Colin Kapernick

Kapernick is either a clever self-promoting race baiter or profoundly ignorant. Or both.
Bush92 also thinks M. Night Shamaylan should have received an Oscar for The Village.
He couldn't be more of an idiot.


But remember that its just an act, something that he came up with as his skills on the football field started to decline with age- as they do with all players sooner or later.

I don't take it personally, he just fighting for his continued relevancy after hitting his peak at a young age.
After Soleimani death, Colin Kaepernick decries US 'terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people'
Man. I hate this lump of shit. Poster child for Democrats. Oh man...oh man...this fucker pisses on the graves of every American who died in combat. Fuck him and his crack head black sucking for a rock mom. Colin Kapernicks mom was “pimped” by a black guy. She was a drug addict. He respects the pimp that turned his momma out more then his own country. Fuck him.
Like I've posted before, he's positioning himself to take the torch from Al Sharpton as the next America hating "Black leader".
Remember that dude in Cleveland who kept women chained in his basement for decades?

Remember that dude who would murder teenagers, and bury them under his house?

Remember that dude who would murder his "lovers" then eat them later?

That dude who took a knee during a song was a way bigger piece of shit.
Colon what? What's a "Kaepernick"?

Is that some kind of Polish or Czech food? Sounds icky.
Interestingly enough the root word for Iran is the same as know, white people!
The swastika is an Aryan symbol. They aren't a bunch of Norwegians or Danes but Iran is about the most white nation in the Middle East as far as Muslim nations go.
After Soleimani death, Colin Kaepernick decries US 'terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people'
Man. I hate this lump of shit. Poster child for Democrats. Oh man...oh man...this fucker pisses on the graves of every American who died in combat. Fuck him and his crack head black sucking for a rock mom.

Good. Whenever something makes Cult45 angry, it's a win for humanity.
You people aren't human. So far you've murdered over 60 million babies.
Interestingly enough the root word for Iran is the same as know, white people!
The swastika is an Aryan symbol. They aren't a bunch of Norwegians or Danes but Iran is about the most white nation in the Middle East as far as Muslim nations go.
Kapernick is the root word for ungrateful traitor piece of shit.

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