Cocaine Found In The White House


Politico Helpfully Preparing the Public:

'White House Cocaine Culprit Unlikely To Be Found'

5 July 2023 ~~ By P.J. Gladnick

Gee! Isn't that a shame?
Despite the fact that the White House is probably the most intensely video-surveilled building on the planet, an official with the investigation wants us to believe that the public shouldn't expect the discovery of the culprit who left cocaine there just this past weekend. At least that is what the utterly skepticism-free Politico reporter Daniel Lippman is relaying to his readers on Wednesday in "White House cocaine culprit unlikely to be found: Law enforcement official."

In addition, people can be tracked via geofencing technology which means people with cell phones can be tracked. This is what law enforcement did to track down over a thousand protestors at Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. This technology worked perfectly to track them all down with the lone exception of the January 5 pipe bomber because according to the head of the FBI's Washington D.C. field office, the pipe bomber's cell phone data was "corrupted."
The investigation has just started yet we are already expected to believe they will fail to identify the perp. At least that is what they appear to hope that a gullible public will buy with the assistance of a very cooperative and conveniently unquestioning Politico reporter.

The Fifth Column Quisling Media and Maoist Democrats are so desperate to cover up WHO the perp is that they declare as soon as the investigation begins that they will be unable to find him despite the MASSIVE amount of surveillance in the White House.
I was not surprised when we were told the SS found cocaine in the W.H.
I marvel more that they don’t brag more about it since we are told by the Quisling MSM, swamp creatures big and small, and the Bidens themselves that they are ignorant and blameless of all wrong-doing.
Odd though how surveillance Cameras stopped working during the OKC bombing, 9/11, Epstein’s “suicide” and now most likely the time frame when the cocaine could have been left behind in the White House after the Bidens left for the weekend at Camp David.
The perpetrator of this deed will go into the annals of unsolved history with the Jack the Ripper, the Jan 6th bomber and the SCOTUS leaker.
Sure you care. If you didn't, you wouldn't be on this thread.

Just more corruption in the Biden crime family.
Lol you guys use that so called logic all the time. You think it’s witty but it doesn’t always make sense. It’s obviously worth it to tell you that I don’t care if you think I actually do care and want to defend Hunter. It’s about letting you know that I don’t have a bias for Hunter and am open to him facing legal peril if he actually deserves it.

On the flip side, your ilk lacks any fucking objectivity. With all this legal trouble Trump is in a rational adult would at least say “well I do think the DOJ is biased, but it’s possible Trump is guilty of at least SOME of the accusation’s because of the sheer amount of them.

Instead you toddlers say “nope. Total witch hunt. Trump is innocent of ALL charges.”

It’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.
Officials don't WANT to find out whose cocaine was hidden in the library. Given all the cameras in the White House, my guess is that they knew exactly who left the cocaine there within a couple of hours.

To say they don't think they'll find out who left it is scary to say the least. It could have b been anthrax.
I like how they say the culprit will likely never be found.


That is gaslighting. They will find the culprit, and if it is not politically expedient, they will claim they dont know.

You think they dont know who leaked the Dobbs decision? Of course they do. They just do not want to tell the public.

The Navy knew the Titan sub imploded the second it happened, but let us dick around for 5 days.

If that shit was Anthrax, the person would already be in custody.
I like how they say the culprit will likely never be found.


That is gaslighting. They will find the culprit, and if it is not politically expedient, they will claim they dont know.

You think they dont know who leaked the Dobbs decision? Of course they do. They just do not want to tell the public.

The Navy knew the Titan sub imploded the second it happened, but let us dick around for 5 days.

If that shit was Anthrax, the person would already be in custody.
They probably knew within 20 minutes of finding it.
In the past month at the White House, we've had:
  • whistleblowers exposing the selling of America to China and Ukraine for the personal enrichment of the Biden family,
  • strippers getting naked on the lawn,
  • and bags of blow in the West Wing.

In the past weeks, Hunter is ever present by his father's side. Coincidence? I bet not.

America is hitting new lows daily.

Hunter rubbing his nose and going for some blow...

Hunter comes back and is all whacked out...

I swear this whole family is on drugs...
I like how they say the culprit will likely never be found.


That is gaslighting. They will find the culprit, and if it is not politically expedient, they will claim they dont know.

You think they dont know who leaked the Dobbs decision? Of course they do. They just do not want to tell the public.

The Navy knew the Titan sub imploded the second it happened, but let us dick around for 5 days.

If that shit was Anthrax, the person would already be in custody.

Just a thought---------------> Cocaine was in a bag I presume? Surely someone didn't just pour it out on a bookshelf, or they surely would see that on camera; yes!

So stuff is in a bag then, probably in a plastic bag in the middle of summer, so who would wear gloves when it is 85 or 90 degrees?!?!?!?!?! NOBODY! Has anyone EVER heard of......wait for it........FINGERPRINTS! Then again, maybe fingerprints are a new technology that the DOJ is not yet aware of, lolololol.

This saga, on how they can not figure out who/whom it is, or at least whittle it down to a few people is so unbelievable, even Biden supporters have to be wondering how the Left could remotely imagine them being able to spin this one away, lololol.

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