CNN's Acosta: Trump lied about birtherism, Inauguration crowd, Comey tapes, but nobody had to resign

Acosta proves CNN has no credibility in his very 1st accusation, as it was proven that Hillary's staff passed the 'birther' issue around in 2008 as a possible tactic to use against Barry when he came out of nowhere and began spoiling her 1st 'It's my turn'.

His entire rant is another example of Liberals' inability to accept personal responsibility for their actions.

CNN was busted ... again and again and again ... engaging in Fake News. They openly admitted their allegiance to Hillary ON THE AIR. The last time they were busted for Fake News they only retracted the story because they were served with a threat of a $100 Mil lawsuit for slander.

Time for CNN to STFU, stop blaming others, and 'take their medicine'.
Idiocy personified. No matter how many times you dorks are educated you continue to lie..
A VOLUNTEER on the Clinton campaign wrote an EMAIL about Obama not being born in America. When Hillary found about it, she fired that person on the spot.
Trump whores interpret this as "Hillary started the birther controversy."Totally ignoring Trump carried that lie for 5 years and began his political career pushing the lie.
So now you know... but I'm sure you'll keep lying about it.

Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager admits birther connection

'Nuff said...
Think about it. When CNN compares Trump's (over?)estimate of the number of people in a crowd with at least two deliberate fake stories designed to undermine the President of the United States you have to ask yourself if Acosta is even aware of what is going on or if everyone in CNN needs a CAT scan.
Acosta proves CNN has no credibility in his very 1st accusation, as it was proven that Hillary's staff passed the 'birther' issue around in 2008 as a possible tactic to use against Barry when he came out of nowhere and began spoiling her 1st 'It's my turn'.

His entire rant is another example of Liberals' inability to accept personal responsibility for their actions.

CNN was busted ... again and again and again ... engaging in Fake News. They openly admitted their allegiance to Hillary ON THE AIR. The last time they were busted for Fake News they only retracted the story because they were served with a threat of a $100 Mil lawsuit for slander.

Time for CNN to STFU, stop blaming others, and 'take their medicine'.
The hidden story here is Hillary Clinton's penchant for creating POLITICAL LIES to attack her opponents, or POLITICAL COVER STORIES to cover her own ass.
That pretty much sums up her entire political career. Arguably, she was the least ethical person to ever run for office.
[The only thing that has been proven are Trump lies. Obama had a far far bigger inauguration crowd, and he deserved it.
Define far far.

Was that second picture taken at the height of Trump's inauguration, Ed? Because if it wasn''re guilty of deliberately distorting the truth.

Is that who you are?
The pictures were taken at the exact same time of day. Anything else being said about it is more defending of Trump's lies..
Acosta proves CNN has no credibility in his very 1st accusation, as it was proven that Hillary's staff passed the 'birther' issue around in 2008 as a possible tactic to use against Barry when he came out of nowhere and began spoiling her 1st 'It's my turn'.

His entire rant is another example of Liberals' inability to accept personal responsibility for their actions.

CNN was busted ... again and again and again ... engaging in Fake News. They openly admitted their allegiance to Hillary ON THE AIR. The last time they were busted for Fake News they only retracted the story because they were served with a threat of a $100 Mil lawsuit for slander.

Time for CNN to STFU, stop blaming others, and 'take their medicine'.
The hidden story here is Hillary Clinton's penchant for creating POLITICAL LIES to attack her opponents, or POLITICAL COVER STORIES to cover her own ass.
That pretty much sums up her entire political career. Arguably, she was the least ethical person to ever run for office.
The not so hidden story is you lie like a motherfucker about Hillary Clinton. It's an illness you and so many of your kind can't kick.
[The only thing that has been proven are Trump lies. Obama had a far far bigger inauguration crowd, and he deserved it.
Define far far.
Exactly. Fake news and you bought it hook, line and sinker.

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Crowd
However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump spoke.

CNN’s report was another of their ‘Fake News’ lies. The photos used in their post were not comparing apples to apples and President Trump’s Press Secretary pointed this out on Saturday in a special press conference. Trump’s crowd was huge and every bit as big as Obama’s crowd in 2009. Also, in CNN’s article they say that Obama had 1.8 million people in 2009. This is now refuted and is more likely closer to 800,000.

Later CNN’s report was proven false by their own reporting. CNN released a gigapixel of President Trump’s Inauguration and the areas they show as empty in their article from their January 21st report were filled to the brim in their more recent picture which was taken at the time of Trump’s speech during the Inauguration ceremony.
Under bullshit. In the photo I posted, you can see Trump in the monitors,. That photo is taken while he was speaking. Obama's size was twice as big.
All liberals think that what they believe to be true is true, perception is reality.

Thus they want there to be tapes just like Watergate. So in their heads there are tapes that are damning.

So Trump says there are not tapes, thus Trump has to be lying because he goes against the liberal narrative.

