Colin Kaepernick Calls For Abolition Of Police 'Roots In White Supremacy'

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
"Colin Kaepernick is calling for the end of America's current policing system ... saying Wednesday, "In order to eradicate anti-Blackness, we must also abolish the police."

The ex-NFL star spelled out his wishes for the country in a pointed essay ... claiming the current U.S. police system has "roots in white supremacy and anti-Blackness."

Kaepernick says based on his research ... he believes the "central intent" of cops is to "surveil, terrorize, capture, and kill marginalized populations, specifically Black folks."

And, Kaep says the only way to stop that is to tear down the entire system.

The 32-year-old says simpler solutions -- like police reforms -- just flat-out don't work.

"F**k reform," Kapernick said, adding, "reforms have done nothing to stop the actions that force us to #SayTheirNames."

Kaepernick is also urging the end of the country's prison system ... saying it, too, has roots based in racism."

Yea, right. And Kaepernick still thinks he can play NFL :abgg2q.jpg:. The guy has turned into a looney racist.
Leftists: "Condemn white supremacy!!"

Leftists "We stand with Antifa and kneel for BLM!"

Yup, it's time to deal with the insanity.
"Colin Kaepernick is calling for the end of America's current policing system ... saying Wednesday, "In order to eradicate anti-Blackness, we must also abolish the police."

The ex-NFL star spelled out his wishes for the country in a pointed essay ... claiming the current U.S. police system has "roots in white supremacy and anti-Blackness."

Kaepernick says based on his research ... he believes the "central intent" of cops is to "surveil, terrorize, capture, and kill marginalized populations, specifically Black folks."

And, Kaep says the only way to stop that is to tear down the entire system.

The 32-year-old says simpler solutions -- like police reforms -- just flat-out don't work.

"F**k reform," Kapernick said, adding, "reforms have done nothing to stop the actions that force us to #SayTheirNames."

Kaepernick is also urging the end of the country's prison system ... saying it, too, has roots based in racism."

Yea, right. And Kaepernick still thinks he can play NFL :abgg2q.jpg:. The guy has turned into a looney racist.

Holly crap, Kapernick use to be a NFL star?
"Colin Kaepernick is calling for the end of America's current policing system ... saying Wednesday, "In order to eradicate anti-Blackness, we must also abolish the police."

The ex-NFL star spelled out his wishes for the country in a pointed essay ... claiming the current U.S. police system has "roots in white supremacy and anti-Blackness."

Kaepernick says based on his research ... he believes the "central intent" of cops is to "surveil, terrorize, capture, and kill marginalized populations, specifically Black folks."

And, Kaep says the only way to stop that is to tear down the entire system.

The 32-year-old says simpler solutions -- like police reforms -- just flat-out don't work.

"F**k reform," Kapernick said, adding, "reforms have done nothing to stop the actions that force us to #SayTheirNames."

Kaepernick is also urging the end of the country's prison system ... saying it, too, has roots based in racism."

Yea, right. And Kaepernick still thinks he can play NFL :abgg2q.jpg:. The guy has turned into a looney racist.

Holly crap, Kapernick use to be a NFL star?

He social justiced his way right out of the NFL...but got entitled doing it.

Fckn clown needs to go away
"Colin Kaepernick is calling for the end of America's current policing system ... saying Wednesday, "In order to eradicate anti-Blackness, we must also abolish the police."

The ex-NFL star spelled out his wishes for the country in a pointed essay ... claiming the current U.S. police system has "roots in white supremacy and anti-Blackness."

Kaepernick says based on his research ... he believes the "central intent" of cops is to "surveil, terrorize, capture, and kill marginalized populations, specifically Black folks."

And, Kaep says the only way to stop that is to tear down the entire system.

The 32-year-old says simpler solutions -- like police reforms -- just flat-out don't work.

"F**k reform," Kapernick said, adding, "reforms have done nothing to stop the actions that force us to #SayTheirNames."

Kaepernick is also urging the end of the country's prison system ... saying it, too, has roots based in racism."

Yea, right. And Kaepernick still thinks he can play NFL :abgg2q.jpg:. The guy has turned into a looney racist.

