Colin Kaepernick: The United States Is The Worst Nation In The History Of The World

That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
We all know that he is being paid to say that. Because, if he is serious. With all of that money that he has made. if he didn't like this country. He will do like the rest of the millionaires had done. And that is to move to another country. He was adopted. And so he will not be leaving behind any family.

The world's millionaires are more mobile than ever. Here are the top 12 countries they're moving to

Mobile millionaires: Where the world's wealthiest are moving

That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
What about them? How would they know what horrors awaited the Black people in the US?
It was mostly a better life versus the rigors and dangers of jungle life.
Give it a rest white boy First Africa doesnt have a lot of jungle. Its mostly savannah, Secondly, life was by no means better. It was worse. Here in the US they were slaves. Surrounded by pale skin demons that forced them to change their names, religion, and speech. Nothing like in Africa where they more like indentured servants that were free after a period of time.
Well, except for the ones who were sold into slavery by their fellow Africans.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

So is Germany an "evil" country because of what the Nazis did 60 plus years ago? Is Japan an "evil" country because of what they did during WWII? Is Russia "evil" because of what Stalin did? Colin obviously isn't much of a student of history...he sees things through a prism of racism that won't allow him at admit that the United States has made rather incredible progress on race relations over the past one hundred years. Is there still racism in existence? Well obviously there is! Mankind is tribal. They've always looked on those who appear to be different from them with suspicion. We've had a black President of the United States! Elected twice by large margins! How is that even remotely possible if Americans are really the racist monsters that Colin Kaepernick believes they are? It's a stupid premise.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

So is Germany an "evil" country because of what the Nazis did 60 plus years ago? Is Japan an "evil" country because of what they did during WWII? Is Russia "evil" because of what Stalin did? Colin obviously isn't much of a student of history...he sees things through a prism of racism that won't allow him at admit that the United States has made rather incredible progress on race relations over the past one hundred years. Is there still racism in existence? Well obviously there is! Mankind is tribal. They've always looked on those who appear to be different from them with suspicion. We've had a black President of the United States! Elected twice by large margins! How is that even remotely possible if Americans are really the racist monsters that Colin Kaepernick believes they are? It's a stupid premise.

There is nothing worse than an uneducated ill informed attention whore like Kaeperdick
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
What about them? How would they know what horrors awaited the Black people in the US?
It was mostly a better life versus the rigors and dangers of jungle life.
Give it a rest white boy First Africa doesnt have a lot of jungle. Its mostly savannah, Secondly, life was by no means better. It was worse. Here in the US they were slaves. Surrounded by pale skin demons that forced them to change their names, religion, and speech. Nothing like in Africa where they more like indentured servants that were free after a period of time.
You read too much Uncle Toms Cabin, a work of fiction. You called me white boy, are you a government dependent colored boy?
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
Assuming this is all accurate:
Kaepernick is only voicing what all white liberals do not have the guts to admit they least give him a nod for his honesty about how he feels...and nike needs to be driven out of business for their blatant racism.
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You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
What about them? How would they know what horrors awaited the Black people in the US?
It was mostly a better life versus the rigors and dangers of jungle life.
Give it a rest white boy First Africa doesnt have a lot of jungle. Its mostly savannah, Secondly, life was by no means better. It was worse. Here in the US they were slaves. Surrounded by pale skin demons that forced them to change their names, religion, and speech. Nothing like in Africa where they more like indentured servants that were free after a period of time.
Well, except for the ones who were sold into slavery by their fellow Africans.
The sales area were along the coast. Mostly jungle there and don’t know why the dipshit was talking about savannahs.
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
What about them? How would they know what horrors awaited the Black people in the US?
It was mostly a better life versus the rigors and dangers of jungle life.
Give it a rest white boy First Africa doesnt have a lot of jungle. Its mostly savannah, Secondly, life was by no means better. It was worse. Here in the US they were slaves. Surrounded by pale skin demons that forced them to change their names, religion, and speech. Nothing like in Africa where they more like indentured servants that were free after a period of time.
You read too much Uncle Toms Cabin, a work of fiction. You called me white boy, are you a government dependent colored boy?

He's waiting on gubmit reparations...that's never forth coming
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

What did we do to blacks? :eek:
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

So is Germany an "evil" country because of what the Nazis did 60 plus years ago? Is Japan an "evil" country because of what they did during WWII? Is Russia "evil" because of what Stalin did? Colin obviously isn't much of a student of history...he sees things through a prism of racism that won't allow him at admit that the United States has made rather incredible progress on race relations over the past one hundred years. Is there still racism in existence? Well obviously there is! Mankind is tribal. They've always looked on those who appear to be different from them with suspicion. We've had a black President of the United States! Elected twice by large margins! How is that even remotely possible if Americans are really the racist monsters that Colin Kaepernick believes they are? It's a stupid premise.
Why do white people always try to change the topic? He was talking specifically about the US. He doesnt live in any of those countries you mentioned. In his and my view the US is the worst of all countries specifically because the extended horrors and multi generational span of time doing them while at the same time proclaiming to be this beacon of light where everyone is created equal. Youd have to be a fucking idiot to actually believe that brainwashing bullshit.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

So is Germany an "evil" country because of what the Nazis did 60 plus years ago? Is Japan an "evil" country because of what they did during WWII? Is Russia "evil" because of what Stalin did? Colin obviously isn't much of a student of history...he sees things through a prism of racism that won't allow him at admit that the United States has made rather incredible progress on race relations over the past one hundred years. Is there still racism in existence? Well obviously there is! Mankind is tribal. They've always looked on those who appear to be different from them with suspicion. We've had a black President of the United States! Elected twice by large margins! How is that even remotely possible if Americans are really the racist monsters that Colin Kaepernick believes they are? It's a stupid premise.
Why do white people always try to change the topic? He was talking specifically about the US. He doesnt live in any of those countries you mentioned. In his and my view the US is the worst of all countries specifically because the extended horrors and multi generational span of time doing them while at the same time proclaiming to be this beacon of light where everyone is created equal. Youd have to be a fucking idiot to actually believe that brainwashing bullshit.

So get out, black boy. Nobody is stopping you. In fact many would help you leave. You're a big part of the problem
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
And what about the African blacks who sold them?
What about them? How would they know what horrors awaited the Black people in the US?
They had a better life in America, even then, than they had in Africa.

If they couldn't have been SOLD by your black slave masters, they would have been killed by the primitive tribe that captured them
Why does my "give a fuck" meter register absolute zero with what this dumb ass mother fucker has to say?


Any country that allows an edited to become a multi millionaire simply because he can throw a pigskin is a pretty dumbass country. And then he sucks so bad nobody wants him anymore.

I encourage him to leave and don't let the fucking door hit him in the ass on the way out.

He's one ugly fck
Wouldn't you like to see him held down and that bush on his head shaved down to skin?
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Fewer than 350,000 enslaved people were imported into the Thirteen Colonies and the U.S., constituting less than 5% of the twelve million enslaved people brought from Africa to the Americas. The great majority of enslaved Africans were transported to sugar colonies in the Caribbean and to Brazil.

Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia

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