permanently, just give him a timeout. They should let him ask a question and a follow-up but not let him hold the mic.

I disagree. What Acosta did should result in a permaban.
And....what did he do? Ask questions that tiny trump didn't like......that's what.

He hogged the mike and refused to allow other reporters to ask questions. Then he committed battery on a young, female intern.

Complete bullshit. This is the old "the suspect then proceeded to punch the officer in the fist with his face" canard. I don't understand why y'all self-delusionists don't get that this kind of bullshit doesn't sell to those who decline to self-delude.
Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.
Battery is such a pussy excuse but if you want to get technical about it wouldn’t it be fair to say that she was the one reaching in and grabbing at him, invading his personal space and trying to grab the microphone that he was holding? Blocking somebody who is reaching into your body is not assault or battery. And you all call the lefties snowflakes. Unbelievable

The young lady should have baselessly accused Acosta of rape.
More shiny objects. Come on Mr ADD. Stay on track here

I am on track.

The goal is to get Acoster removed.

The means is however it needs to be done.

I can’t be any clearer.
So making false claims is all good as long as it ends in getting rid of Acosta, is that what you are saying?

I am saying he got to go.

He gone.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.
Battery is such a pussy excuse but if you want to get technical about it wouldn’t it be fair to say that she was the one reaching in and grabbing at him, invading his personal space and trying to grab the microphone that he was holding? Blocking somebody who is reaching into your body is not assault or battery. And you all call the lefties snowflakes. Unbelievable

Screw you and your Mr. McGoo glasses.
Wow, y’all are giving up on your arguments in a hurry today.

Being rude to a young lady
Russian collusion
Gang rape

Take your pick
And none of those are what the WT is using to explain revoking his credentials. I think you just won the arguement for me. Thanks
The Only Thing CNN Shows By Suing Trump WH Over Stripping Of Acosta WH Press Credentials: Hatred Of Trump

Trump. “CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them.
You are a rude, terrible person; you shouldn’t be working for CNN.”

Do you think that CNN has a case against President Trump or do you think that their case will be thrown out?

CNN is making money off of fueling Left Wing Crackpot hate.
Acosta is enraged that President Trump is standing up for America's right to control its border crossings and immigration.
Millions of Democrat Voters are like Acosta, they are Racist Aztlan Nationalist who want to change America into a Latino country.

The problem with Acosta is that he said he wanted to continue questioning the president. That statement, on camera, is the one that will end such lawsuit notions.
Jim the Acoster doesn’t respect women.

He can’t be a White a house Correspondent and behave that way.


He can always do hair club ads.
So making false claims is all good as long as it ends in getting rid of Acosta, is that what you are saying?
He is making the point that if the ends justify the means on one side, there should be no problem if the other side does it. I will let you figure out the specifics.
If that’s his logic then he is stuck with the intelligence and maturity of a grade schooler. Actually I know many grade schoolers who learned those lessons a long time ago.
Obama would have used the CIA to spy on Jim.

Trump just puts him in timeout, like a little shithead should be after a tantrum.
The Only Thing CNN Shows By Suing Trump WH Over Stripping Of Acosta WH Press Credentials: Hatred Of Trump

Trump. “CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them.
You are a rude, terrible person; you shouldn’t be working for CNN.”

Do you think that CNN has a case against President Trump or do you think that their case will be thrown out?

CNN is making money off of fueling Left Wing Crackpot hate.
Acosta is enraged that President Trump is standing up for America's right to control its border crossings and immigration.
Millions of Democrat Voters are like Acosta, they are Racist Aztlan Nationalist who want to change America into a Latino country.

View attachment 228530

Laughing.......good luck with that horseshit in court.
Here's the premise for the suit:

CNN sues President Trump and top White House aides for barring Jim Acosta - CNN
The code of federal regulations states that "in granting or denying a request for a security clearance made in response to an application for a White House press pass, officials of the Secret Service will be guided solely by the principle of whether the applicant presents a potential source of physical danger to the President and/or the family of the President so serious as to justify his or her exclusion from White House press privileges."

There are other guidelines as well. Abrams said the case law specifies that before a press pass is denied, "you have to have notice, you have to have a chance to respond, and you have to have a written opinion by the White House as to what it's doing and why, so the courts can examine it."

Verbally sparring with the POTUS doesn't exactly fall into these guidelines.

Trump is going to lose this.
Lol you trolls are useless. It'll never get anywhere.

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