Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

Just like his brother Aclepias, Reconmark refuse to admit when he's wrong.
And he pretends he was in the Marine Corps.

I think one is a sock of the other.
Then the Navy SEAL sock should be coming out any time now.

we have stolen valor in here?
Leftists burn the flag all the time, spit on our soldiers, call them potential terrorists, and get them killed overseas. Pretending to be one of them is just warming up for them.
It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the CONTENT of his exercise.
What "content"? Sitting?
Get a grip.
His "sitting" spoke volumes, loud and clear!
You appear delusional.
You're clueless... and an asshole.
Yes, i'm clueless to your hysteria.
Take a valium.

You don't have "free speech" while you're on the clock.

Kaepernic is an employee of the NFL. By pissing on America, he damages their already shaky brand image.

They should fire his ass. No different than what would happen to a McDonalds counter person who said "I don't take orders from Mexicans" when a Hispanic customer comes up. When you work for others, your free (and bigoted) speech is irrelevant
Yes, it's the same result - ashes from material.
What business is it of yours to care about another's freedom to use their property without hurting others?
OH, are your feelings hurt?
Suck it up. USA is a free country.
Don't like freedom, move to Russia.

It's always the idiots who hate freedom that use it continually as a defense for their anti Americanism.
Same result as burning a flag.
Well no. One is anti America and the other is pro America. That you cannot tell the difference shows us that YOU'RE the stupid one.
That you don't understand both cases can be anti-USA, but it's clear that only material is burned, shows your ignorance & bias.
Using "America" for USA shows your arrogance or ignorance of other countries in the Americas.
Yes, it's the same result - ashes from material.
What business is it of yours to care about another's freedom to use their property without hurting others?
OH, are your feelings hurt?
Suck it up. USA is a free country.
Don't like freedom, move to Russia.
It's always the idiots who hate freedom that use it continually as a defense for their anti Americanism.
It's CLEAR as day that you hate freedom for ALL individuals.
Same result as burning a flag.
Well no. One is anti America and the other is pro America. That you cannot tell the difference shows us that YOU'RE the stupid one.
That you don't understand both cases can be anti-USA, but it's clear that only material is burned, shows your ignorance & bias.
Using "America" for USA shows your arrogance or ignorance of other countries in the Americas.

Good grief! LOL You're really not a very bright guy and your braggadocio isn't going to hide that. You'd do well not to advertise it continually.
Yes, it's the same result - ashes from material.
What business is it of yours to care about another's freedom to use their property without hurting others?
OH, are your feelings hurt?
Suck it up. USA is a free country.
Don't like freedom, move to Russia.
It's always the idiots who hate freedom that use it continually as a defense for their anti Americanism.
It's CLEAR as day that you hate freedom for ALL individuals.

LOL... no. Jerks like you love making things up about others. It's probably out of your own insecurity.
Same result as burning a flag.
No, it's not the same.
What an idiotic thing to say.
Yes, it's the same result - ashes from material.
What business is it of yours to care about another's freedom to use their property without hurting others?
OH, are your feelings hurt?
Suck it up. USA is a free country.
Don't like freedom, move to Russia.
If you don't like this country's flag, move to Russia, you twit.
Did i say i don't like USA's flag, "you twit"? LOL.
As a veteran who still stands for the anthem, even if I'm in my own living room this falls under the category of who gives a shit.
And just like Obama, Pencilneck's biological dad headed for the hills the moment his bio mom got pregnant.
And just like Obama, Pencilneck's biological dad headed for the hills the moment his bio mom got pregnant.
And just like your bigoted kind, your statement is not only a lie, but irrelevant to your own OP.
What a moron; you probably don't realize it.
It's going to be interesting to see what Niner fans are going to do.
Probably most of the ones who actually live in San Fran agree with him.
Same result as burning a flag.
No, it's not the same.
What an idiotic thing to say.
Yes, it's the same result - ashes from material.
What business is it of yours to care about another's freedom to use their property without hurting others?
OH, are your feelings hurt?
Suck it up. USA is a free country.
Don't like freedom, move to Russia.
If you don't like this country's flag, move to Russia, you twit.
Did i say i don't like USA's flag, "you twit"? LOL.
You equated it to a team jersey.

You twit.
Ho hum, another straw man from a stupid Leftie. Can't get through a day without seeing them.
Ho Hum...another stupid conservative that equates the First Amendment to a straw man...trump's squatters...

Lefties are so stupid they don't even recognize when they use a straw man argument.
Conservatives are so stupid , they don't know what a Constitutional Right is....

Says the guy who wants to take our guns away.
Says a fucking liar who could never link a post that says that...stop grasping for straws...
Desperate men act like bitches...

Sounds like the little pussy got his feelings hurt. LOL Go fuck yourself liberal piece of shit.
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