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Colin Powell Warned President George W. Bush

Colin Powell is an honorable man who got tangled up in possibly the worst presidential deception in modern history. That should end the debate about who owns Iraq.
There was never any 'debate' to begin with – it's a settled and accepted fact that GWB will forever be responsible for Iraq and Afghanistan and their respective outcomes, regardless the current administration.

And Powell was far from alone warning Bush about Iraq, this isn't a matter of hindsight being 20/20; GWB ignored those who counseled against an unwarranted, illegal invasion of Iraq, and Bush is the sole owner of its failure consequently.

Only in the eyes of complete partisan hacks.

Over and over again those hacks come here and blame Bush's actions on Bush, Obama's actions on Bush, congress' actions on Bush and Clinton's actions on Bush. It is absolutely nuts. When, pray tell, will you and the rest of the believers here EVER hold Obama accountable for the actions that he has taken?
True. I actually felt sorry for him.

was that before or after you laughed at the guy?....

I have always had great respect for Colin Powell. The reluctant warrior who did as he was ordered. Like many of us, he was also deceived. It must have been terrible for a great man like him trying to make sense of it all. Bush rewarded his loyal and patriotic service by firing him from Secretary of State.

who did as he was ordered.

so did Bush.....

he was also deceived.

not what many of your good buddies here were saying at the time....

Bush rewarded his loyal and patriotic service by firing him from Secretary of State

i never could figure out how a guy with his Military background was Sec.of State while Rumsfuck was the Sec. of Def.....
Colin Powell is an honorable man who got tangled up in possibly the worst presidential deception in modern history. That should end the debate about who owns Iraq.
There was never any 'debate' to begin with – it's a settled and accepted fact that GWB will forever be responsible for Iraq and Afghanistan and their respective outcomes, regardless the current administration.

And Powell was far from alone warning Bush about Iraq, this isn't a matter of hindsight being 20/20; GWB ignored those who counseled against an unwarranted, illegal invasion of Iraq, and Bush is the sole owner of its failure consequently.

Absolutely. There is no debate among honorable people as to who owns Iraq.

Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

Mushroom clouds, duct tape, Judy Miller, Curveball. Recalling how Americans were sold a bogus case for invasion.

AT A CONGRESSIONAL hearing examining the march to war in Iraq, Republican congressman Walter Jones posed "a very simple question" about the administration's manipulation of intelligence: "How could the professionals see what was happening and nobody speak out?"

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff, responded with an equally simple answer: "The vice president."

But the blame for Iraq does not end with Cheney, Bush, or Rumsfeld. Nor is it limited to the intelligence operatives who sat silent as the administration cherry-picked its case for war, or with those, like Colin Powell or Hans Blix, who, in the name of loyalty or statesmanship, did not give full throat to their misgivings. It is also shared by far too many in the Fourth Estate, most notably the New York Times' Judith Miller. But let us not forget that it lies, inescapably, with we the American people, who, in our fear and rage over the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001, allowed ourselves to be suckered into the most audacious bait and switch of all time.

Much More: Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

Americans were blinded by fear and patriotism - and we got suckered.
That should end the debate about who owns Iraq.

We had brought Iraq to a stable level that was no longer broken. Don't you rmember O saying "we're leaving behind a stable sovereign Iraq?"

Of course you don't.

Obama then took the STABLE situation and broke it.

But by all means keep showing your total lack of sophistication on the topic.

Iraq was at a "stable level" while Saddam ruled it. He was a terrible dictator, but that's none of our business. Nothing that GW or Obama has done has improved the situation. Let the Iraqi people deal with their own dirt.

No it wasn't. I've explained it in about 20 other Iraq threads.
True. I actually felt sorry for him.

was that before or after you laughed at the guy?....

I have always had great respect for Colin Powell. The reluctant warrior who did as he was ordered. Like many of us, he was also deceived. It must have been terrible for a great man like him trying to make sense of it all. Bush rewarded his loyal and patriotic service by firing him from Secretary of State.

News flash. You assume Powell had the same level of intel Cheney and Bush had. What people don't realize is almost all of the cabinet gets compartmentalized. Especially the Sec of State. State Dept is cut out of a lot.

