CNN Trying To Sell End Of The World During Shutdown While Dems Throw Temper Tantrum


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Democrats hope that they can get their media co-conspirators to bail them out during this shutdown.
Do you think that it's a wise idea to conduct a fraudulent story of doom and gloom to keep Trump from securing the border? CNN Plays Up Shutdown Sob Stories: Suddenly A Man Can't Afford Wife's Tombstone?

Yesterday, Trump wanted to brief the Democrats about border security, and the Democrats refused to listen. Chuck Schumer claims that Trump is throwing a tantrum, but in reality it's the Democrats refusing to do their jobs and stomping out without listening to anything the administration has to say. Apparently all of the screaming and protesting that took place during the Kavanaugh hearings has become normal conduct by all Democrat leaders. These people have become irrational and anti-social. They actually think that they can get their way by being disruptive. They are not in Washington to solve problems. They are only there to cause problems. Perhaps this is because they feel this is what their base wants. Act like a bunch of spoiled brats refusing to get things done.

Democrats ‘Didn’t Want to Hear’ Border Security Briefing, Says Rep. McCarthy

"President Donald Trump met with top lawmakers at the White House for a security briefing on Jan. 2, where security officials were to explain their need for further border barriers.

But the Democrat attendees didn’t want to listen and never actually got through the full briefing by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, said Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), House GOP leader, during a press gaggle after the briefing.

Once the secretary started, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) interrupted her, McCarthy said.

“They really didn’t want to hear it, and they challenged some the points the secretary made.”

Schumer’s office didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Before the briefing, Trump told reporters that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and border patrol officials would make a plea for a border wall at the meeting, a part of his efforts to convince Democrats to give him funding for the long-promised project."
Every one of these members of Congress swears an oath to defend this country and the constitution, and Democrats aren't fulfilling their oaths.
Their refusal to accept election results has seeped into their performance and has become a major roadblock to progress.
All they have to do is fund the wall which is something there were going to do a few years ago.

Easy, Peasy. Fund the wall and the Govt is back in business.
In 2 State of the Union addresses, the Commander in Chief has warned congress that the southern border is in dire need of a major infrastructure upgrade that includes a border wall.

Congress needs to do their fucking job.
Every one of these members of Congress swears an oath to defend this country and the constitution, and Democrats aren't fulfilling their oaths.
Their refusal to accept election results has seeped into their performance and has become a major roadblock to progress.

It's proof positive bed wetters are treasonous little tools of oppression and sabotage that they're amused by that.

Pelosi actually believes that she now has more power then Trump and can force any issue or any legislation that she wants.
I thought Congress was supposed to represent their constituents, not the President.

Roughly half the country does not want a wall, roughly half of congress does not want a wall.

From the outside looking in, it looks as if it's working exactly as it's supposed to.
I thought Congress was supposed to represent their constituents, not the President.

Roughly half the country does not want a wall, roughly half of congress does not want a wall.

From the outside looking in, it looks as if it's working exactly as it's supposed to.



"Thought" that?

You're not just parroting some bullshit you heard Rachel Madcow regurgitate?


I thought Congress was supposed to represent their constituents, not the President.

Roughly half the country does not want a wall, roughly half of congress does not want a wall.

From the outside looking in, it looks as if it's working exactly as it's supposed to.
Funny how liberals are always yelling that we need to listen to the experts and agree with them when it comes to climate change. Yet when the Border Patrol (who are the experts) say we need a barrier suddenly say don't listen to the experts.
congress is doing there job trump is not
If their job is not doing their jobs, then yes, they are doing their jobs.
If you voted for voter fraud in Blue states, an invasion of migrants from 3rd world countries carrying diseases and a massive unnecessary expense to taxpayers, and increasing threats from terrorism and drug cartels, then you're getting what you wanted.

This is not a game.

This is a reality.
Democrats are ignoring the problem because Democrats that support them won't hold their feet to the fire. Apparently you don't think the problem is real. Like it's some joke. How many other free countries fell under a totalitarian regime because they refused to heed the warnings.
I thought Congress was supposed to represent their constituents, not the President.

Roughly half the country does not want a wall, roughly half of congress does not want a wall.

From the outside looking in, it looks as if it's working exactly as it's supposed to.
The other half elected Trump partly based on his promise to build the wall.
Elections have consequences.
Pelosi actually believes that she now has more power then Trump and can force any issue or any legislation that she wants.
Pelosi thinks the media is where all power exists.
I thought Congress was supposed to represent their constituents, not the President.

Roughly half the country does not want a wall, roughly half of congress does not want a wall.

From the outside looking in, it looks as if it's working exactly as it's supposed to.
Less than half don't want a wall. Most want a wall. But it shouldn't matter what they want, because it's clear what they want is insane. Some don't want a wall.
But it's only because their minds have been poisoned by a dishonest media.
I thought Congress was supposed to represent their constituents, not the President.

Roughly half the country does not want a wall, roughly half of congress does not want a wall.

From the outside looking in, it looks as if it's working exactly as it's supposed to.
The only people who don’t want a wall are wealthy white democrats who live in gated communities and homes with walls and fences around them.

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