Zone1 Coalition of TJ Parents appeals racist admissions policy to Supreme Court

Uh, no, they don't. I've already proven that they don't, so I'm not going to rehash that here.

If they are smarter, they'll do well no matter where they go.

The foolishness is spending money on "elite" schools while the vast majority of kids aren't having their needs addressed.

It's like preparing filet minot for only 10% while everyone else goes hungry.
So you ate pitching for the dumber students?

I wonder if they appreciate being called stupid
Anyone else here find it easy to imagine that @JoeB131 would relish a job as a real-life version of Diana Moon Glompers in Kurt Vonnegut's short story Harrison Bergeron

Vonnegut was a shit writer... so I mostly ignore him.

But the gist of the story is they are killing the smart kids. I guess the Mormons would be safe, then.

Big difference between "Killing the smart kids" and "not spending resources on elite schools when the basic needs of all students aren't being met."

It would almost like if Ford still produced Pintos, but tried to excuse the "Barbeque that Seats Four" by saying their Mustangs are top quality.
So you ate pitching for the dumber students?

I wonder if they appreciate being called stupid

I think it's kind of foolish to have an "elite' school when 20% of our HS Grads can't read their own diplomas. Strikes me that there is a disconnect there.
They changed the policy from seeking out the very best, with no other considerations, in order to give more weight to non-English speaking immigrant families and low-income families.

As a result, many of the best and brightest were denied admission they WOULD have gotten under the old policy - Asians in particular. The liberals here celebrated that “we” were able to reduce the number of Asians by more than 40%.

Do you have a link where ANYONE was bragging that they reduced the number of Asian students?

As far as families still learning English or low-income, these kids STILL could have gotten in if they were the best and brightest - with no special handicap. How do you think both my uncle and father (two years apart) got into Brooklyn Tech?
Um, they were white?

Hey, you know, I mean I know it's nice to have a minority status you can switch on and off like a lightswitch... But Jews never had it all that bad in this country. It's why so many came here to start with.

Blacks, on the other hand, can't stop being black... and they didn't volunteer to come here.
I think it's kind of foolish to have an "elite' school when 20% of our HS Grads can't read their own diplomas. Strikes me that there is a disconnect there.
Keeping bright kids ignorant does nothing to help the dumb students
Keeping bright kids ignorant does nothing to help the dumb students

It promotes a twisted version of “equality”. That's pretty much the point of Harrison Bergeron.

THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213 th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.​

I've been trying to remember some passage I once read by C.S. Lewis, that made a similar point in a less literal way. My memory of it is very faint. Something about a man walking through a field of grain, swinging a stick to knock the tops off of any stalks that are taller than the rest of the stalks.

Ultimately, JoeB131-type concepts of “equality” get down, not to doing anything to help those below average to improve themselves, but to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator. It's easy to see why JoeB131 is so quick to dismiss Harrison Bergeron, as it rather disturbingly lays his degenerate mindset bare.

It's just the way that truly-inferior people are—They do not want to improve themselves; they just want others dragged down to their level.
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It promotes a twisted version of “equality”. That's pretty much the point of Harrison Bergeron.

THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213 th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.​

I've been trying to remember some passage I once read by C.S. Lewis, that made a similar point in a less literal way. My memory of it is very faint. Something about a man walking through a field of grain, swinging a stick to knock the tops off of any stalks that are taller than the rest of the stalks.

Ultimately, JoeB131-type concepts of “equality” get down, not to doing anything to help those below average to improve themselves, but to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator. It's easy to see why JoeB131 is so quick to dismiss Harrison Bergeron, as it rather disturbingly lays his degenerate mindset bare.

It's just the way that truly-inferior people are—They do not want to improve themselves; they just want others dragged down to their level.
Absolutely the truth. There is no way to make the dumber kids equal to the exceptional kids, so the Liberals - in pursuit of equity - want to bring the smartest kids down. It will destroy whatever is left of this once exceptional nation.

People like Joe (you’ll recall what an antisemite he is, I’m sure) have a absolutely no words of condemnation for the single mothers who fail to instill an emphasis on educational attainment, but instead speak disdainfully of parents who want and encourage their bright children to reach their full potential.

