Colin Kapernick

he IS a jackass dumbshit
..he eats/shits/sleeps/dreams RACE RACE RACE--like a lot of blacks do--so much it warps their minds
...Victimhood is in his/their genes
I don't think he's necessarily being a "dumbass" , he's just generating some heat with the fans. Try to gin up some interest in his career, from both Americans who will want to see him get his comeuppance as well as young, stupid people who think that this bullshit is "cutting edge"
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Who the fuck cares what that unemployed POS has to say about anything?
Send him to Ethiopia or Somalia with Omar and Talib and never allow them to come back.

Plagues of Locusts invade Ethiopia and Threaten Sudan.

UN warns of east Africa locust invasion

After Soleimani death, Colin Kaepernick decries US 'terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people'
Man. I hate this lump of shit. Poster child for Democrats. Oh man...oh man...this fucker pisses on the graves of every American who died in combat. Fuck him and his crack head black sucking for a rock mom. Colin Kapernicks mom was “pimped” by a black guy. She was a drug addict. He respects the pimp that turned his momma out more thane his own country. Fuck him.
After Soleimani death, Colin Kaepernick decries US 'terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people'
Man. I hate this lump of shit. Poster child for Democrats. Oh man...oh man...this fucker pisses on the graves of every American who died in combat. Fuck him and his crack head black sucking for a rock mom.
I am no fan of the take-a-knee-jerk either.
I bet his adoptive parents are just stunned at how he turned out after all they gave him.
After Soleimani death, Colin Kaepernick decries US 'terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people'
Man. I hate this lump of shit. Poster child for Democrats. Oh man...oh man...this fucker pisses on the graves of every American who died in combat. Fuck him and his crack head black sucking for a rock mom.
I am no fan of the take-a-knee-jerk either.
I bet his adoptive parents are just stunned at how he turned out after all they gave him.
He is an ungrateful piece of shit. But this started when he left the roof for college.
OMG, stop posting what that unemployed POS has to say.
Who the fuck cares what that unemployed POS has to say about anything?
he will be on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBS, ABC, NBC, and BBC because of his comments which will be held in high regard as if he is someone of mentioning.
LMAO.. I love how the die hard republicans turn into snow flakes just as soon as a black democrat says something.
My team sucks so bad I actually hope we pick this guy up. He could fuck my dead grandmother on the field. I'd still blow him if we made the playoffs.

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