Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

It's the end of the world as we know it....not standing for the national anthem...

Not the end of the world, just the end of respect for your country, your national anthem, your flag and what it represents, and doing so, glorifying everything that your country opposes.

In other words, go fuck yourself.

Nationalism is akin to and leads to facism. As is patriotism. What you are saying to all the world is "My country is better than your country". If you need that, then good on ya....
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Yeah, you are stupid enough to be a conservative.

The minute the owner's would be as stupid as you ( they aren't) and terminated his contract because he exercised his First Amend they would pay more than he's making.

You idiot, the only people that think he is hurting their brand are folks ignorant of the U.S. Constitution.

I dumb this down for. Your boss has a right to tell you to stand for the national Anthem. You have the right not to comply. He then in turn has the right to fire you. Get it?
I'll dumb it gown for you...idiot.
You fired a Player for exercising his First Amend Rights and then are still too stupid to understand the owner's actions and your final day...
You tards have no idea what rights are. Free speech means the government can't censor you for political speech. That does NOT apply to the private sector. Why don't you ignorant fucks actually read the Constitution?
Cheap fire water makes stupid injuns...

Expressive conduct[edit]
Expressive conduct, also called "symbolic speech" or "speech acts", is nonverbal conduct that intends to communicate a message. Example include creating or destroying an object when performed as a statement (such as flag burning in a political protest), silent marches and parades intended to convey a message, clothing bearing meaningful symbols (such as anti-war armbands), body language, messages written in code, ideas and structures embodied as computer code ("software"), mathematical and scientific formulae, and illocutionary acts that convey by implication an attitude, request, or opinion.

The First Amendment generally protects expressive conduct.[7][8] Seen in light of the First Amendment, computer code is a way to speak about how a problem is solved, using the precise terms a computer might be given as directions, and flag burning is a way to speak or express forcefully of one's views opposing the acts or political position of the relevant country.[7][8]Significantly, the possibility exists for a single speech act to be protected or not depending upon context and intention. For example, there may be a First Amendment distinction between burning a flag in protest and the same act performed as mere wanton vandalism.[7]
Blow me, Pale Face.

I bet you didn't say shit about President Chimp firing General McCrystal for "exercising his free speech" with Rolling Stones Magazine.

Did you?
I'm pretty sure reconmark is african american.
What you see is poor black people, perhaps criminals. What you think you see is often what you've decided to tell yourself with your own interpretation.

What you can't see is what has been keeping black people down ever since they arrived in the US.

What I HEAR is people more interested in paying for pot and cracked rather than keeping their utilities on. People AMAZED that they are expected to pay their bills and who can't understand why a $7,000 bill would be cause for shutoff. "Wut? Don't welfare pay dat sheet? I gots to pay dat?"

If they don't like this country go back to Africa or the Caribbean.
It's the end of the world as we know it....not standing for the national anthem...

Not the end of the world, just the end of respect for your country, your national anthem, your flag and what it represents, and doing so, glorifying everything that your country opposes.

In other words, go fuck yourself.

Nationalism is akin to facism. As is patriotism. What you are saying to all the world is "My country is better than your country". If you need that, then good on ya....

No, it's not.
I dumb this down for. Your boss has a right to tell you to stand for the national Anthem. You have the right not to comply. He then in turn has the right to fire you. Get it?
I'll dumb it gown for you...idiot.
You fired a Player for exercising his First Amend Rights and then are still too stupid to understand the owner's actions and your final day...
You tards have no idea what rights are. Free speech means the government can't censor you for political speech. That does NOT apply to the private sector. Why don't you ignorant fucks actually read the Constitution?
Cheap fire water makes stupid injuns...

Expressive conduct[edit]
Expressive conduct, also called "symbolic speech" or "speech acts", is nonverbal conduct that intends to communicate a message. Example include creating or destroying an object when performed as a statement (such as flag burning in a political protest), silent marches and parades intended to convey a message, clothing bearing meaningful symbols (such as anti-war armbands), body language, messages written in code, ideas and structures embodied as computer code ("software"), mathematical and scientific formulae, and illocutionary acts that convey by implication an attitude, request, or opinion.