Holly crap, Kapernick use to be a NFL star?

He social justiced his way right out of the NFL...but got entitled doing it.

Fckn clown needs to go away

My bad, thought OP meant a star NFL player.
"Colin Kaepernick is calling for the end of America's current policing system ... saying Wednesday, "In order to eradicate anti-Blackness, we must also abolish the police."

The ex-NFL star spelled out his wishes for the country in a pointed essay ... claiming the current U.S. police system has "roots in white supremacy and anti-Blackness."

Kaepernick says based on his research ... he believes the "central intent" of cops is to "surveil, terrorize, capture, and kill marginalized populations, specifically Black folks."

And, Kaep says the only way to stop that is to tear down the entire system.

The 32-year-old says simpler solutions -- like police reforms -- just flat-out don't work.

"F**k reform," Kapernick said, adding, "reforms have done nothing to stop the actions that force us to #SayTheirNames."

Kaepernick is also urging the end of the country's prison system ... saying it, too, has roots based in racism."

Yea, right. And Kaepernick still thinks he can play NFL :abgg2q.jpg:. The guy has turned into a looney racist.

Kapernick is a just another dumb racist Democrat.
BLM murders LEOs.
Why are most of these police incidence in Democrats states and cities?
Is Kap admitting that Democrats are racist?


Colin Kaepernick is a former mediocre QB for the San Francisco 49ers who became famous for wearing a big Afro and kneeling during the National Anthem before a game. He's become a symbol for the leftist views and lifestyle.
I think that the football star has made some interesting points.

Many people (including me) would probably support his proposals to abolish the police and prisons IF at the same time people were allowed to use any means necessary to defend themselves against robbers, sucker punchers, looters, rapists, and murderers. The victims could never be prosecuted, for there would be no courts, either.

I hope that the gentleman discusses this quid pro quo with President Biden and Vice President Harris.
It's time for war folks. It's time for war. We should understand this.
Fuck off, Kaperdick
Another Kaepernick Derangment Syndrome thread?

I suppose also you think Rittenhouse is a hero?

..another KDS thread.

Why doesn't it bother you that he plays a victim revolutionary while being paid $50 million dollars from a company with dubious labor practices with their factories in Vietnam and Pakistan?

Do any of you ever have any ability to answer that without sounding like a fucking hypocrite?
Fuck off, Kaperdick
Another Kaepernick Derangment Syndrome thread?

I suppose also you think Rittenhouse is a hero?

..another KDS thread.

Why doesn't it bother you that he plays a victim revolutionary while being paid $50 million dollars from a company with dubious labor practices with their factories in Vietnam and Pakistan?

Do any of you ever have any ability to answer that without sounding like a fucking hypocrite?
That has to do with shoe manufacture labor practices.
Absolutely zilch to do with kaepernick; subject for another thread.

Its not just nike, its puma and the others.
Fuck off, Kaperdick
Another Kaepernick Derangment Syndrome thread?

I suppose also you think Rittenhouse is a hero?

..another KDS thread.

Why doesn't it bother you that he plays a victim revolutionary while being paid $50 million dollars from a company with dubious labor practices with their factories in Vietnam and Pakistan?

Do any of you ever have any ability to answer that without sounding like a fucking hypocrite?
That has to do with shoe manufacture labor practices.
Absolutely zilch to do with kaepernick; subject for another thread.

Its not just nike, its puma and the others.
Don't care about ANOTHER THREAD. This thread is about commie Kaepernick making himself out to be a victim, and revolutionary as if he was ever put into a gulag of some kind.

He is a multi multi millionaire and yet he gets to proudly wear a castro shirt at a presser. No one demands an apology and yet a football coach has to beg for his job cause he had the unmitigated gall to wear an OANN shirt, cause OANN had the unmitigated gall to criticize blm.

So, avoid the subject. Pretend to actually care about blacks as your side uses them as cannon fodder for cultural marxists and their agenda to destabilize and destroy the free market.

You all have no idea the hell you are calling for. Don't worry, you will be experiencing it soon enough.

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