Cockroaches Hate The Light: Judge In Trump Sham Trial Denies Cameras In Court; Expect Gag Order

That's a smart move by Trump's expert legal team. Some reverse psychology, figuring that a liberal jurist will reflexively rule against his lawyers, giving the People what they want which is a place to see the proceedings.
The stupid old fat Florida con-man doesn't want cameras in the courtroom where he's not in con-trol.
Boy, rumors of a gag order........that'll take all the fun out of your big day in could end up endlessly speculating.......oh, that's how you guys roll now.
I think it's hysterical that there may be a gag order................I mean, the stupid old fat Florida con-man has NO HISTORY of not being able to shut his mouth. :heehee:
That is because there are no liberals left in the Democrat Party.

It has been taken over by Stalinists.
I still see no one on the left asking that cameras be denied in the courtroom.

Man, this is absolutely the BEST job of spin on a court appearance I've seen.
The members of Alt-Right Nation are positively falling all over themselves to make excuses today. :auiqs.jpg:
How can you gag a presidential candidate during a campaign and not call it election tampering?....
How can you gag a presidential candidate during a campaign and not call it election tampering?....
Simple. He can't talk about the case specifics or the charges. Doesn't say he can't campaign.

He can still go on and rail how he's being railroaded and persecuted.
He just can't give specifics....not that he's ever been able to do that anyhow. :)
Simple. He can't talk about the case specifics or the charges. Doesn't say he can't campaign.

He can still go on and rail how he's being railroaded and persecuted.
He just can't give specifics....not that he's ever been able to do that anyhow. :)
I don't think a gag order will stand up to an appeal.... if the judge tries it it will look even more crooked and political than it already is....
Why are you having such a hard time refuting a single word I said?

Do you think stinking your fingers in your ears and going "lalalalalalalala" isn't making you look any less stupid?

You think I have to refute what you say?

That's cute. :itsok:
Stop projecting your auto-erotic asphyxiation fantasies on the board.
The only person afraid this morning is Donald Trump. He finally has to answer for his bullshit.

I am afraid of nothing the alt-right blusters about. I will go on with my life and my daily business, as will the normal, sane rational people.
I'll let you zealots run and scream, flailing your arms like Kermit the Frog. :)
Really? I really just come here for entertainment from clowns like yourself, posturing as intelligent people. I need the laugh, you are better than most at providing said laughter.
Really? I really just come here for entertainment from clowns like yourself, posturing as intelligent people. I need the laugh, you are better than most at providing said laughter.
If you come here for entertainment, then in the words of William Shatner on SNL..."Get a life!" :auiqs.jpg:

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