CNN's Heads are Popping Over No Tapes

James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press! This tweet is worse than Watergate?

The tweet cannot logically be compared to Watergate.

The tweet does show how intimidated and weak is President Trump.

So you're saying someone intimidated Trump, who did that. Tweet looked more like a bluff and poor Comey fell for it . Now Loreta lynch and friends are being investigated too because Comey had to tell the truth, that's a good thing,right?
The bluff was all Trump, Comey faced him down, and DC is laughing at Trump (and people like you who support his prancing and dancing).
Another instance of demoquacks somehow seeing something that isn't there, CNN hypes it and their idiot watchers buy into it.

Just more political theatre. The demoqucks should get off the witch hunt and start working on their real problem, their brand. They can't even buy an election and people are weary of this garbage
Comey forced Trump's bluff: brilliant! Comey = strong; Trump = weak orange anus.

Jake's gittin mad now.

But yes, Comey came aross as honest and ^^ saying he changed after he thought there were tapes is BS.

Check the dates dupes. Check the dates.


We all wish the cheeto would stop lying and apparently, he has lied about taping people before. It came out in court.

Three years from now, we will all still be wishing he would stop lying.

But, the more he lies, the more other countries know he can't be trusted.

Please, no more threads on this. Ask mods to combine.

We are oblivious to lies. Obama taught us it was acceptable

Geaux and FJO are running around in circles because their Orange Clown of a president got bitch slapped by Comey.

The tweet and other denials are obstruction if it can be proven that Trump knew about Russian collusion.
Keep Tweeting Mr. President and keep the pressure on these dishonest SOBs.
You forced Comey to Rat on Lynch and himself with a simple bluff that any good poker player would have used.
This whole thing shows how darn childish and immature the President is.
No, it shows how Gutless, Dishonest and Cowardly James "The Sweeper" Comey is.
Same goes for Obama & Clinton. Dishonest, Cowardly, and Traitorous Scumbags.
Comey was just the first major swamp rat to be given the boot.
Rice & Lynch will pay for their crimes.
And the biggest Swamp Rat of all is in a drunken stupor crying,

"Why aren't I 50 points ahead?"

That Russian Crack Whore Tried to Rig an Election and still lost, despite having The Media in her pocket and being bought and paid for by the 1%, spending $1.5 Billion dollars to buy the White House and got rejected by a political amateur who spent just $200 million, beating The Butcher of Benghazi on a BUDGET.
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Trump shows us - once again - his obsessive need to lie and rage instead of act like a President, and his supporters go into a rant about Obama, Clinton, Rice, blah blah blah. Yet another massive deflection.

Clinton lost. You guys need to get over it.
Obama is out of office. You guys need to get over it.

Time to let Trump stand or fall on his own two feet rather than propping him up with whataboutisms and rants about other politicos.
This whole thing shows how darn childish and immature the President is.

I'll take it. After Obama'ss reign of tyranny for 8 years our current POTUS is kicking ass and taking names. Businesses are glad to have a real leader again

Trump lies and rages seeminly every day.

It's like he can't get over that once elected president he can't order all Americans around and to feel blessed.
Geaux and FJO are running around in circles because their Orange Clown of a president got bitch slapped by Comey.

The tweet and other denials are obstruction if it can be proven that Trump knew about Russian collusion.

Please keep up, MSM have moved on from Collusion after Comey testified, now liberals think Trump can be impeached for bluffing Comey to be truthful.

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