The First Amendment generally protects expressive conduct.[7][8] Seen in light of the First Amendment, computer code is a way to speak about how a problem is solved, using the precise terms a computer might be given as directions, and flag burning is a way to speak or express forcefully of one's views opposing the acts or political position of the relevant country.[7][8]Significantly, the possibility exists for a single speech act to be protected or not depending upon context and intention. For example, there may be a First Amendment distinction between burning a flag in protest and the same act performed as mere wanton vandalism.[7]
Blow me, Pale Face.

I bet you didn't say shit about President Chimp firing General McCrystal for "exercising his free speech" with Rolling Stones Magazine.

Did you?
I'm pretty sure reconmark is african american.
Then replace Pale Face with Jigga Boo.
Well, when the Kotche swimmer dude embarrassed America the libtards were all outraged. Now when asshat from San Fran does it he's a fucking hero. H y p o c r I s y.
What you see is poor black people, perhaps criminals. What you think you see is often what you've decided to tell yourself with your own interpretation.

What you can't see is what has been keeping black people down ever since they arrived in the US.

What I HEAR is people more interested in paying for pot and cracked rather than keeping their utilities on. People AMAZED that they are expected to pay their bills and who can't understand why a $7,000 bill would be cause for shutoff. "Wut? Don't welfare pay dat sheet? I gots to pay dat?"

If they don't like this country go back to Africa or the Caribbean.

There are people like that. There are people not like that. There are white people, Hispanic people, black people, males, females, old, young who are like that, and also not like that.

What you're saying is something else.
Sounds like someone wants to be traded from the 49ers.

Colin Kaepernick Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

NFL QB Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

actually he is smart but for the WRONG reason.People who salute the flag and sing the national anthem are brainwashed ignorant sheep BECAUSE the song title is pure bullshit when they say-the land of the free.

Thats the biggest propaganda con job ever invented -the song title SHOULD say "and the land of the oppressed" because we are in reality a banana republic and one of the most suppressed countries in the world yet we got thousands of idiots saluting the flag who are so stupid they think they live ain free country.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

Now if our country was the country it should be where the government served the people and the people ran the country and ran the government,than by all means I would salute the flag but we serve the government and they run us so we are hardly a free country.

the CIA and the FED runs our lives,the country and the world,they are evil monsters so when you salute the flag,you are saluting those evil institutions,you are not saluting your country.

beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
actually he is smart but for the WRONG reason.People who salute the flag and sing the national anthem are brainwashed ignorant sheep BECAUSE the song title is pure bullshit when they say-the land of the free.
As you post on a message board without fear of your door being kicked down in the middle of the night.
What you see is poor black people, perhaps criminals. What you think you see is often what you've decided to tell yourself with your own interpretation.

What you can't see is what has been keeping black people down ever since they arrived in the US.

What I HEAR is people more interested in paying for pot and cracked rather than keeping their utilities on. People AMAZED that they are expected to pay their bills and who can't understand why a $7,000 bill would be cause for shutoff. "Wut? Don't welfare pay dat sheet? I gots to pay dat?"

If they don't like this country go back to Africa or the Caribbean.

There are people like that. There are people not like that. There are white people, Hispanic people, black people, males, females, old, young who are like that, and also not like that.

What you're saying is something else.
Yes. This happens just as often in Scandinavian countries without a 13% black population.

No, no it doesn't.
It's the end of the world as we know it....not standing for the national anthem...

Not the end of the world, just the end of respect for your country, your national anthem, your flag and what it represents, and doing so, glorifying everything that your country opposes.

In other words, go fuck yourself.

Seems like the bigger you are, the bigger your assholes are.

In Canada we never burn our flag. We stand, respectfully, when it is being played. Hell we even try to sing it without stylized screeching and modulations. You know, just from the heart.

