Cocaine Found In The White House

Just a thought---------------> Cocaine was in a bag I presume? Surely someone didn't just pour it out on a bookshelf, or they surely would see that on camera; yes!

So stuff is in a bag then, probably in a plastic bag in the middle of summer, so who would wear gloves when it is 85 or 90 degrees?!?!?!?!?! NOBODY! Has anyone EVER heard of......wait for it........FINGERPRINTS! Then again, maybe fingerprints are a new technology that the DOJ is not yet aware of, lolololol.

This saga, on how they can not figure out who/whom it is, or at least whittle it down to a few people is so unbelievable, even Biden supporters have to be wondering how the Left could remotely imagine them being able to spin this one away, lololol.

I did hear the SS is doing a fingerprint and DNA analysis.

Unless is comes back Trump, we will never know.

Who is the Dobbs leaker? No fucking way the DOJ doesnt know. They are political.

Where is the manifesto of the Nashville Tranny shooter?
TDS says Trump planted it
Reality and fact says Hunter is a sad, , sordid slimeball with Joe the main enabler
Joe is simply Hunter but just 40 years older.
I like how they say the culprit will likely never be found.


That is gaslighting. They will find the culprit, and if it is not politically expedient, they will claim they dont know.

You think they dont know who leaked the Dobbs decision? Of course they do. They just do not want to tell the public.

The Navy knew the Titan sub imploded the second it happened, but let us dick around for 5 days.

If that shit was Anthrax, the person would already be in custody.

Is Biden 'roadblocking' hunt for the West Wing cocaine culprit? Ex-border chief says White House cameras are everywhere and all guests are listed so whoever left drug COULD have been tracked down by now​

With four days and all-hands on deck, Morgan questioned if the White House really wanted to find who responsible by suggesting a search could take 30 minutes, if they used all the resources at their disposal.

He suggested that the White House might be putting up roadblocks as the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) investigates the matter, claiming the investigation 'isn't complicated.'

Joe is hiding Hunter in the White House to prevent arrest
At this point this is a presidency of depravity
Problem for them is wherever Hunter is, his problems are with him. That just showed up with a coke baggie. It will inevitably escalate into some on camera capture and Biden will declare the camera man was in violation of some national security bullshit in filming Hunter and have camera person arrested.
As for the video evidence-we are seeing it wrongly.
I did hear the SS is doing a fingerprint and DNA analysis.

Unless is comes back Trump, we will never know.

Who is the Dobbs leaker? No fucking way the DOJ doesnt know. They are political.

Where is the manifesto of the Nashville Tranny shooter?
Some Tranny in Philly shoots 5 people, so CNN features spokespersons for the Trans community, which comes to the cameras and subjects everyone to a speal about how the Conservative Media is attacking the Trans Community.


Joe is hiding Hunter in the White House to prevent arrest
At this point this is a presidency of depravity
Problem for them is wherever Hunter is, his problems are with him. That just showed up with a coke baggie. It will inevitably escalate into some on camera capture and Biden will declare the camera man was in violation of some national security bullshit in filming Hunter and have camera person arrested.
As for the video evidence-we are seeing it wrongly.
Fentanyl overdose from fentanyl smuggled through Joe's open border. That's the way Hunter will go out.
Some Tranny in Philly shoots 5 people, so CNN features spokespersons for the Trans community, which comes to the cameras and subjects everyone to a speal about how the Conservative Media is attacking the Trans Community.


Thinking is a threat to the trans community
Will thinking soon be outlawed?
But it had nothing to do with Hunter being there:


Cocaine found in a section of the White House to which the public has access is unlikely to ever be hyped into even a remote equivalency of classified public documents being strewn about a sleazy pleasure palace, but a desperate attempt may be amusing.
I’m sure that the Secret Service knows who placed that cocaine in the White House. They are going to keep is quiet until this story fades away.
But it had nothing to do with Hunter being there:


We still “don’t know” who the Dobbs leaker is.

But they sure found the Pentagon Papers leaker pretty fast.

This DOJ is completely compromised.
Yes congratulations mudwistle it’s cocaine. I should care why at this point? Obviously there are far more people in the WH than Joe and Hunter, assuming Hunter was even present. Hell maybe it is Hunter’s. I wouldn’t give a shit if it was lol. Throw the book at him for it. I don’t care

Yeah bro, what do you expect? The police should, like, interview people who were there and, like, totally ask them about it, or something? Come on! God save the Queen, man!
They should have asked Hunter. That crackhead can smell booger sugar at 100 yards.
When you guys make fun of Hunter, do you expect the lefties to just automatically go into butthurt mode and defend his honor or something? I barely even know who this guy is lol
Lol you guys use that so called logic all the time. You think it’s witty but it doesn’t always make sense. It’s obviously worth it to tell you that I don’t care if you think I actually do care and want to defend Hunter. It’s about letting you know that I don’t have a bias for Hunter and am open to him facing legal peril if he actually deserves it.

On the flip side, your ilk lacks any fucking objectivity. With all this legal trouble Trump is in a rational adult would at least say “well I do think the DOJ is biased, but it’s possible Trump is guilty of at least SOME of the accusation’s because of the sheer amount of them.

Instead you toddlers say “nope. Total witch hunt. Trump is innocent of ALL charges.”

It’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.
You're ill supports druggies like hunter the scum Biden. Kiss ass, you ilk are the problem. Biden and junior are scumbags.

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