Our country didn’t have the exceptional accomplishments it has by making dumb kids a little closer to average….it did so by recognizing and encouraging the top kids to achieve all they were capable of.
I've been trying to remember some passage I once read by C.S. Lewis, that made a similar point in a less literal way. My memory of it is very faint. Something about a man walking through a field of grain, swinging a stick to knock the tops off of any stalks that are taller than the rest of the stalks.

Ultimately, @JoeB131-type concepts of “equality” get down, not to doing anything to help those below average to improve themselves, but to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator. It's easy to see why @JoeB131 is so quick to dismiss Harrison Bergeron, as it rather disturbingly lays his degenerate mindset bare.

It's just the way that truly-inferior people are—They do not want to improve themselves; they just want others dragged down to their level.

FIrst, I've accomplished more than your silly Mormon Ass ever will...

Or maybe I just don't buy that we need to decide winners and losers when kids are 8 years old.. You know, crazy ideas like that.

The problem with your notions of inequality is that they end up re-inforcing the inequities you benefit from.

Now, truth to be told, I went to a pretty elite Catholic High School. One that provided four mayors to the City. And because all the leaders of our city went to these kinds of schools, they were under no obligation to fix the problems.

There was a bit of a scandal a few years ago, where some muckety-muck at CPS was outed for sending her kids to private school, and she said, "Well, the Public Schools aren't very good."

Absolutely the truth. There is no way to make the dumber kids equal to the exceptional kids, so the Liberals - in pursuit of equity - want to bring the smartest kids down. It will destroy whatever is left of this once exceptional nation.

People like Joe (you’ll recall what an antisemite he is, I’m sure) have a absolutely no words of condemnation for the single mothers who fail to instill an emphasis on educational attainment, but instead speak disdainfully of parents who want and encourage their bright children to reach their full potential.

Our country didn’t have the exceptional accomplishments it has by making dumb kids a little closer to average….it did so by recognizing and encouraging the top kids to achieve all they were capable of.

Our country is exceptional because it was built on slavery and genocide, which is why it is so hated around the world.

Maybe we need to fix that.
Here in liberal NoVa, the liberal school board of TJ High School (the #1 ranked competitive public high school in America) decided there were too many smart Asians acing the admission exam and not enough blacks. So….in order to reduce the number of Asians and increase the number of blacks, they abolished the exam.

Given the SCOTUS’ ruling in which Harvard was prohibited from using race as a factor in whom to admit or reject, a coalition of parents has appealed Tj’s anti-Asian admissions change to the SCOTUS.

Since TJ set out to deliberately reject smart, accomplished students who are Asian, the number in attendance has dropped by 42%. Liberals consider this a success, but the SCOTUS is likely to rule racial discrimination a violation of the Constitution.

You make me envy everyone who has never met you.
It promotes a twisted version of “equality”. That's pretty much the point of Harrison Bergeron.

THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213 th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.​

I've been trying to remember some passage I once read by C.S. Lewis, that made a similar point in a less literal way. My memory of it is very faint. Something about a man walking through a field of grain, swinging a stick to knock the tops off of any stalks that are taller than the rest of the stalks.

Ultimately, JoeB131-type concepts of “equality” get down, not to doing anything to help those below average to improve themselves, but to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator. It's easy to see why JoeB131 is so quick to dismiss Harrison Bergeron, as it rather disturbingly lays his degenerate mindset bare.

It's just the way that truly-inferior people are—They do not want to improve themselves; they just want others dragged down to their level.
Libs will make everyone equally poor just ad Karl Marx intended
As opposed to Capitalism, where only some people get to be rich and everyone else is being driven to the bottom?
In America people drive themselves to the bottom

Or not as the case may be

We cant all LP be as wealthy ss bill gates for instance

But the opportunity exists for everyone to provide a decent income for themselves
Libs will make everyone equally poor just ad Karl Marx intended
Yup. Can’t have the bright, hard-working kids pull ahead of the pack and make more money than average kids (when they grow up). That would be baaaaaaad.
In America people drive themselves to the bottom

Or not as the case may be

We cant all LP be as wealthy ss bill gates for instance

But the opportunity exists for everyone to provide a decent income for themselves
Exactly. That is why I brought up my dad - born to impoverished parents and spent his childhood in a tenement. But he was bright, hard-working, and disciplined, and he went from a tiny walk-up tenement apartment at age 21 - he had to live at home during college of course - to homeownership in the suburbs by age 30, with my Mom and baby. By early 40s, it was the bigger “trade-up” house, international travel, and season tickets to the Kennedy Center.
Actually, that's not true, either.

