Coffee shop refuses to serve anti-Muslim bigot

He identified himself as a kershchin. So in his bible Jesus would do just as he did. How about the rest of you self professed kershchins, is that WJWD?
He's a Leftist mole pretending to act like liberal's think a conservative would react to this woman. Leftists pull this shit all the time...bringing Rebel flags to a BLM gathering. Sure to,make the evening news.
I thought those hardcore inbred cave-maggot Muslims were forbidden to consume coffee?? Maybe he was trying to help her/it (no way to know what was under that bedsheet).
Why can’t they have coffee?
Probably a left winger performing for silly people. This has all of the earmarks of a fake video
This's is all scripted. Horrible acting on their part. Also, there is no such legal thing as hate speech. If that's the reason somebody is removed from any establishment, they would win in the Supreme Court who declare dthere is no such thing as hate speech. She nev
Er said he was disruptive, she said he used hare speech. Unconstitutional.
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The man was being disruptive. His ass should have been thrown out. I'm Muslim and I don't even like the wearing of niqab. But it's not mine or anyone else's business if they choose to wear it.
He was being a jerk and obviously didn't know much about Islam, but wearing a niqab is pretty extreme as well.

In some places it's illegal, and I'm surprised she was not accompanied by a man, because once you get that conservative, you would follow that as well. Not necessarily I guess, but that would be a logical conclusion.
Probably a left winger performing for silly people. This has all of the earmarks of a fake video
This's is all scripted. Horrible acting on their part. Also, there is no such legal thing as hate speech. If that's the reason somebody is removed from any establishment, they would win in the Supreme Court who declare dthere is no such thing as hate speech. She nev
Er said he was disruptive, she said he used hare speech. Unconstitutional.
The coffee shop can kick out anyone who is disruptive
Check out these white ragers.

So? That's what happened when Trump offered to pay the legal fees to his supporters who get into fights with protesters.

So? So dere's your white ragers, right dere.

Who were pissed because they were threatened. Don't wanna get your ass kicked? Don't provoke others.

It's true that one woman Trump supporter strikes fear into the hearts of all Losers.

Do you think that scene of white rage is part of the reason white women voted for Trump in such huge numbers?
How is that a bad thing? freedom of speech, people
Islam never did nuttin' to nobudy, nohow. Islam hates gays and is a major power in slavery even now. Islamophobia? Muslims Taxes non Muslims Oh, goody gumdrops. Let's defend THAT. I like coffee, I will use my brewer.
Check out these white ragers.

So? That's what happened when Trump offered to pay the legal fees to his supporters who get into fights with protesters.

So? So dere's your white ragers, right dere.

Who were pissed because they were threatened. Don't wanna get your ass kicked? Don't provoke others.

It's true that one woman Trump supporter strikes fear into the hearts of all Losers.

Do you think that scene of white rage is part of the reason white women voted for Trump in such huge numbers?

Oh there is zero doubt the reason Trump sits in the Oval Office today is due directly to white rage. Duh... 8 years of seeing members of every other race get stroked and coddled turned in to "fuck this!" For tens of millions of white. Who couldn't see that coming?:cul2::cul2::deal:
Check out these white ragers.

So? That's what happened when Trump offered to pay the legal fees to his supporters who get into fights with protesters.

So? So dere's your white ragers, right dere.

Who were pissed because they were threatened. Don't wanna get your ass kicked? Don't provoke others.

It's true that one woman Trump supporter strikes fear into the hearts of all Losers.

Do you think that scene of white rage is part of the reason white women voted for Trump in such huge numbers?

Oh there is zero doubt the reason Trump sits in the Oval Office today is due directly to white rage. Duh... 8 years of seeing members of every other race get stroked and coddled turned in to "fuck this!" For tens of millions of white. Who couldn't see that coming?:cul2::cul2::deal:

Say it. You're nostalgic for the age of Jim Crow.

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