CNN: US backed Kiev junta launched Balistic missiles on separatists

Wondering who is SELLING that line and for what purpose.

I know who and I know why.
Ok, and you can discuss that in another thread, this thread is about why US/EU backed Kiev junta is using ballistic missiles to kill people in eastern Ukraine.

You were the one who brought up the plane - not me.

I just pointed out how ridiculous the Russian attempt to save face was.

If you didn't want to talk about the plane, why did you bring it up?
Aside from the fact the govt is now an elected govt, and not a junta, and that the seperatists shot down the airline, this thread's spot on.
Facts require proof, other way they're just FOX NEWS facts.
Aside from the fact the govt is now an elected govt, and not a junta, and that the seperatists shot down the airline, this thread's spot on.
Facts require proof, other way they're just FOX NEWS facts.

When the best the Russians could do was to invent a conspiracy theory that says the passengers were dead when they got on the plane ..... that was all the proof I needed.
Aside from the fact the govt is now an elected govt, and not a junta, and that the seperatists shot down the airline, this thread's spot on.
Facts require proof, other way they're just FOX NEWS facts.

When the best the Russians could do was to invent a conspiracy theory that says the passengers were dead when they got on the plane ..... that was all the proof I needed.
Likewise when Americans (Al Gore) claimed to have invented the internet, that was all the proof I needed that they did not.

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