When I worked in the Pentagon, I would get messages from the White House that would say "for CJCS only." All the other 4 stars could not see that info.

There's a lot of selective access so stop acting like Powell would know everything.
Btw, I like Powell but don't agree with him on several things.

Colin Powell is an honorable man who got tangled up in possibly the worst presidential deception in modern history. That should end the debate about who owns Iraq.
Colin Powell did not get "tangled up" in the deception that facilitated the Iraq invasion. He directly, calculatedly, and deliberately enabled it. Because without his absolutely fraudulent presentation before a trusting Nation there was no chance the Congress would have authorized such a predictably damaging and costly fiasco.

As Chairman of The Joint Chiefs, Colin Powell presided over Operation Desert Storm, which effected the destruction of Iraq's defenses. No one knew better than he what Saddam Hussein's remaining military capabilities were. No one was in a better position than he to know there were no so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Yet, like the scurrilous, self-serving, obedient house ****** he was, he acceded to his master's wishes by betraying the public who revered him -- and he knowingly sent thousands of the troops who trusted and respected him to die or be maimed.

Colin Powell deserves to be stripped of every honor bestowed on him, then tied to a stake and shot for his crime.

Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are criminals. Colin Powell is a disgrace.
In fairness, I don't remember Democrats being as hard on Powell as they could have been. He seems pretty well liked on both sides of the aisle.
That is the effect of historical levels of public ignorance and official corruption.

This Nation exists in a state of mass hypnosis. And if Marshal MacLuhan, author of The Medium Is The Message is correct, television is mainly responsible for it.

Colin Powell is clearly a self-serving, unconscionable scoundrel who deserves to be hanged or shot. There is no excuse for what he did.
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Following 9/11, most Americans stood firmly united behind our president (including me). Little did we know then what a pile of shit we were standing behind.
That is because most Americans are either ignorant, stupid, brainwashed, or all three. And that is not smart-ass commentary. It is a sad and plainly obvious fact.
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Clinton: Iraq has abused its last chance

President Clinton addressed the nation from the Oval Office

Clinton spells out Iraq's non-compliance
•Iraq repeatedly blocked UNSCOM from inspecting suspect sites.

•Iraq repeatedly restricted UNSCOM's ability to obtain necessary evidence.

•Iraq tried to stop an UNSCOM biological weapons team from videotaping a site and photocopying documents and prevented Iraqi personnel from answering UNSCOM's questions.

•Iraq has failed to turn over virtually all documents requested by the inspectors.

US Forces:

There are 15 U.S. warships and 97 U.S. aircraft in the Persian Gulf region, including about 70 aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise. More than 12,000 sailors and Marines are in the region.

U.S. sources said eight of the warships, equipped with cruise missiles, have been moved into the northern part of the Gulf, within easy striking distance of Baghdad. More troops and jets have been ordered to the region.

More than 300 cruise missiles are available for use against Iraq, and there are air-launched cruise missiles aboard 14 B-52 bombers on the British island of Diego Garcia, sources said.

Britain has 22 strike aircraft in the region.

Pentagon unveils details of Operation Desert Fox
Transcript:Text of Blair's remarks on Iraq attack
Transcript: President Clinton explains Iraq strike


Clinton statement from the Oval Office on attack against Iraq

December 16, 1998
Web posted at: 8:51 p.m. EST (0151 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- From the Oval Office, President Clinton told the nation Wednesday evening why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.

The president said Iraq's refusal to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors presented a threat to the entire world.

"Saddam (Hussein) must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons," Clinton said.

Operation Desert Fox, a strong, sustained series of attacks, will be carried out over several days by U.S. and British forces, Clinton said.

"Earlier today I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces," Clinton said.

"Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors," said Clinton.

Clinton also stated that, while other countries also had weapons of mass destruction, Hussein is in a different category because he has used such weapons against his own people and against his neighbors.

'Without delay, diplomacy or warning'

The Iraqi leader was given a final warning six weeks ago, Clinton said, when Baghdad promised to cooperate with U.N. inspectors at the last minute just as U.S. warplanes were headed its way.

