Zone1 Coalition of TJ Parents appeals racist admissions policy to Supreme Court

Most white kids aren't proficient in math either. It's usually the white kid who can't make change properly.

Pretending racism isn't a thing isn't going to make anyone better at math.
Except that Baltimore City public schools are only 7% white, and majority black. And focusing on racism instead of teaching math isn’t going to make anyone better at math.
Except that Baltimore City public schools are only 7% white, and majority black. And focusing on racism instead of teaching math isn’t going to make anyone better at math.

Except it's not an either/or proposition. YOu get one hour of math instruction in Math, and one hour of discussing social studies in social studies.

Seems... pretty reasonable to me.
Nope, all I had to do was google the name of the VA Tech shooter, Cho Seung Hui.
Riiiiight....a one in 100,000 picture with notoriety because it is so uncommon.
As I recall he was clinically mentally ill. See here's the thing... egalitarianism can never apply to humanity. You may long for it and that is your right....however that does not mitigate the reality that Asian Parents are highly successful with their kids and it shows in spades (no pun intended). The cultural inequality is real.

Maybe schools should stop spending so much time on how racist America is and focus on arithmetic. All those black kids “graduating” from Baltimore public schools have been taught to feel like victims of whitey - while not a SINGLE one is proficient in math.
They know the following equation:
2 plus 2 das be equalz ta reparaychuns!

Whitey B Owen us!

Tangential intersect:
Keep'em angry and promise
Them money and they'll vote Democrat.
Riiiiight....a one in 100,000 picture with notoriety because it is so uncommon.
As I recall he was clinically mentally ill. See here's the thing... egalitarianism can never apply to humanity. You may long for it and that is your right....however that does not mitigate the reality that Asian Parents are highly successful with their kids and it shows in spades (no pun intended). The cultural inequality is real.

I agree. Asian Americans were welcomed with open arms when they came here and immediately benefitted from Affirmative Action.

Black people were brought here in chains, oppressed for 400 years, and our whole history has been one of finding new ways to abuse them.

We need to fix that.

They know the following equation:
2 plus 2 das be equalz ta reparaychuns!

Whitey B Owen us!

Tangential intersect:
Keep'em angry and promise
Them money and they'll vote Democrat.

See, you are kind of proving my point.
I agree. Asian Americans were welcomed with open arms when they came here and immediately benefitted from Affirmative Action.

Black people were brought here in chains, oppressed for 400 years, and our whole history has been one of finding new ways to abuse them.

We need to fix that.

See, you are kind of proving my point.
You keep skirting the issue but not successfully. The data and history show comparatively that Asian culture has produced better results. There's no shame in facts. Slavery is a national scandal but 400 years makes you full of shit. Asians were also victims of this nation's policies and suffered long periods of racial discrimination and today are targets of black Animus based on little more than animal instinct.

Black family culture was actually far more cohesive and productive during the Jim Crow era than it is now under the stifling curse of the post modernist " Great Society " delusions ...

The only point being proved herein is the steady decline of the condition of North American black culture under the laughable guise of progress. Real freedom for any culture rests in the realization and attainment of personal responsibility not in the eternal perpetuation of a mythical victim's mentality. Instead of crying and complaining about their lot in life Asians get out....bust ass....and do not stop until they succeed. White society can take a lesson from them also.

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You keep skirting the issue but not successfully. The data and history show comparatively that Asian culture has produced better results. There's no shame in facts.

Uh, if the Asian culture was superior, they wouldn't want to come here, we'd want to go there.

Instead, much of Asia is poor and miserable, which is why they want to get out, even going as low as being mail order brides or working in a massage parlor.

Slavery is a national scandal but 400 years makes you full of shit. Asians were also victims of this nation's policies and suffered long periods of racial discrimination and today are targets of black Animus based on little more than animal instinct.

Sure, 1619 - 1865 Slavery - 246 years.
1864 - 1964 - Jim Crow and an assortment of other problems. 98 years.
1964 - Today - Driving While Black, systematic discrimination - 58 years.
Total - 402 years of Racist Bullshit.

Asians never encountered anything like that. But they had A CHOICE to come here.

Black family culture was actually far more cohesive and productive during the Jim Crow era than it is now under the stifling curse of the post modernist " Great Society " delusions ...

Not really. I don't think there's a black person alive who wishes he lived in the 1940s.

As for family culture, that's a patriarchal system that really doesn't work for a lot of modern women. 32% of white kids are born out of wedlock. There's simply no compulsion to marry a man you don't love just because you got her pregnant.

The only point being proved herein is the steady decline of the condition of North American black culture under the laughable guise of progress. Real freedom for any culture rests in the realization and attainment of personal responsibility not in the eternal perpetuation of a mythical victim's mentality. Instead of crying and complaining about their lot in life Asians get out....bust ass....and do not stop until they succeed. White society can take a lesson from them also.

Two points here.

First, any Asians who got here (minus the Mail Order Brides and Massage Workers) were already pretty affluent. Legally immigrating is an expensive and arduous process.

Second, as a wise man said, "You didn't build that!" I'm pretty proud of my accomplishments, here in the twilight of my years. (I have at best, 6 more good working years before I retire). But I recognize that I have greatly benefited from the privilege of being a white person in this country.

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