Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

What's the big deal?
Over 300 posts in this thread and there's another thread on this non-issue?
WTF ????????
We have the 1st Amendment to protect free speech; do we need another to protect an individual's right to not stand before an anthem?

Talk about ... making a mountain out of a pile of dust.

It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the CONTENT of his exercise.

Good one!
for some time now the NFL has become

nothing more then another political tool

that is why it is always best

to go hunting fishing

or mowing the lawn on a Sunday afternoon

then to watch the NFL on the tube

Or go flyin' one of these babies. :)

View attachment 87424
Or one of these!
cessna 180 photos - Google Search
One of the most solid dependable easy to fly planes ever built.
I let my six year old grand daughter take the starboard controls for a few minutes the other day. I obviously was able to override on the port side anytime.
The beautiful gift the original designers gave was to make the controls so light it's like you just have the 'think' about making a turn and the plane goes where you want it to.
Sort of weird in an exhilarating way.
Who? Tebow, Kaepernick, both?
Only if you focus on them, then its intrusive to your insecure feelings maybe.
I'm talking about the muzzie, Kaepernick - duh.
Only a complete ass would claim the millions of people who are upset over that jerk crapping on America are insecure.
He was not crapping; he was sitting.
Get a grip on your misplaced emotions.
Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

What's the big deal?
Over 300 posts in this thread and there's another thread on this non-issue?
WTF ????????
We have the 1st Amendment to protect free speech; do we need another to protect an individual's right to not stand before an anthem?

Talk about ... making a mountain out of a pile of dust.
It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the CONTENT of his exercise.
What "content"? Sitting?
Get a grip.
Conservatives love our nation and our culture and are not afraid to champion it and our interests vs others.In the definition of fascism, everything after nation has nothing to do with conservatism or the Republican Party.You lie about your enemies because you cannot defend your policies and/or positions honestly.

Are you saying that Hitler and Mussolini didn't use nationalism or patriotism to further their agenda?

They also used government and propaganda and scapegoating to further their agenda, and that doesn't seem to bother you libs when you use the same tactics.

I posted real definitions of the words you have been misusing.

Do you have anything real to say about the fact that the words do not mean what you were claiming they meant?
If it was not for American nationalism, the Confederacy would have been allowed to break away and keep slavery alive.

If not for American and Russian Nationalism, Nazi Germany would have won the war.

If not for American nationalism, the Soviet Union would have won the Cold War.

For three very simple examples.

That's not nationalism. That's doing the right thing.

Idealism rarely motivated people to fight, especially in large numbers for a long time.

American nationalism is what won the above examples.
Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

What's the big deal?
Over 300 posts in this thread and there's another thread on this non-issue?
WTF ????????
We have the 1st Amendment to protect free speech; do we need another to protect an individual's right to not stand before an anthem?

Talk about ... making a mountain out of a pile of dust.
It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the CONTENT of his exercise.
What "content"? Sitting?
Get a grip.

His "sitting" spoke volumes, loud and clear!
Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

What's the big deal?
Over 300 posts in this thread and there's another thread on this non-issue?
WTF ????????
We have the 1st Amendment to protect free speech; do we need another to protect an individual's right to not stand before an anthem?

Talk about ... making a mountain out of a pile of dust.
It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the CONTENT of his exercise.
What "content"? Sitting?
Get a grip.

His "sitting" spoke volumes, loud and clear!
ActuallY, WWI was more about Imperialism, and WWII was more from Fascism.

It was Serbian nationalists who shot Franz Ferdinand...

It was the desire of empires for more land that made Europe the powder keg that that spark set off.

Your are against Nationalism today, because American nationalism is a problem for the lefty agenda.
most fans find points on the board entertaining and pay to come back
Their entertainment is far down on the list as to why organisations sign players....
The Owners look at one thing as the main reason for signing a player...can they produce points...period.
When is the last time you heard an organisation say they signed a player because he entertained" the fans???

That's what the mascots and cheer leaders are for.

All players entertain fans and are paid very well for it

When the fans stop being entertained....they stay home
So you couldn't provide an example???...don't worry, I knew you couldn't.

Example? How about a billion dollars in TV revenue each season.

That is some entertainment or they wouldn't cough up the big bucks
They watch to see their team win not to be entertained...just admit you misspoke and stop trying to revive a lost position.

