Colin Kaepernick: The United States Is The Worst Nation In The History Of The World

He’s a crybaby XXXX racist term removed and no one cares about this attention whore failure.
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Why does my "give a fuck" meter register absolute zero with what this dumb ass mother fucker has to say?


Any country that allows an Edited to become a multi millionaire simply because he can throw a pigskin is a pretty dumbass country. And then he sucks so bad nobody wants him anymore.

I encourage him to leave and don't let the fucking door hit him in the ass on the way out.
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Kooperdink is a failed NFL Quarterback who seized the opportunity to emerge as the next generation's Al Sharpton. It is as simple as that. Ignore everything he says, he is just the newest opportunistic Race baiter in a long line of Race baiters.
What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? This Fourth of July is yours, not mine…There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

– Frederick Douglass
Why does my "give a fuck" meter register absolute zero with what this dumb ass mother fucker has to say?


Any country that allows an edited to become a multi millionaire simply because he can throw a pigskin is a pretty dumbass country. And then he sucks so bad nobody wants him anymore.

I encourage him to leave and don't let the fucking door hit him in the ass on the way out.

He's one ugly fck
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I will admit that any nation in which some ingrate prick like Colin Kaepernick can thrive and reach a certain level of success, in his own back stabbing way, is a pretty effed up place.

The worst nation in the history of the world? That doesn't even deserve to be responded to.
It's the poisonous blather of a sick mind.
"The black community, he added, must remember slavery in the same way the Jews remember the Holocaust. “They believe in the saying ‘Never forget’ when it comes to the Holocaust, and I think we should be the same when it comes to slavery.”
-Prof. Marcus Rediker
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
Why does my "give a fuck" meter register absolute zero with what this dumb ass mother fucker has to say?


Any country that allows an edited to become a multi millionaire simply because he can throw a pigskin is a pretty dumbass country. And then he sucks so bad nobody wants him anymore.

I encourage him to leave and don't let the fucking door hit him in the ass on the way out.
Take him back to the black African slave traders who he alleges sold his defective ass and get a refund.
The receipt has to be here someplace...
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That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
Liberal Mantra is always 50-150 years ago. Nothing about the present because they live to be victims of the past
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
What about them? How would they know what horrors awaited the Black people in the US?
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
What about them? How would they know what horrors awaited the Black people in the US?
It was mostly a better life versus the rigors and dangers of jungle life.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
What about them? How would they know what horrors awaited the Black people in the US?
It was mostly a better life versus the rigors and dangers of jungle life.
Give it a rest white boy First Africa doesnt have a lot of jungle. Its mostly savannah, Secondly, life was by no means better. It was worse. Here in the US they were slaves. Surrounded by pale skin demons that forced them to change their names, religion, and speech. Nothing like in Africa where they more like indentured servants that were free after a period of time.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
What about them? How would they know what horrors awaited the Black people in the US?
It was mostly a better life versus the rigors and dangers of jungle life.
Give it a rest white boy First Africa doesnt have a lot of jungle. Its mostly savannah, Secondly, life was by no means better. It was worse. Here in the US they were slaves. Surrounded by pale skin demons that forced them to change their names, religion, and speech. Nothing like in Africa where they more like indentured servants that were free after a period of time.

Yeah but you weren't so sit down

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