Cognitive Dissonance

Your cognitive dissonance regarding ending lives has been amply recorded in these pages. I'm not interested in hearing anymore of your excuses and rationalizations for why you are good person even though you justify some killing as good and just.
So then it should be easy for you to quote a post

But you won;t because you can't
That's funny

You are lying about what I have said. Just like you always do.

So prove you're not lying by quoting the posts where I actually said what you claim I did

How many pages did it take for you to admit you eat meat because your pleasure is more important to you than the killing animals even though you say you think it is wrong?

And I'm still waiting for you to tell me what I did that was wrong?

I have never had an abortion, I have never killed anyone.

I told you the reason for my particular stance on abortion but you haven't responded to any of that

You have made claims that I have made certain statements but you cannot produce any evidence that I actually said any of them here.

So put up or shut up.
You’re upset because your cognitive dissonance has been exposed.
religion would be far more stark FF......~S~

You’re upset because your cognitive dissonance has been exposed.
I'm not upset this is you projecting.

You refuse to provide any proof that I actually said any of the things you claim I said.

I don't get upset over fools who make shit up and until yo can quote where i said what you claim i said that is all you are; a fool who makes shit up.
I'm not upset this is you projecting.

You refuse to provide any proof that I actually said any of the things you claim I said.

I don't get upset over fools who make shit up and until yo can quote where i said what you claim i said that is all you are; a fool who makes shit up.
Truth has no feelings.
I have to say this topic has always fascinated me.

Over my life I have been as affected by it as anyone else. When I was in my early 30's I met a couple of exceptional people, a Buddhist monk and a man who was a welder but held a PhD in Philosophy. Both these men were such positive influences that to this day I am grateful to both of them for their friendship and wisdom. I don't want to think about where i would be today if I hadn't met them. Both of them have helped to live an examined life. But I digress.

Let's start with a working definition then some examples.

Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person's beliefs conflicts with other previously held beliefs. It describes the feelings of discomfort resulting from having the two conflicting beliefs. In order to reduce or possibly eliminate the dissonance, something must change because of the discrepancy between the person's beliefs and behaviors.

It's a simple definition for such a prevalent condition.


One that is very relevant today is the CD that involves politicians.

People will find a way to excuse the bad deeds the person they support and to magnify the bad deeds of the person they don't support. This also manifests in being unable to credit a politician you do not support for doing something you might actually agree with and ignoring the deeds of the politician you support when they do something you disagree with.

One that I experience a lot these days is People saying they love animals but who eat animals.


A man is mowing his lawn and purposely runs over a flock of baby ducks and macerates them with the mower blades. A man with his child witness the event and call the cops. The man on the mower gets charged with animal cruelty. The witness then takes his child out to breakfast and orders scrambled eggs for himself and his child. Now the egg industry doesn't want male chicks so right after male chicks are hatched they are fed into a macerating machine where they are ground up alive. But the man calmly eats his eggs without feeling the need to call the police.

and one more

The sour grapes phenomenon. This is actually addressed in one of Aesop's fables about a fox who cannot reach grapes that he wants. He experiences cognitive dissonance and to ease his frustration; he decides the grapes must be sour and therefore undesirable.

I think we all see people do this every day.

Are we as humans cursed to live with these thoughts and behaviors that clash? Does it bother people as much as it should? Do we just accept that humans are duplicitous?

If we don't want to live a life in contradiction to our beliefs what should we do?

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no you have not quoted any posts where I actually wrote the words you claim I did.

Until you do you remain a fool who makes shit up
My obligation was satisfied when I presented you with your incongruity. What you do with it is between you and God.
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Care to expand on that?

I can support law enforcement while not supporting the militarization of law enforcement that we have seen
Cognitive dissonance is a powerful human trait.

We all do it.

It's a way to reinforce our belief system when confronted with information that contradicts our worldview.

Nope. Everyone doesn't get stuck with cognitive dissonance. Some people are not looking to reinforce their belief systems, and are not running into the arms of denial when confronted with information that challenges a world view. Many people welcome being challenged -- like scientists do.
My obligation was satisfied when I presented you with your incongruity. What you do with it is between you and God.

But you didn't present anything but your opinion and lies about the statements I wrote.

I never said abortion was wrong or right
I never said eating meat was wrong or right
I never said all meat eaters are shitty people

I never said killing a person is always wrong or killing an animal is always wrong.

All these are things you claim I said and you can't actually prove i said them

So your proof is based on your lies
Care to expand on that?

I can support law enforcement while not supporting the militarization of law enforcement that we have seen

There is the hypocrisy of some on the issue(s), and then their is the cognitive dissonance of some on the issue(s). To be hypocritical is not the same as suffering from cognitive dissonance. And ignorance vs denial comes into play.
There is the hypocrisy of some on the issue(s), and then their is the cognitive dissonance of some on the issue(s). To be hypocritical is not the same as suffering from cognitive dissonance. And ignorance vs denial comes into play.
OK I get that.
But you didn't present anything but your opinion and lies about the statements I wrote.

I never said abortion was wrong or right
I never said eating meat was wrong or right
I never said all meat eaters are shitty people

I never said killing a person is always wrong or killing an animal is always wrong.

All these are things you claim I said and you can't actually prove i said them

So your proof is based on your lies
If that were true you wouldn’t still be chasing me around.
If that were true you wouldn’t still be chasing me around.

I am responding to your posts not chasing you anywhere.

Stop responding to my posts and see if I "chase you"

Bye BYe Pinnochio
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When a party platform or political credo takes a firm stance, makes a dogmatic statement.
OK I get that.

If you agree with the premise: "Conservatives demanded that the national government should promote respect for law and order and contempt for those who violated it, regardless of cause."

One example of cognitive dissonance would be a true conservative supporting anyone who violated the above demand.

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