"Along with Prime Minister (Tony) Blair of Great Britain, I made it equally clear that if Saddam failed to cooperate fully we would be prepared to act without delay, diplomacy or warning," Clinton said.

ALL of it here:
CNN - Clinton: Iraq has abused its last chance - December 16, 1998
What Clinton didn't reveal is the fact that if Iran knew just how defenseless Iraq actually was Iran would have invaded. Hussein's tough talk was for Iran's benefit -- not ours.
Colin Powell is an honorable man who got tangled up in possibly the worst presidential deception in modern history. That should end the debate about who owns Iraq.
There was never any 'debate' to begin with – it's a settled and accepted fact that GWB will forever be responsible for Iraq and Afghanistan and their respective outcomes, regardless the current administration.

And Powell was far from alone warning Bush about Iraq, this isn't a matter of hindsight being 20/20; GWB ignored those who counseled against an unwarranted, illegal invasion of Iraq, and Bush is the sole owner of its failure consequently.

Have you forgotten this performance?
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Following 9/11, most Americans stood firmly united behind our president (including me). Little did we know then what a pile of shit we were standing behind.
That is because most Americans are either ignorant, stupid, brainwashed, or all three. And that is not smart-ass commentary. It is a sad fact and plainly obvious fact.

so you were one of the 10% who was not behind him i take it?.....
was that before or after you laughed at the guy?....

I have always had great respect for Colin Powell. The reluctant warrior who did as he was ordered. Like many of us, he was also deceived. It must have been terrible for a great man like him trying to make sense of it all. Bush rewarded his loyal and patriotic service by firing him from Secretary of State.

News flash. You assume Powell had the same level of intel Cheney and Bush had. What people don't realize is almost all of the cabinet gets compartmentalized. Especially the Sec of State. State Dept is cut out of a lot.

When I worked in the Pentagon, I would get messages from the White House that would say "for CJCS only." All the other 4 stars could not see that info.

There's a lot of selective access so stop acting like Powell would know everything.
Btw, I like Powell but don't agree with him on several things.
Colin Powell was Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff. He orchestrated Operation Desert Storm. Who would have access to more intelligence about Iraq's military capabilities than he?

Have you ever wondered why Hussein and his general staff didn't use their supposed WMDs when we were destroying the Iraqi Army during Desert Storm -- or when we were invading their nation? And do you really believe Colin Powell didn't know everything he said during his televised WMD presentation was contrived nonsense?
Following 9/11, most Americans stood firmly united behind our president (including me). Little did we know then what a pile of shit we were standing behind.
That is because most Americans are either ignorant, stupid, brainwashed, or all three. And that is not smart-ass commentary. It is a sad fact and plainly obvious fact.

so you were one of the 10% who was not behind him i take it?.....
If it were otherwise I'd be ashamed to admit it.


Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Powell should be forced to watch the videos below over and over. They are solely responsible for what has happened in Iraq. This isn’t Obama’s fault. It’s the fault of the neo-cons that wasted $1.5 trillion of our wealth, killed or maimed 50,000 American soldiers, murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, and have unleashed religious wars across the Middle East. The military industrial complex thanks them heartily. Colin Powell said this to President Bush before the Iraq invasion:

“You are going to be the proud owner of 25 million people. You will own all their hopes, aspirations, and problems. You’ll own it all.”

The dark lord – Dick Cheney – will be wheeled onto the set of neo-con warmonger Sean Hannity to blame Obama and his weakness for this disaster. The neo-cons will circle the wagons to deflect blame for the worst decision in modern US history. Oil prices were $25 per barrel on the day we invaded Iraq under false neo-con pretenses. Today it is $107 per barrel. That was only 11 years ago. The amount of blood on the hands of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of the neo-con warmongers is too large to calculate. Do you think the Iraqi people have any hopes or aspirations left?


Colin Powell is an honorable man who got tangled up in possibly the worst presidential deception in modern history. That should end the debate about who owns Iraq.

The RW hates this truth and will do everything to deflect from it.

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