Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

Same result as burning a flag.
Your deflection doesn't work...
An organisation would pick the most boring players in the world if they put points on the board and dump the most entertaining players that failed to put points on the board.
You can keep arguing a failed position, you will simply continue to lose the argument...

You haven't figured it out.....sports is entertainment
Spontaneous entertainment, but still entertainment

People pay to be entertained. They will pay more and more often if that entertainment is winning. That is what sports is about $$$$$$
Still arguing a filed position and expect a different outcome???

How naïve can you be?

You think sports is about winning?
Sports is about business. Making money. If an owner can make money without winning, he will

Sports is as much entertainment as the movies, a rock concert or the theater. Why do you think you pay so much for those tickets?
Still hoping for a different outcome???


You are both correct, but you are more correct. Making money is everyone's priority, pro football players care more about their contract than a championship. Once the contract is signed though then everyone on that team wants to win, and a coach only cares what will help him win. Greg Hardy was unpopular, but the cowboys thought he could help them. On the other hand Tim Tebow sucked, but he sold tickets and jerseys. Some owners as well will open up their checkbook for that superbowl ring, some won't.

Adding it all up, money is first, winning a close second.
Your deflection doesn't work...
An organisation would pick the most boring players in the world if they put points on the board and dump the most entertaining players that failed to put points on the board.
You can keep arguing a failed position, you will simply continue to lose the argument...

You haven't figured it out.....sports is entertainment
Spontaneous entertainment, but still entertainment

People pay to be entertained. They will pay more and more often if that entertainment is winning. That is what sports is about $$$$$$
Still arguing a filed position and expect a different outcome???

How naïve can you be?

You think sports is about winning?
Sports is about business. Making money. If an owner can make money without winning, he will

Sports is as much entertainment as the movies, a rock concert or the theater. Why do you think you pay so much for those tickets?

If a team isn't winning, people don't show. If they don't show, a team doesn't make money.

Seems that way....but many owners don't want a big payroll
Big payroll only pays off if you win. Small payroll means you suffer a little at the gate but make much more from TV revenue, shared revenue, merchandise
Owners also make money from just the value of the franchise continuing to go up

If you were an owner and you could :

Have a $200 million payroll on which you could make $230 million gross ($30 mil profit) and have a winning record
Have a $70 million payroll on which you make $110 million gross ($40 million profit) and lose

What would you do?

I proved you wrong and all you have is SPECULATION.
Ahhhhh..... Another perpetually outraged, adolescent, fairy taking a courageous stance... Lol

Hail Che Guevara !!!!!!
Should have been kicked out of the game.
No rule against his lack of standing.
Are you a fascist?

Only a fool measures success by income.

yeah, except that is the way the world works. Companies exist to make money, most everything else is secondary.

Only fools think companies are people.
Of course they aren't. They're robots. Or Martians.
Same result as burning a flag.
No, it's not the same.
What an idiotic thing to say.
Yes, it's the same result - ashes from material.
What business is it of yours to care about another's freedom to use their property without hurting others?
OH, are your feelings hurt?
Suck it up. USA is a free country.
Don't like freedom, move to Russia.
If you don't like this country's flag, move to Russia, you twit.

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