CNN town hall shows how media edits things in favor of Biden, and against Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
CNN town hall shows how media edits things in favor of Biden, and against Trump

18 Sep 2020 ~~ By Kyle Smith

A few years ago, some waggish citizen of the internet decided he would take bits and pieces from horror film “The Shining,” score them to Peter Gabriel doing “Solsbury Hill” and create a trailer for a wholesome, fun, feel-good father-and-son tale, called “Shining.” Everything seen in the trailer really was taken from the movie, but to edit is to distort.
Or even to create, as we saw in CNN and ABC’s town halls this week. Polls show the American people hold similar views of President Trump and Joe Biden; an Economist/YouGov poll of likely voters last week put Trump’s favorability at 45 percent, Biden’s at 50. In the top battleground states, Biden enjoys a polling lead of 3.9 percent, according to the survey. Yet the networks this week were determined to make it look like America despises Trump and adores Biden, which is why its fakest-of-fake-news “Town Hall” discussions were arranged so that questioners could rain hellfire on Trump and provide opportunities for Biden to appear decent, mature and empathetic.
CNN and ABC’s response, if you asked them about this, would be, “Hey, these are real people! We didn’t tell them what to say!” No, you merely decided which ones would get airtime and which ones wouldn’t.

So someone has to edit reality, to screen the questioners and their thoughts in advance. Doing so involves taking on a heavy responsibility to present some semblance of what a cross-section of American voters is thinking about and asking about. In other words, to be fair. CNN and ABC failed spectacularly.
But only if you think they were trying to be fair. We all know that isn’t the case. CNN is simply a partisan advocacy group that has almost no interest in accurately representing reality and expends virtually all of its energy on attacking Trump and propping up Biden, and it assigned Anderson Cooper, who this summer labeled Trump a “thug” on live TV in one of his many gratuitous attacks on the president, to host.
ABC’s town hall was even worse, hosted by former Democratic political operative George Stephanopoulos, who intervened by hammering Trump on allegations made against him in The Atlantic, on racism, his supposed responsibility for the death toll from the virus. Eight questions were fired at Trump from the left; only one had a right-wing tinge. By contrast, 13 of Biden’s 16 questioners were Democrats and more questions had a left-wing than right-wing basis.

Trump does a Town Hall stepping into an ABC Lion's den with Democrat assassin Stephanopolis and a crowd that hates him. Taking random gotcha questions lifted right out of PMS/DSA Democrat attack ads. Biden goes to CNN which speaks for itself and gets prescripted soft ball questions.
Who thought it would be otherwise. Nonetheless, a large number of viewers must have noticed, for the first time, that Trump is not the monster that the media has made him out to be. That he's accomplished a lot of good things that they wished a President would do.
Obviously, those were not random persons asking question. They were Democrat operatives. Already been proven.
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The debates will be set up to coddle Biden and torpedo Trump, guaranteed. The moderators will be doing everything they can to keep Joe's training wheels from falling off for 90 minutes.
I know a lot of conservative posters on USMB don't like Chris Wallace who will be hosting the first debate; however, I expect he will throw some fastball questions to both Biden and Trump. I've seen Wallace get under thew skin of both democrats and republicans.
The debates will be set up to coddle Biden and torpedo Trump, guaranteed. The moderators will be doing everything they can to keep Joe's training wheels from falling off for 90 minutes.

Like you, I don't believe Chris Wallace is as fair and balanced a journalist as he claims he is.... That remains to be seen..
I know a lot of conservative posters on USMB don't like Chris Wallace who will be hosting the first debate; however, I expect he will throw some fastball questions to both Biden and Trump. I've seen Wallace get under thew skin of both democrats and republicans.

From your computer board to God's E-mail account....
CNN town hall shows how media edits things in favor of Biden, and against Trump

18 Sep 2020 ~~ By Kyle Smith

A few years ago, some waggish citizen of the internet decided he would take bits and pieces from horror film “The Shining,” score them to Peter Gabriel doing “Solsbury Hill” and create a trailer for a wholesome, fun, feel-good father-and-son tale, called “Shining.” Everything seen in the trailer really was taken from the movie, but to edit is to distort.
Or even to create, as we saw in CNN and ABC’s town halls this week. Polls show the American people hold similar views of President Trump and Joe Biden; an Economist/YouGov poll of likely voters last week put Trump’s favorability at 45 percent, Biden’s at 50. In the top battleground states, Biden enjoys a polling lead of 3.9 percent, according to the survey. Yet the networks this week were determined to make it look like America despises Trump and adores Biden, which is why its fakest-of-fake-news “Town Hall” discussions were arranged so that questioners could rain hellfire on Trump and provide opportunities for Biden to appear decent, mature and empathetic.
CNN and ABC’s response, if you asked them about this, would be, “Hey, these are real people! We didn’t tell them what to say!” No, you merely decided which ones would get airtime and which ones wouldn’t.

So someone has to edit reality, to screen the questioners and their thoughts in advance. Doing so involves taking on a heavy responsibility to present some semblance of what a cross-section of American voters is thinking about and asking about. In other words, to be fair. CNN and ABC failed spectacularly.
But only if you think they were trying to be fair. We all know that isn’t the case. CNN is simply a partisan advocacy group that has almost no interest in accurately representing reality and expends virtually all of its energy on attacking Trump and propping up Biden, and it assigned Anderson Cooper, who this summer labeled Trump a “thug” on live TV in one of his many gratuitous attacks on the president, to host.
ABC’s town hall was even worse, hosted by former Democratic political operative George Stephanopoulos, who intervened by hammering Trump on allegations made against him in The Atlantic, on racism, his supposed responsibility for the death toll from the virus. Eight questions were fired at Trump from the left; only one had a right-wing tinge. By contrast, 13 of Biden’s 16 questioners were Democrats and more questions had a left-wing than right-wing basis.

Trump does a Town Hall stepping into an ABC Lion's den with Democrat assassin Stephanopolis and a crowd that hates him. Taking random gotcha questions lifted right out of PMS/DSA Democrat attack ads. Biden goes to CNN which speaks for itself and gets prescripted soft ball questions.
Who thought it would be otherwise. Nonetheless, a large number of viewers must have noticed, for the first time, that Trump is not the monster that the media has made him out to be. That he's accomplished a lot of good things that they wished a President would do.
Obviously, those were not random persons asking question. They were Democrat operatives. Already been proven.
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It’s been a long time now that CNN is against Trump everything is good to harm him but in a strange way the more they do it and the more popular it seems , that’s what happened in 2016. then it won’t work

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