Coker (R), Coburn (R), Sessions (R)

And you deserve a nut kick for not supporting improved veterans care in light of the recent tragedy.

Given that you dont give two shits about veterans, most of whom are Republicans, why should anyone take you seriously?
Do you honestly think whatever bill this was would magically fix the VA and all would be well?

And you have proof of that? Or is it you making assumptions to fit your scheme on things?

And there are many many lefties in the military.

Probably, it was the liberals counting soldiers death's daily when it suited your political agenda.
Howey ears a bitch slap. :slap:

And you deserve a nut kick for not supporting improved veterans care in light of the recent tragedy.

"Recent tragedy"? It has been going for years if not decades. The question is not money. It is incompetence. This is what happens when you let government drones run the show with no means of getting rid of the bad operators.

Get used to it howey, the ACA is going to do to the rest of medical care what has happened in the VA. This is the result of handing the keys over to lazy pricks with no threat of consequence for their inaction.
As Krauthammer said the va program should be privatized...veterans get a card to go to any hospital they choose. Get the government out of the business.

Haven't I already proven that the care received by veterans through the VA is far superior to that received in hospitals?


No, you haven't. What planet exactly do you live on? "Cause it sure isn't Earth...
Lamar Alexander did not vote and Corker voted against it. They also voted for the immigration bill. I will not be voting for them this November.

I am surpised at Alexander's actions, I thought he was one of the better Republicans.

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