That is so dumb. Trump's lie was when he implied he had the tapes in an effort to intimidate Comey. Yes, that was a lie.

What's "dumb", that you don't understand the difference between implying something and stating something.

Trump bluffed Comey by implying there might be a tape of their conversation. What's amusing is that you snowflakes don't realize that such a bluff only makes sense if Trump was telling the truth and Comey was thinking about being deceitful.
Implying something you know is not true is still a lie.

Good grief....insanity

Like a rightard knows what a lie is. :lol:

What's amusing is that you use photos that are a deliberate attempt to deceive about what really took place that "prove" that someone else is a liar! Think about that, Faun! You've resorted to lies in, quite frankly, a rather pathetic attempt to paint someone else as a liar. That says more about YOU than it does about Donald Trump!
When did Trump lie about the Comey tapes?

More CNN fake news....they'll never learn, useless assholes
All liberals think that what they believe to be true is true, perception is reality.

Thus they want there to be tapes just like Watergate. So in their heads there are tapes that are damning.

So Trump says there are not tapes, thus Trump has to be lying because he goes against the liberal narrative.
No, he strongly implied there were tapes.
A technique he often used through the years in his business
When did Trump lie about the Comey tapes?

More CNN fake news....they'll never learn, useless assholes
All liberals think that what they believe to be true is true, perception is reality.

Thus they want there to be tapes just like Watergate. So in their heads there are tapes that are damning.

So Trump says there are not tapes, thus Trump has to be lying because he goes against the liberal narrative.

That is so dumb. Trump's lie was when he implied he had the tapes in an effort to intimidate Comey. Yes, that was a lie.

What's "dumb", that you don't understand the difference between implying something and stating something.

Trump bluffed Comey by implying there might be a tape of their conversation. What's amusing is that you snowflakes don't realize that such a bluff only makes sense if Trump was telling the truth and Comey was thinking about being deceitful.
Implying something you know is not true is still a lie.

That's absurd. You obviously don't understand the meaning of the word!
Argue with Post #52 :lmao:
The not so hidden story is you lie like a motherfucker about Hillary Clinton.
You mean the 'lie' Comey told under oath about how Hillary violated numerous laws, was under multiple investigations for crimes - that included Influence Peddling and Espionage - we now know she DID commit, meaning she should have been forced out of the race before election day?
[The only thing that has been proven are Trump lies. Obama had a far far bigger inauguration crowd, and he deserved it.
Define far far.
Exactly. Fake news and you bought it hook, line and sinker.

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Crowd
However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump spoke.

CNN’s report was another of their ‘Fake News’ lies. The photos used in their post were not comparing apples to apples and President Trump’s Press Secretary pointed this out on Saturday in a special press conference. Trump’s crowd was huge and every bit as big as Obama’s crowd in 2009. Also, in CNN’s article they say that Obama had 1.8 million people in 2009. This is now refuted and is more likely closer to 800,000.

Later CNN’s report was proven false by their own reporting. CNN released a gigapixel of President Trump’s Inauguration and the areas they show as empty in their article from their January 21st report were filled to the brim in their more recent picture which was taken at the time of Trump’s speech during the Inauguration ceremony.
Under bullshit. In the photo I posted, you can see Trump in the monitors,. That photo is taken while he was speaking. Obama's size was twice as big.
That is so dumb. Trump's lie was when he implied he had the tapes in an effort to intimidate Comey. Yes, that was a lie.

What's "dumb", that you don't understand the difference between implying something and stating something.

Trump bluffed Comey by implying there might be a tape of their conversation. What's amusing is that you snowflakes don't realize that such a bluff only makes sense if Trump was telling the truth and Comey was thinking about being deceitful.
Implying something you know is not true is still a lie.

Good grief....insanity

Like a rightard knows what a lie is. :lol:

What's amusing is that you use photos that are a deliberate attempt to deceive about what really took place that "prove" that someone else is a liar! Think about that, Faun! You've resorted to lies in, quite frankly, a rather pathetic attempt to paint someone else as a liar. That says more about YOU than it does about Donald Trump!

What on Earth is deceptive about the photos I posted?
[The only thing that has been proven are Trump lies. Obama had a far far bigger inauguration crowd, and he deserved it.
Define far far.

Was that second picture taken at the height of Trump's inauguration, Ed? Because if it wasn''re guilty of deliberately distorting the truth.

Is that who you are?
The pictures were taken at the exact same time of day. Anything else being said about it is more defending of Trump's lies..

And my question remains the same...was that the height of Trump's crowd? Because if it isn't (and I think we both know it wasn't!) then you're deliberately distorting the truth.
When did Trump lie about the Comey tapes?

More CNN fake news....they'll never learn, useless assholes
All liberals think that what they believe to be true is true, perception is reality.

Thus they want there to be tapes just like Watergate. So in their heads there are tapes that are damning.

