Coffee shop refuses to serve anti-Muslim bigot

His hatred of Muslims can be understandable and really doesn't fall into the category of an actual "phobia," more like a reasonable concern. A PEW Research study done interviewing Muslims across various nations, including the west, has reflected that a figure of about 320,000,000 Muslims want you converted, if you refuse, subjugated (to bring under domination by conquest and pay the Jizya tax),

You know what, I've never had a Muslim try to convert me once. As opposed to Christians, who try to shove their religion down my throat the minute they find out I'm an atheist.

Joe, these jerks also try to shove THEIR brand of religion on you without any regard for your religious freedom, if you’re not the “right” kind of Christian. It’s just all kinds of offensive.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are the worst in terms of disrespecting other forms of Christianity. They won’t even enter another denomination’s church because it’s a “false” church. That includes refusing to attend the weddings of family or friends held at other churches.

Then there’s the religious loons who use any conversational opener to try to convert you. “You having a good day?” “Every day is a good day since I found Jesus”. I actually had this conversation in a Toronto taxi one day.

So Joe, it really has nothing to do with you being an atheist. They pull the same shit on me and I’m an Elder at my church and taught Sunday School too, but I’m not Christian enough for the born agains, the evangelicals or the cultists so I need to be saved, just like the atheists.
Muslims are Right-Wing Conservatives, Republicans are Liberal Left-Wingers.

There's a difference, you don't even know what you are.
Point out the post where I say I'm a Republican. Hint: Never have. Idiot!

BTW, virtually ALL non Anglos are big government LIBERAL Authoritarians -- Muzzie and Polacks too.

You will never understand American Conservatism. It's not in your blood.

A good course of antibiotics can clear that nasty infection right out of your bloodstream. Hopefully the brain damage isn’t permanent.
Struck another Regressive nerve.

You people get pissy when your same silly games are played on you.

You are what you hate.

Well, okay, maybe you are this stupid.

This guy wasn't thrown out of the Coffee shop because he was white. He was thrown out because he was abusive to another customer.

As opposed to gays who were refused service for merely being gay.

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