CNN to hold debate between Crazy Bernie & Lyin Ted next Tuesday

Bernie has more integrity than any politician out there. We can disagree with his stuff but he doesn't flip flop on everything like the two other choices we had. Unlike Clinton or Donnie, he wants working folk to have a shot at getting ahead.
Bernie has more integrity than any politician out there. We can disagree with his stuff but he doesn't flip flop on everything like the two other choices we had. Unlike Clinton or Donnie, he wants working folk to have a shot at getting ahead.

Integrity? Is that what it was when he took all that money to endorse Clinton and sell out his voters?
Anyone catch it?

some parts Lyin Ted dominated, some parts Crazy Bernie dominated.

Lyin Ted's best moment was when he highlighted how terrible the UK's health care system is and the folks who die on waiting lines.


Crazy Bernie's best moment was, after Lyin Ted said: "access to health care is a right", Crazy Bernie said: "you have access to buy Trump's mansion, you just can't afford it, access doesn't mean a damn thing!"


"i agree with Crazy Bernie. DC is corrupt! but if the problem is that government is corrupt, why on earth would u want more power in DC? i want to take power out of DC and empower the people" - Lyin Ted

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