I am offended when an American defies American traditions, just as I would be offended if a Canadian defied Canadian traditions.

Has to do with common decency.
No, it's not.

Yeah it is. You neocon-type Yanks love to feel good about yourselves. You need to be the loudest in the room. In the world. You love to be noticed. You are forever dying to tell everybody how great you are. All that does is lead to resentment. The word's 'quiet achiever' are not in the neocon Yank lexicon. Trump being a classic example.
Seems like the bigger you are, the bigger your assholes are.

In Canada we never burn our flag. We stand, respectfully, when it is being played. Hell we even try to sing it without stylized screeching and modulations. You know, just from the heart.

I am offended when an American defies American traditions, just as I would be offended if a Canadian defied Canadian traditions.

Has to do with common decency.

I don't agree with flag burning either. I just think nationalism is over rated. No good ever comes from it.
It's the end of the world as we know it....not standing for the national anthem...

Not the end of the world, just the end of respect for your country, your national anthem, your flag and what it represents, and doing so, glorifying everything that your country opposes.

In other words, go fuck yourself.

Seems like the bigger you are, the bigger your assholes are.

In Canada we never burn our flag. We stand, respectfully, when it is being played. Hell we even try to sing it without stylized screeching and modulations. You know, just from the heart.

I am offended when an American defies American traditions, just as I would be offended if a Canadian defied Canadian traditions.

Has to do with common decency.
You're more American than many of the assholes who were born here. Thank you.
i notice he still lives here and accepts that big he cant be that perturbed....

He seems real oppressed. What has he done with all his millions to help black people?

Well you know, he sat down during the national anthem. That's literally what he has done for blacks. Now all blacks that have been oppressed can feel liberated because some millionaire QB sat during the national anthem. It was really important ya know, it's already changed so many lives in the poor black communities.
Exactly. With his wealth he can create a scholarship program for kids, job training programs. A lot he can do.

But with the left its all about feelings. So he thinks by parking his fat ass he helped people.
It's the end of the world as we know it....not standing for the national anthem...

Not the end of the world, just the end of respect for your country, your national anthem, your flag and what it represents, and doing so, glorifying everything that your country opposes.

In other words, go fuck yourself.

Nationalism is akin to facism. As is patriotism. What you are saying to all the world is "My country is better than your country". If you need that, then good on ya....

If my country is, in fact better than your country, and if I say that my country is better than your country, and if you call that fascist, then feel free and call me a fascist.

I have been called worse than that by better people than you. Words, whatever they are, only "hurt" idiots, who are too stupid to think for themselves.
i notice he still lives here and accepts that big he cant be that perturbed....

He seems real oppressed. What has he done with all his millions to help black people?

Well you know, he sat down during the national anthem. That's literally what he has done for blacks. Now all blacks that have been oppressed can feel liberated because some millionaire QB sat during the national anthem. It was really important ya know, it's already changed so many lives in the poor black communities.
Exactly. With his wealth he can create a scholarship program for kids, job training programs. A lot he can do.

But with the left its all about feelings. So he thinks by parking his fat ass he helped people.
Since he can't connect a 50 yard pass, (except to the other team) maybe he thought he'd try his hand at activism.
No, it's not.

Yeah it is. You neocon-type Yanks love to feel good about yourselves. You need to be the loudest in the room. In the world. You love to be noticed. You are forever dying to tell everybody how great you are. All that does is lead to resentment. The word's 'quiet achiever' are not in the neocon Yank lexicon. Trump being a classic example.
It's tough being the best at everything.
No, it's not.

Yeah it is. You neocon-type Yanks love to feel good about yourselves. You need to be the loudest in the room. In the world. You love to be noticed. You are forever dying to tell everybody how great you are. All that does is lead to resentment. The word's 'quiet achiever' are not in the neocon Yank lexicon. Trump being a classic example.
Yeah yeah yeah, you tell us. Why shouldn't we feel good about ourselves? Don't you like feeling good about yourself? If not what is wrong with you? America is so fucking shitty millions are breaking in. Why?

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