Baltimore spends 22K per student, which sound like a lot.

But that is only factoring in special education and ESL programs, which suburban schools don't really have to worry about.


Lowlights: 23 Baltimore schools didn't have a single student proficient in math in 2022. Add to that, another 20 schools had two students or fewer were proficient. That's not far from 1/3 of ALL Baltimore city schools only have two students or fewer proficient in math according to MCAP testing. Now, according to Baltimore city schools stats, there are nearly 76,000 students and only 12% of them are English learners & 14% who are students with disabilities (of any kind) compared to 73% of the student population who's black and 60% of students who they consider low income. Now, surrounding county schools may not have as many ESL or special education students as the city, but to say that they don't really have to worry about it is ridiculous.

Baltimore, at one time, was ranked 3rd for the highest administrative costs per student. Haven't seen a more recent tally since 2020. That's money that's not going to teachers nor the classroom.
In America people drive themselves to the bottom

Or not as the case may be

We cant all LP be as wealthy ss bill gates for instance

But the opportunity exists for everyone to provide a decent income for themselves

Um, check your privilege.
Besides, not really the case since the Republicans got their wish and pretty much destroyed the middle class FDR created.

Exactly. That is why I brought up my dad - born to impoverished parents and spent his childhood in a tenement. But he was bright, hard-working, and disciplined, and he went from a tiny walk-up tenement apartment at age 21 - he had to live at home during college of course - to homeownership in the suburbs by age 30, with my Mom and baby. By early 40s, it was the bigger “trade-up” house, international travel, and season tickets to the Kennedy Center.

You left out the part where it was only possible to do that because liberals like FDR, Harry Truman, JFK and LBJ made it good for working class people to advance. Nope, just tell yourself it was all them, and not the opportunities created by progressives.
Um, okay... so that means they should be diverse, then.

And they usually end up creating kids who are neurotic and have poor social skills... like the VA Tech Shooter.
Fuck you. Once again you shoot your bigoted mouth off about things you know nothing of.
Um, check your privilege.
Besides, not really the case since the Republicans got their wish and pretty much destroyed the middle class FDR created.
Where did you get that crazy idea from?

The middle class was most harmed by offshoring which both left and right washington swamp rats supported

And ny the infamous browning and dumbing down of America through open borders and mass migration
Fuck you. Once again you shoot your bigoted mouth off about things you know nothing of.

Hey, I just observe what I see... The VA Tech shooter got wonderful grades thanks to his Tiger Mom, but he had no business being in college or even around other people.

Where did you get that crazy idea from?

Watching it happen over the last 40 years. Knowing that even with better education, I am doing less well than my dad did with his union membership.

The middle class was most harmed by offshoring which both left and right washington swamp rats supported

Um, wrong again.
First, most of those manufacturing jobs were lost to automation and process improvement.
Secondly, working in manufacturing, the problem is, white Americans really don't want those jobs. Having worked in several factories over the last decade, most of those people on the line are Hispanic, Polish or Indian immigrants.
Third, Manufacturing was never more than 33% of the workforce, even at it's height. It wasn't that anything was offshored, it was that the rest of the world just caught up.
Fourth, what caused the decline in the Middle Class was the decline in Unions. Without a union, wages become a race to the bottom.

And ny the infamous browning and dumbing down of America through open borders and mass migration

Again, all through our history, some dumb-ass fucking bigot like you whines about "immigrants".
150 years ago, it was the Irish
100 years ago, it was the Germans.
50 years ago, it was the Poles
Today it's the Mexicans and tomorrow it will be the Indians.

Immigration is GOOD for America. Without Immigration, we'll end up like Japan, with too many old people and not enough young people to support them.


And Godzilla. Let's not forget about Godzilla!
Hey, I just observe what I see... The VA Tech shooter got wonderful grades thanks to his Tiger Mom, ......
You haven't "seen" anything. You have no idea what family structures or issues the shooter has, you presumptuous bigot. :fu:

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