So Trump says there are not tapes, thus Trump has to be lying because he goes against the liberal narrative.
No, he strongly implied there were tapes.
A technique he often used through the years in his business

Still didn't lie....but keep trying to prove he did. Idiot loons
No, he strongly implied there were tapes.
A technique he often used through the years in his business
A technique also used in poker. :p

The difference is Trump is not a news organization peddling fake news due to a biased political agenda.
Exactly. Fake news and you bought it hook, line and sinker.

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Crowd
However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump spoke.

CNN’s report was another of their ‘Fake News’ lies. The photos used in their post were not comparing apples to apples and President Trump’s Press Secretary pointed this out on Saturday in a special press conference. Trump’s crowd was huge and every bit as big as Obama’s crowd in 2009. Also, in CNN’s article they say that Obama had 1.8 million people in 2009. This is now refuted and is more likely closer to 800,000.

Later CNN’s report was proven false by their own reporting. CNN released a gigapixel of President Trump’s Inauguration and the areas they show as empty in their article from their January 21st report were filled to the brim in their more recent picture which was taken at the time of Trump’s speech during the Inauguration ceremony.
Under bullshit. In the photo I posted, you can see Trump in the monitors,. That photo is taken while he was speaking. Obama's size was twice as big.
What's "dumb", that you don't understand the difference between implying something and stating something.

Trump bluffed Comey by implying there might be a tape of their conversation. What's amusing is that you snowflakes don't realize that such a bluff only makes sense if Trump was telling the truth and Comey was thinking about being deceitful.
Implying something you know is not true is still a lie.

Good grief....insanity

Like a rightard knows what a lie is. :lol:

What's amusing is that you use photos that are a deliberate attempt to deceive about what really took place that "prove" that someone else is a liar! Think about that, Faun! You've resorted to lies in, quite frankly, a rather pathetic attempt to paint someone else as a liar. That says more about YOU than it does about Donald Trump!

What on Earth is deceptive about the photos I posted?

Was that second picture a fair representation of Donald Trump's crowd at it's height? If not,'re a liar. It's that simple.
Trump Attacks Mika Brzezinski In Vulgar Terms
President Trump “assailed the television host Mika Brzezinski in unusually personal and vulgar terms, the latest of a string of escalating attacks by the president on the national news media,” the New York Times reports.

Here’s Trump’s two-part tweet:

I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came…

to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!

“The graphic nature of the president’s suggestion that Ms. Brzezinski had undergone plastic surgery was met with immediate criticism on social media.”

Brian Stelter: “Even by President Trump’s standards, these tweets were shocking.”
[The only thing that has been proven are Trump lies. Obama had a far far bigger inauguration crowd, and he deserved it.
Define far far.

Was that second picture taken at the height of Trump's inauguration, Ed? Because if it wasn''re guilty of deliberately distorting the truth.

Is that who you are?
The pictures were taken at the exact same time of day. Anything else being said about it is more defending of Trump's lies..

What you've proven is that at 11:49 AM the Obama crowd was much bigger than the Trump crowd. The question however isn't who's crowd was bigger before the event's how big they were at their height. Once've chosen to distort the truth.
Exactly. Fake news and you bought it hook, line and sinker.

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Crowd
However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump spoke.

CNN’s report was another of their ‘Fake News’ lies. The photos used in their post were not comparing apples to apples and President Trump’s Press Secretary pointed this out on Saturday in a special press conference. Trump’s crowd was huge and every bit as big as Obama’s crowd in 2009. Also, in CNN’s article they say that Obama had 1.8 million people in 2009. This is now refuted and is more likely closer to 800,000.

Later CNN’s report was proven false by their own reporting. CNN released a gigapixel of President Trump’s Inauguration and the areas they show as empty in their article from their January 21st report were filled to the brim in their more recent picture which was taken at the time of Trump’s speech during the Inauguration ceremony.
Under bullshit. In the photo I posted, you can see Trump in the monitors,. That photo is taken while he was speaking. Obama's size was twice as big.
Implying something you know is not true is still a lie.

Good grief....insanity

Like a rightard knows what a lie is. :lol:

What's amusing is that you use photos that are a deliberate attempt to deceive about what really took place that "prove" that someone else is a liar! Think about that, Faun! You've resorted to lies in, quite frankly, a rather pathetic attempt to paint someone else as a liar. That says more about YOU than it does about Donald Trump!

What on Earth is deceptive about the photos I posted?

Was that second picture a fair representation of Donald Trump's crowd at it's height? If not,'re a liar. It's that simple.
WTF is wrong with you?

Two photos taken from the same camera while each president was speaking. How the fuck that not a fair representation??
You keep ducking the question, Faun. Was that picture the height of Trump's crowd or not?
Both pictures were taken while both presidents were speaking. That's as fair a comparison as you can find. And I've seen no pictures from that camera at anytime during Trump's Inauguration showing a bigger crowd than Obama's. Regardless of whether it was before Trump spoke of after.

You reek of desperation.

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