By the way, are you going to man up, and ADMIT you misspoke?
Sounds like someone wants to be traded from the 49ers.

Colin Kaepernick Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

NFL QB Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities
More ignorant white conservatives mad that the First Amendment isn't just for the things they approve of...oh the horror!!!!!!

Kaepernick is just another one of your kind that tries to draw attention to himself.
Another white trash poster whose attempt at logic generally recedes to racial temper tantrums...

Actually your "white" comment is what raised race here. And was actually quite racist.
Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

What's the big deal?
Over 300 posts in this thread and there's another thread on this non-issue?
WTF ????????
We have the 1st Amendment to protect free speech; do we need another to protect an individual's right to not stand before an anthem?

Talk about ... making a mountain out of a pile of dust.
It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the CONTENT of his exercise.
What "content"? Sitting?
Get a grip.

His "sitting" spoke volumes, loud and clear!

Even without his display against our National Anthem, his play would have assured that he would be "sitting" quite a bit this season.
Kaepernick has a right to free speech

But others have a right to criticize what he says or his actions. Kaepernick is on the clock while a game is on. He is being paid by his employer to entertain the fans. If he chooses to offend the fans instead, his employer has a right to discipline him or terminate his employment

That is what free speech is about
He's not paid to entertain anybody, he's paid to help contribute to points on the board...

most fans find points on the board entertaining and pay to come back
You're obviously not a Reds fan.
Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

What's the big deal?
Over 300 posts in this thread and there's another thread on this non-issue?
WTF ????????
We have the 1st Amendment to protect free speech; do we need another to protect an individual's right to not stand before an anthem?

Talk about ... making a mountain out of a pile of dust.
It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the CONTENT of his exercise.
What "content"? Sitting?
Get a grip.
His "sitting" spoke volumes, loud and clear!
You appear delusional.
Kaepernick has a right to free speech

But others have a right to criticize what he says or his actions. Kaepernick is on the clock while a game is on. He is being paid by his employer to entertain the fans. If he chooses to offend the fans instead, his employer has a right to discipline him or terminate his employment

That is what free speech is about
He's not paid to entertain anybody, he's paid to help contribute to points on the board...
Another USMB poster that's never been to a Reds game.
Sounds like someone wants to be traded from the 49ers.

Colin Kaepernick Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

NFL QB Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities
More ignorant white conservatives mad that the First Amendment isn't just for the things they approve of...oh the horror!!!!!!

Kaepernick is just another one of your kind that tries to draw attention to himself.
Another white trash poster whose attempt at logic generally recedes to racial temper tantrums...

Actually your "white" comment is what raised race here. And was actually quite racist.
Actually you should be aware of the string of a thread before you ignorantly comment...
How surprising that page after page of racist insults against Black people, you didn't see anything.
My "white" comment and you sprung into
Passive racism is still racism little buddy...
Their entertainment is far down on the list as to why organisations sign players....
The Owners look at one thing as the main reason for signing a player...can they produce points...period.
When is the last time you heard an organisation say they signed a player because he entertained" the fans???

That's what the mascots and cheer leaders are for.

All players entertain fans and are paid very well for it

When the fans stop being entertained....they stay home
So you couldn't provide an example???...don't worry, I knew you couldn't.

Example? How about a billion dollars in TV revenue each season.

That is some entertainment or they wouldn't cough up the big bucks
They watch to see their team win not to be entertained...just admit you misspoke and stop trying to revive a lost position.

By the way, are you going to man up, and ADMIT you misspoke?
Misspoke on what???
most fans find points on the board entertaining and pay to come back
Their entertainment is far down on the list as to why organisations sign players....
The Owners look at one thing as the main reason for signing a player...can they produce points...period.
When is the last time you heard an organisation say they signed a player because he entertained" the fans???

That's what the mascots and cheer leaders are for.

All players entertain fans and are paid very well for it

When the fans stop being entertained....they stay home
So you couldn't provide an example???...don't worry, I knew you couldn't.

Example? How about a billion dollars in TV revenue each season.

That is some entertainment or they wouldn't cough up the big bucks
They watch to see their team win not to be entertained...just admit you misspoke and stop trying to revive a lost position.
Winning is more entertaining than losing

Haven't you figured that out?

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